They had been at the hospital for a good 8 hours now. Ziva had been given a room and a bed and she had been having contractions for most of the past 8 hours, if she wasn't she was trying to nap. And Tony has been by her side for the almost the whole time. The only time he hadn't been was when he went to the toilet and when he went to talk to Gibbs and McGee 7 hours ago.

3 more hours of Ziva's contractions becoming closer together and stronger and her nurse had announced that her cervix was dilated to ten centimeters and she was ready to give birth. The doctor came in and Ziva's feet were propped up to the sides. Tony was at her side holding her hand and one hand softly rubbed her back.

"Ok Ziva are you ready to push? Just take a deep breath" the doctor said and Ziva did just that and took in a deep breath followed by a big push.

"Oh my god Tony I'm never doing this again" Ziva exclaimed after the first push. He wasn't sure if she was serious or not but she sure as hell looked dead serious.

"Come on you can do this Ziva" he whispered to her for encouragement.

"Tony next time your going to be the one doing this" she said and took another deep breath followed by another push.

"That's right Ziva, I can see the head coming through" the doctor said and Tony was the one squeezing Ziva's hand harder he was that excited.

"Keep going sweetheart" he said, he couldn't wait to be a dad. Ziva did another push and the babies head came all the way through. The doctor checked the umbilical cord wasn't around the baby's neck and turned the shoulders before she told Ziva to push again. Two more pushes and the baby came out.

"Congratulations it's a baby boy" the doctor said and then Tony was the one to do the honors and cut the umbilical cord. When Ziva was handed the baby she was smiling down at her son with the most love Tony had ever seen in her eyes before and he watched right next to them with his arm around Ziva while a silent tear rolled down his cheek, this was by far the best moment in his life.

Ziva took her eyes away from their son and looked up at him.

"Tony are you crying?" she asked, amazed by the fact he was.

"Yeah" he chuckled. Then few tears slipped from herself at the beauty of the moment between her and Tony at the arrival of their son.

"I love you so much Tony" she whispered and he leant down and kissed her gently.

"I love you so so much Ziva, you and Squirt" he replied and he smiled down at the two loves of his life. One his lover and partner and the second was his son. He was a father and he would always remember this day. For a while the two of them sat there on her bed looking down at their beautiful son who had dark hair covering his head with beautiful little green eyes.

"So what are your thoughts on names? I know we talked a bit but what do you think suits him?" he asked her after a while. She brought her finger up and traced their babies little cheek lightly.

"I liked the one you picked the other day when we were in bed that morning and you just randomly said it" she smiled at the memory.

"Logan?" he asked and she turned to him and smiled.

"Yeah I like that, it suits him" she said and Tony looked down at his son.

"It does" he agreed.

"What about a middle name? Maybe something Hebrew?" Tony then asked. He watched as Ziva thought.

"How about Logan Asher?" she asked.

"I like it, what does it mean?"

"Blessed" she replied and they both looked down at their little blessing.

"Logan Asher DiNozzo" Ziva said quietly and Tony looked at her but she was looking down at Logan like she hadn't said anything.

"Ziva?" he asked.

"Yeah?" she said and turned her face towards him.

"You want him to have my last name?" Tony asked.

"Yes" she nodded and he was overjoyed, he couldn't really believe she wanted him to have his name. He leant down and kissed her gently.

When Logan was taken away a little later to get properly cleaned up and checked over Ziva rested and Tony went out to see the others. McGee and Abby who were here previously had disappeared and Gibbs was the only one left sitting in the hospital chair.

"Hey boss" Tony greeted and Gibbs smiled up at the younger man who looked like a bus had hit him.

"Hard night?" Gibbs asked.

"Yeah a bit, not as bad as Ziva though" he smiled back.

"I remember" Gibbs smiled to himself.

"Yeah well good news, he's a healthy little boy, he's so cute boss you've gotta see his tiny little hands and nose and just tiny everything" Tony smiled in the memory of his new born son. Gibbs smiled at Tony.

"Have you given him a name yet?" Gibbs asked.

"Yeah, Logan Asher DiNozzo" Tony smiled more at the name, he loved the whole thing. Gibbs wasn't sure what last name they were going to use but he knew now. He did have a feeling that Ziva didn't want her child to hold the name of her family and would rather that of her lovers.

"Asher, that means blessed if I remember right?" Gibbs said and Tony was surprised his boss somehow knew what it meant.

"Yeah it does" Tony replied. Gibbs stood up and Tony copied his movements. He then held out his hand to the younger man shook it.

"Congratulations Tony, I'm proud of you, your going to be a great father" Gibbs stated and Tony tried to hold it back but one tear slipped.

"Thanks boss, it means a lot" Tony smiled; he never thought he would hear someone tell him that before, not the man he saw as a father either.

Gibbs had gone out to get coffee and Tony had gone back to the room. When he walked in a nurse was talking to Ziva and when he came in she left and gave him a smile. Tony walked over and sat on the bed next to Ziva facing her. He saw the look on her face, she had tears in her eyes and she was crying. He worried that something was wrong with Logan. He put his hand under her chin and lifted it so she looked at him.

"Zi what's wrong?" he asked quietly and she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close as she could.

"The nurse gave me the paternal test results" Ziva murmured into his ear. He froze, did the fact she was crying meant he wasn't the father? He pulled back slightly to look at her.

"Zi?" he asked. She leant her forehead against his.

"He's yours Tony" she smiled through her tears and the words that slipped from her mouth made him the happiest man alive. He kissed her and he cried.

Later on Logan was returned to their room and the nurse had shown Ziva how to breastfeed. Tony had given them their privacy for that and gone to get some coffee. Not long after he returned Gibbs, Abby and McGee had come in to see them. Each of them received the Abby hug of the year and he a handshake from McGee and she a hug. Abby had exclaimed how adorable Logan was, she said he looked just like she had imagined them having babies and they had all laughed at that

Abby had also named herself Aunty Abby and McGee Uncle Tim. Tony and Ziva both liked the sound of that. They had both had a hold of the little infant. Abby had cooed to the baby and pulled little faces whereas McGee was worried he was going to drop him, which he didn't. When Abby and McGee had left Gibbs gave Ziva a fatherly hug and a kiss to the forehead before he had a hold of his grandson.

He was one of the grandfathers for this child, the one that was always there for Logan's parents. Tony had watched him hold the baby with expert practice. He could see in Gibbs' eyes that this was a moment where the tough unbreakable agent Gibbs was weakened and in a total state of joy and happiness. Tony like that look on his face, it showed a side of his boss he barely saw.

When Gibbs had left Tony had held his son, his biological and actual son in his arms as he sat next to his the love of his life. He really didn't think life could get any better for him, he had a home with his partner and lover, he had great family and friends to support him and he now had a son to share that all with. He was going to treat his son with all the care in the world, he would spoil him and take him to sports, and he will do anything for him and for Ziva.

Because he doesn't own his heart anymore, the two of them do.

I know this last one was shorter but it's how I wanted this last chapter to finish off. I do think I may do a sequel to this however as I like this and there is still so many things that can be explored. I hope you enjoyed this and I may be back into this for a sequel sometime so look out :)

All the reviews and alerts and even if you just read the story I thank you for supporting my writing.
