Disclaimer: I don't own anything
Setting: Post Cyberwoman
No one wanted to look at one another. That would be too difficult. No one wanted to look at the sight in front of them either. That would be even worse. So they settled to look at the floor or the walls around them. Anywhere but straight ahead or at each other, it was easier that way.
Jack didn't look at the floor or the walls. He stared straight on, his jaw clenched. One could look onto the scene in front of him with pity, sadness and even sympathy. Jack just looked at the sight of his lover with anger. Sorry, former lover, Jack had to remind himself. This was the man who Jack trusted, confided in, and even slept with, but he was, falling apart over the sight of his secret murderous girlfriend.
Ianto continued to cry and scream, fervent and loud. He stretched his hand to touch the body's hand, but he pulled away once he touched it. He settled for holding his head in his hands and coiled into himself, rocking back and forth on his knees.
Jack finally had enough and he walked over to Ianto. "Get up." His voice was firm and demanding. Ianto didn't seem to even register his presence. "Ianto, get up." Once again, Ianto didn't move. Jack took out his gun and repeated himself, but nothing seemed to get the young man's attention. Jack raised his gun higher to strike the back of Ianto's head.
"Jack don't!" Tosh screamed. She had finally looked up from her spot on the floor. Jack looked at Tosh and nodded, lowering the gun. Her scream got Ianto's attention too and he looked up from the destroyed corpse on the floor. His gun was laying near him and he glanced at it thinking he could shoot himself before the rest of them had time to think if he only moved his position a little. Jack followed his eyes and kicked the gun out of reach, towards the others. Ianto growled at the lost opportunity but he looked back at the body lying at his feet and started to coil into himself once again.
Jack saw the movement and grabbed his arms before Ianto could get into the protective position. "Oh no you don't." Jack hauled the young man to his feet, keeping a firm grip on his upper arm. Ianto struggled against the hold, desperately trying to get back to the body, back to his Lisa. "Owen, cuffs."
Owen looked up. "Jack, I don't-"
"Now Owen!" Jack yelled.
"Yeah, yeah fine boss," he said, reaching into his back pocket and grabbing hand cuffs. He tossed them to Jack who clamped Ianto's hands behind his back. Ianto hardly noticed the cold metal on his wrists. All he could feel was the blood on his hands.
Jack pulled the younger man roughly and he steered him out of the room past the others. Before Ianto even registered what was happening he found himself standing in the cell next to Janet's, no longer handcuffed. "Shoes, socks, jacket, belt and tie," Jack demanded. Ianto stared at him for a second in confusion. It clicked what Jack was asking of him and he handed Jack the articles slowly. Once Jack was satisfied he locked the cell door and left Ianto alone with nothing to keep him company but the growls from Janet and the emotions that were slowly devouring him.
Jack walked up the stairs to the Hub with his hands in his pockets. He never felt so angry and hurt in his entire existence. This betrayal was not just to Torchwood, it was to him personally. Jack knew he should separate the two, but with Ianto he never could. It wasn't like they were even together like that, it was only twice, but it felt like more. With Ianto it always did.
Jack reached the main area of the hub and saw everyone was standing there waiting for him, the CCTV of the cells on the screen. They stood together in silence for a few moments. It was Owen who finally broke the silence.
"What the bloody hell are we gonna do Jack?"
"I don't know," Jack whispered, looking down.
"You know what protocol says," Owen added, slightly pained.
"No!" Tosh blurted out. Gwen walked over and put her arm around her colleague.
"Tosh, please," Jack managed to say.
"No Jack! You can't. He was trying to save someone he loved! You can't blame him any more than you can blame me," Tosh yelled back.
"Yeah, but Tosh you didn't almost destroy the world," Owen added.
"Would you have? To save Katie?" Owen shot Tosh a look. "No Owen, don't you dare look at me like that. To save your fiancee, you would've risked everything." Owen's silence gave Tosh the answer she was looking for. "Jack, please don't kill him."
