**WARNING, Contains Suicidal themes**

so yeah...read at your own risk i guess. Enjoy

The junkyard was silent as the full moon climbed higher and higher into the clear and warm spring night.

In the west end of a junkyard, silent tears rolled down a white kitten's face. Technically, the kitten was almost a queen, but no one treated her that way. The almost-queen was on top of a junk pile, sitting on an old shoe box. It was the white cat's favorite spot. Up there she couldn't be easily seen or disturbed. This is her haven, her sanctuary.

She stared at the down at the ground. It was a very far fall, one that would almost certainly kill. Suicidal thoughts slowly started to creep into her troubled mind. It would be a very easy way out.

She hates the attention. She hates the pressure. She hates the fact everyone expected her to be perfect. She hates that everyone sees as just a pretty face. No one ever listens. No one. Even her friends never took her seriously.

The white cat continued to stare, deciding on what she would do.

A ginger and white tom hesitantly stood outside the front gate. His green eyes searched for signs of other cats watching him. Technically, the junkyard is by all means of his birthright, is the tom's home; but he knows he isn't very welcomed there. After a moment the tom entered the Jellicle tribe's home.

As softly as possible, he padded through the piles, looking to find a spot to rest. After a minute or two the tom found space between a crate and a broken pipe. Before he could enter however, something caught his eye. On top of a junk pile nearby, something was moving. He couldn't tell what it was, but it sure was pale in the moonlight.

He shrugged it off and tried to get comfortable in the small space. Although the tom was tired, he couldn't sleep. Something in the back of his head told him to go find out what the thing on the junk pile is. With a frustrated sigh, the tom got up to go investigate.

She is going to jump. After weighing out the good things and the bad things, she discovered the bad outnumbered the good. By a lot. The white cat baby stepped her way to the edge, and stopped when her claws hung over. She took a deep breath. Her instincts were going crazy, telling her to back away and don't do it. But something stronger was telling her to jump.

Her body tensed as she crouched down. To her surprise, the white cat doesn't feel very scared. In fact, she feels very detached. Considering the fact she was about to kill herself. The white cat closed her eyes, and let go.

She felt herself fall through the air for less than a second before she stopped. Shocked, the white cat opened her eyes. She hung in mid air, still far above the ground before. Her stomach dropped in fear.

"Its okay: I got you." a sexy, unfamiliar voice said. Confused, she looked up. An unknown tom was holding her by the wrist, preventing her from falling. The almost-queen gasped. Her rescuer hoisted her up, as though she weighed nothing at all.

She was memorized. He was extremely handsome, and butterflies started to flutter around in her stomach. The ginger and white tom picked her up, causing the almost-queen to blush as he held her close to his chest and carefully made his way down the junk pile.

She loved the way his big, strong arms held her close. She gazed into his green eyes as he was climbing down. She could look into them forever.

The white cat didn't notice that they were back on solid ground until he set her back on her feet. The tom studied her for a moment, the softly asked,

"Why were you going to kill yourself?" The almost-queen was speechless. How could she answer? After dead silence, the tom said. "Oh…right I guess that's sort of personal. I'll go then." Much to her dismay, the tom started to walk away.

"Wait!" She called after him. He turned and looked back at her. "Um…I'm Victoria." She said. He gave a small smile and replied,

"I'm Plato." Victoria took a small step toward Plato and asked,

"Are you new here?" His smile flatted slightly.

"No, I've always been a Jellicle." Plato answered

"Then how come I've never seen you before?" Victoria asked.

"Because I'm not wanted here." Said Plato as he walked away, leaving Victoria standing there stunned.

"W- Wait!" She stuttered. Plato stopped for a brief moment, so Victoria could catch up.

"Where are you going?" Victoria asked as she walked beside Plato. The tom shrugged. "Are you going to stay?" She asked.

"Not for long," He answered. "I'll probably just spend the night here."

"Oh." Victoria said. Plato could sense the dismay infused in her voice. It stirred something inside of him, but he pushed the feeling aside. The two had arrived back to the spot Plato originally chose as shelter for the night.

"Is this where you're staying?" Victoria asked. Plato nodded as he moved towards the entrance.

Victoria didn't move. Plato noticed the white queen had a far-away look on her face.

"Are going to go back to your den, to sleep?" Plato asked. Victoria slowly shook her head, avoiding looking directly at him. "You don't want to go back?" She nodded.

"Well…you're welcome to shelter with me for tonight." Plato offered, Victoria looked little surprised. "If you want to." He quickly added.

"That's…very kind of you. Thank you." Victoria replied. Plato crawled in between the crate and pipe, with Victoria following. It was a tight fit, but he managed to get comfortable while giving Victoria enough space to herself as well. Both cats settled down to sleep.

"Goodnight Plato"


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