Disclaimer: All characters and world are property of Nintendo, I don't own any of this. Just wanted to write a Team Rocket adventure, which are sadly very rare. A lot of OC adventures, but only like four with Team Rocket… and sadly all abandoned so far.

Summary: What if Jessie and Meowth never made it out of St Anne alive, causing James life to change forever? "Mom, Dad… I will agree to marry Jessebelle, but in exchange you will help me become a Pokémon Master." AU

AN: Like I mentioned before, English is not my first language. I'm planning on getting a beta to check upon my story as soon as I have posted five chapters at the very least.

Chapter 3:

James was not feeling well, what used to be a pleasant dream suddenly revolted into a nightmare. Nothing but water from every direction, and his body left standing on a piece of land big enough for just him. The waves had declared their power and anger, as they had eaten most of the island by now, only retreating to join with more bodies of water.

They were now coming back even bigger and stronger, with the top most of them turning into something quite close to a pointy knife, which ironically calmed James somewhat. He had done his best to survive in this place, running around the island on what felt like hours while it was rapidly eaten by the monstrous sea, but he had now accepted his fate. Closing his eyes as his remaining action of defiance, he stood still as the waves were just about to butcher him.


The oddest noise was suddenly heard, as it took control of the sea by turning it into what seem like a giant tongue. James didn't had time to think on what just happened, as the water finally submerged and pushed him away— waking him up.

"Growlie?" He opened his eyes, only to be welcomed by an orange and cream-colored canine with black stripes along its back and legs. Another bark was enough for him to be proven right, as the canine Pokémon proceed once again to lick all over his face. "Stop it, Growlie!" He tried to use a strong voice, but the smile on his face instantly revealed that he was not mad at all—the reason why the Growlithe began to lick him even more.

"Thank you for waking James for us, Growlie, you can leave now."

"Mom, Dad!" James responded, as he finally noticed the presence of his parents, standing at the middle of the room with mostly maids by each other's side.

"No hello to your grandparents, brat," Pop-Pop declared, as he let himself be known.

"Pop-Pop, Nanny?" James questioned himself again, as he noticed his grandparents by his father's side. He was feeling a little confused after seeing his parents, but now it was getting worse. His family was standing right in front of him, but more than that— his father and grandfather where here? Together? No fights in between? He must be dreaming right now. "Where am I, why are you here?" He was probably correct, but his dizziness made him ask the obvious anyway.

"Has it really been so long that you don't even recognize your old bedroom?" Jimmy asked with a small chuckle.

'My bedroom?' James asked to himself, as he finally took his time to look around. It has been many years since he last put his foot on this place, but he could still easily confirmed it. He was indeed on his old bedroom… the one from the main mansion if going by the coloring and designs from the curtains and sheets. His bedroom has not changed at all.

This only took a couple of seconds to assimilate, but now it was time to ask the obvious. "How—"

"You were found near the coasts of the Green Peninsula," his mother interrupted him, "that's a few kilometers away from Celadon City." She finished with a calm smile.

"The Green Peninsula?" He questioned himself once again, as he didn't remember ever been there. The only thing he knew about such place is that the Peninsula's name was literally given. Name after its lush forest, and huge amount of grass-type Pokémon. Thus, there was really no wonder why the Gym, in the close by Celadon City, was specialized in grass. "I have never been there before, how could I possibly—how did you find me up there?" He changed the question half way through, as he was still confused of the current situation. With the last thing he remembered, he was still at Vermillion City. "This doesn't make any sense—"

"The doctor had warned us of this; that you might had possibly woken up still disoriented and not remembering of what happened." Nanny interrupted with a worried look in her eyes. "We should let him rest for now, like he told us to do," she continued as she was already regretting the decision of disobeying the doctor by waking her grandson ahead of planned. Thus the reason why the doctor was currently missing, as he was not expecting his patient to wake up no sooner than tomorrow.

Margaret responded with a nod, as she couldn't agree anymore with Nanny's words. She knew that all of them had done the wrong thing by waking James before planned, but it had been so many days. Too many days of lost hope and thinking that her son might have died that they couldn't wait any longer. They—no, she needed to see her sons' green eyes once again. "You're right, Nanny," she let her opinion be known, as she began to cover-up her son with the blue and yellow sheets once again.

"Wait a second, I still need to clear up all of this."

"Don't worry, Hunny, all of your questions will be answered by tomorrow. Just rest for now." Margaret tried to persuade while giving him a kiss on his forehead, but only to welcomed by a small frown instead.

This was such a typical move from his parents, always treating him like he was still three years old. Thus, one of the reasons he left that night several years ago. He was already developing a huge migraine with the pile of unanswered questions, James needed answers, and he needed them now before his head manages to explode by its own.

"James is right, I know that doctor told us that he should rest, but I think different—"


"If there is anything that life has thought me is that sooner is better than later, this is no exception," he explained as his voice suddenly changed to a serious tone, making it clear that no-one was going to interfere with his decision. "We already woke him up before planned... we cannot change our thoughts now. My son will be told the truth, and I will bear with the consequences. That's the minimum that I can do after quitting out so easily," he finished, as his serious tone changed to sadness by the end. His heart has fallen into guilt.

Something that James couldn't avoid noticing, and he was actually getting worried now. His father been serious was enough of a reason to be worried. He had seeing it a bunch of times at the company, but with the family... he couldn't even remember it. Now having to add the guilty expression of his face... it was just to much to bare. That was nothing compared to what followed next.

