Well, here I am, Psylarduck, with a rather sad story.

Is about a lonely Tenshi that seeks her own death.

I got inspired by a doujinshi, so please bear with me.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Touhou Project series, nor its characters.

This chapter is written from Tenshi's POV,


I'm always alone...

With nobody to talk. No one that wants to hear me. Nobody that wants to walk with me...

And it hurts...

Yes, it hurts me the fact that the only reason people ever talks to me is to scold me...

Because they think I'm a crazy and sadist celestial delinquent...

Just because of a tiny prank that got out of my control...

And it also hurts that even the other celestials avoid me...

But I'm not always by myself...

There is Iku-san, but she only watches me from a certain distance and a bored look on her face all the time...

And it's always the same look of boredom on her face...

Never a smile...

It hurt me, way too much, to know that to the other people maybe I'm boring, or annoying, or... just plainly dull...

It hurts way too much to know that I'm of no use to other people...

So much that I have, more than once, thought about suicide as an alternative...

But I'm a celestial, so it's of no use other than cause me pain...

Even when I try, the reality slaps me in the face and confirms me that I can't die...

Even if I want to...

Even if I need to...

But there might be hope...

I've heard that there's a doctor at the bamboo forest that can do almost anything...

I wonder if she can take away my immortality, or at least create something that can let me die...

So it's decided...

Tomorrow I'll go to the bamboo forest to see if I can locate something or something...


The next day I made my way into the village and as I walked through the streets everyone was doing some gossip as if I couldn't hear it.

"Hey, isn't that the crazy celestial?" whispered a young woman with a disgusted look on her face.

"What is she doing here?" whispered another woman, and as I kept walking I heard really awful things.

Most of them I'd rather not recall them or do as if hadn't heard them.

So as I reached the bamboo forest I noticed it was kind of frightening and silent.

It made me wants to go back or have Iku-san by my side, but then I remembered she might not want to be with me.

And I don't blame her.

But well, let's stop for a moment to see if I can find anything at all.

Plant, plant, plant, rabbit, rock, plant, pla-

Wait! A rabbit! I heard they live here, so she might know the way to that place!

"Umm, excuse me." I said as politely as I could, but the bunny ignored me.

So I tried again, this time a little more loudly, "excuse me, could you tell me where is Eientei? I need help."

The rabbit turned her head towards me and it seemed she was happy or mischievous.

"Mmmmm, well, I was doing some recollections of money, but if you give me 500 yen, I'll help you" she said still smiling.

Since I was desperate to die, I gave her the money she asked for.

She ran almost immediately but she stopped and turned to say "c'mon, hurry up! It's over here".

I must say, she was quite fast but I could keep with her.

And there it was! A big place that resembled a palace, so probably the doctor might has something to do with the royalty.

"Over here, miss!" said the girl as she slid a door to enter.

When I stepped inside I noticed a few humans and a pair of youkai.

I was about to sit when another girl with bunny ears stepped in front of me.

She seemed kind of nice.

"Welcome to Eientei! Are you here for a specific medicine or are you here to see Eirin-sama?" said the girl with a smile.

"Well, I came here to see if she can help me with the problem I have." I said without revealing way too much.

"Don't worry! Eirin-sama can do anything!" said the girl with so much passion.

Like I used to be...


As I waited I decided to try to talk a little with the girl.

As we talked I found out that her name is Reisen Udongein Inaba and, apparently, she was the student of this Eirin person.

And when my turn finally came, I went to the room where that Eirin person was.

She seemed a calm person, maybe, even wise.

"Good evening, my name is Eirin Yakogoro. How can I help you." she said with a really polite smile.

Since I came all the way here I wasn't going to lie.

"I want to know if there's a way a celestial like me can die."

I know it may suck but please I hope some of you like this chapter.

By the way, my internet company cut it off on my house so until I get access to another computer I won't be able to update so sorry.

Well, thanks and R&R.