"I'm not to kill him Tosh. It would make him too happy," Jack's voice was cold as he glanced back at the screen to his the young man rolled in a ball on the floor of his cell. "And I'm not going to punish him for trying to save his girlfriend either."
"So he's just going to get off?" Owen asked.
"No. He lied to us, lied to me. That is where he was wrong."
"So what do you want us to do Jack?" It was Gwen this time.
Jack sighed and put his hands in his pockets. "Gwen, Tosh, go dismantle and incinerate that machine. Owen incinerate the bodies too. The rest of the cleaning leave. When you're done, go home." Jack watched as his team nodded and began to move. Gwen and Tosh made their way down to the basement, but Owen stayed for a few moments to look at Jack.
"Cool down before you go talk to him, okay?"
"Yeah, thanks Owen."
Jack waited an hour before finally getting up in the cell. The more he waited, the more hurt he felt. He needed to get this off his mind before he would be too angry to think clearly.
Ianto was sitting with his back against the side wall, his head in his hands. Jack stood near the glass and watched him for a few moments. Ianto was oblivious to his presence or ignoring him, Jack wasn't sure which one it was.
"Ianto?" Jack calmly said. Ianto jumped slightly, took a breath and turned to face Jack.
"Sir." His voice was empty and Jack almost didn't recognize the word that used to make him weak.
"We need to talk."
"Why?" Ianto's voice cracked
"What do you mean why?" Jack asked, folding his arms against his chest.
"Why do we have to talk when you are just going to kill me? That's protocol."
"Is that what you want?"
Ianto looked up now. His eyes were bright red from tears. "Yes."
Jack smiled. "Then it wouldn't be much of a punishment, would it?"
Ianto looked away. "So what happens now?"
"Now we talk."
"Interested now, huh?"
"Always was," Jack replied quickly. Ianto laughed quietly. "How much of your file was fake?"
"Most of it."
"Work history, medical history, education."
"You shouldn't have changed your medical history."
"Nothing of importance, just injuries after the fire."
"You weren't a junior researcher."
"Bravo," Ianto snorted.
"Then what were you," Jack snapped back.
"Head archivist."
"At your age?"
"Recruited in Uni."
"So you were a good student?" Jack asked. Ianto made a committal noise. "I take it you have family then." At that Ianto stood up and walked over to the glass, slamming his hands against it.
"They have nothing to do with this," Ianto growled.
"So you do then."
"No, I'm just getting a picture of what you really are."
"And what am I Jack? A liar, a manipulator, a murderer? You can take your pick!"
"You proud of those?"
"Anything for her."
"And those times with me? Was that for her?" Jack tightened his gaze as Ianto stormed away from the glass and moved to opposite side of the cell. "Was I part of the plan?"
"Don't flatter yourself Jack, you jumped me that night."
"You didn't exactly say no," Jack's voice turned to venom. Ianto was speaking so indifferent about their time together and it had meant so much to him.
"It was...Lisa she was having a bad day and I... I just wanted to... to feel," Ianto muttered.
"And the second night?" Jack asked, leaning in. Ianto whispered something that was inaudible. "Excuse me?"
"You looked sad Jack and I thought I could help!" Ianto yelled back.
"So you shagged me out of pity," Jack snapped.
"No! Yes, I don't know."
"Well pity is all you better hope for now. When we're done today you are going to stay here for as long as I feel fit. Then you will be suspended for a month. Understood?"
"Done with what?"
"Come with me," Jack said as opened the cell door. He grabbed the younger man's upper arm and brought him back to the basement. The bodies and equipment were long gone, but the blood was still there. Jack leaned against the wall as he watched the young man slowly clean the blood. His hands were shaking as he moved the cloth over the red liquid. Jack sighed, it was going to be a bad couple of weeks.
I'm not really sure about this. Some people wanted me to try to write longer things and this has the potential to be extended. After the wonderful feedback from Say Anything (thank you very much by the way) I wanted to give it another shot. These are really me just playing around trying to figure out how to write a fanfic. Tell me what you think. - TOL