After looking at his sons' eyes, Jimmy couldn't stop himself from releasing a sigh at that moment. He already knew what his son was thinking, but there were more pressing matters to explain beyond his sudden change of attitude. It was worrisome, but with another inhale of fresh air he calmed himself somewhat from what he was going to say next. Walking closer towards his son, and sitting on the bed to get to his sons' eye level, he finally managed to let it all out. "You were part of a terrible accident James, you where inside of an infamous cruise-line before it got sunk in the middle of the sea."

Margaret gave her husband a disapproving look before joining in on the explanation. "You were soon declared missing at sea, but we didn't stop looking for you after learning of the news. We—"

James was getting more confused than ever with every new explanation given. Nothing that his parents just told him made sense with the last memory he had. "But that is impossible, the last thing I remember was been at the Vermilion harbor, with Jessie and Meowth... giving away tickets for the—" and suddenly like a thorn touching an inflated balloon, all memories of the shipwreck came back to him. "Jessie and Meowth, where are they?"

"I'm sorry, son."

"They didn't make it."

James instantly looked down to the sheets, releasing a tense auroa around him that grew stronger by every passing millisecond. "Why are you doing this to me?" He finally looked up once again, but supported by a devilish look in his eyes. "Is this because I didn't agree to your arrange marriage with Jessebelle? Is this your new way of giving me away to her... and her father's company? Am I such a disappointment!" With each passing statement his voice got angrier and higher.

"We didn't—"

"No, of course not!"

I devil laugh was released. "Lies. How can you do this to me? No, I don't care anymore. I don't want to see you all ever again in my life. I'm not longer the small, innocent, kid to fool and play around. I demand to see them at once so I can get on my way," he managed to stand up from the bed with a little trouble. Using the over-designed bed's stand as support.

"What are you doing James?!"

"You can't stand up yet."

"I don't care!" James snapped, getting more angry as he noticed that no one was listening to him. Even the maids at the back had ignored him, as none of them had left the room to accomplish his request. "Fine, if no one is gonna listen to me I will look for them myself," he replied as he then tried to walk out of the room only to almost fall to the floor if it wasn't for the sudden support of his father who had managed to catch him on time. "Let me be!" He yelled at him, as he let go of him instantly, trying to walk once again.

"You're still medicated—"

"Shut it! I hate you all!"

"Hopkins, help me restrain him."

"No! Let me go! I need to find them! You're not keeping me here..." James volume increase beyond his limits, as all his current hard work to keep standing and walking beyond his bed prove to be futile, as he felt both of his arms being grabbed from his back. Restraining him from going any further. By then, some of the maids, including his mother, had joined in... creating a larger obstacle between him and his door to freedom.

"Be careful, and don't hurt him!"

"Get out of my way!" James yelled once again, but with less intense as he was close to giving up after being grabbed from all sides. The only thing he was able to do was look at the door by then. Now crying for not been able to get out of this place, and find them... wherever they where. But suddenly, like a random star falling through the night, a new person walked through said door. And it was no such random person at all, but Jessie. It was Jessie of all people that entered said room. "Jessie!" He knew it! This was all a sham, she was still alive, and she came for him.

And with this new light of hope inside of him, a sudden power overflew him as he managed to free himself and ran towards her. But such miracle scene didn't last for long, as said power was suddenly replaced by drowsiness, and when he was just about to touch her...his light hope was replaced with disappointment. His Jessie in front of him, was not his Jessie at all, but an impostor. His anger was soon to be released once again, but he never got the chance, as his drowsiness finally overwhelm him. Falling towards the floor, ultimately retaking his long needed nap.


"I'm sorry to interfere," Jessebelle replied with a sweet smile on her face, "Gloom and I were passing by, and we suddenly heard some screams coming out of my groom-to-be bedroom, and after entering and watching him like this, the only thing I could think of was asking my dear Gloom to release some of her sleeping powder to put him to sleep," she ended with a guilty look, like doubting herself of her actions.

"Don't worry, Jessebelle, you made the right decision," Margaret replied, recovering Jessebelle's previous smile as a result. "He was close to hurting himself," she then turned towards two of her many butlers. "Hopkins, Sebastian... make sure that the young Master returns to his proper place and that he stays there," she ordered while she made a quick look at her son, whom was still sleeping in the floor. "Sophie, Belinda, Elena, Emily, Clare... make sure he's well taken care of, but do ask for me as soon as he wakes up, for the rest of you... you can return to your former assignments. Meanwhile, I deeply apologize for the both of us not been able to take care of your needs," referring to her parents-in-law and Jessebelle, "but the Master and I need to have an urgent private conversation," she referred to all the people in the room, leaving one person by the end, whom she immediately turned to with a sweet and innocent smile. "Hunny, could you escort the Lady out of the room?"

Jimmy's change of mood was instantly noticeable, as he began to sweat. "Of course, love," he replied with an unconvincing smile as he followed his wife out of the room. "I know you're mad, Margo, but this was going to happen sooner or later," he began to made excuses as soon as they left the room, only to be completely ignored by her as she guided him towards the nearest empty room.

A slapping sound managed to enter James bedroom a few minutes later, giving all remaining occupants the chills. "I actually feel sorry for him," Pop-Pop suddenly replied. Getting the bad eye from his wife as a return.

On a close by room, you could see Jimmy leaving it while massaging his now hurting cheek. Still, such pain didn't succeeded to reach his current thoughts. While he might have left, and his wife had stayed behind, both of them had the same thought in mind. "When did our son started to hate us so much..."

Finally, you have the next chapter. Hope you like it.

Do note; I know the story is going extremely slow in terms of development, but I like it this way. The promised adventure is gonna happen, but I'm now focusing on developing my characters before that happens. I have several important scenes that need to happen before said adventure starts, James training for a while been one of them, but some of them I have decided to cut out and explain later in flashbacks so that the wait doesn't start to feel like an eternity. Hope you understand.