OK, my second FF about Familiar of Zero.
Please read and review :)
- S-F...


I was just standing there, watching the two of them. They didn't know I was back yet. For about ten minutes ago I arrived back to school, after being home for a month.

My family had sent me a letter, and told me to get home right away. And of course I went home, without having a single clue on what was going on.

I stepped out of the carriage.
" Great, rain" I mumbled to myself and looked around.

Strange, no one was wishing me welcome, that's odd. Usually it used to be some servants who would wish me welcome, and give me an umbrella. But no, no one was outside waiting for me.

I sighted and ran up to my big beautiful house. It was like I had been bathing with my clothes on, because I was really soaked after running around in the rain.

I opened the door quick, feeling angry because no one wished me welcome, or held an umbrella over my head.

When I stepped inside I couldn't see anyone, so I started to walk up the huge stairs. I didn't have any luggage, but it was still heavy walking up the stairs, I guess it's because of the soaked clothes.

" Hello?" I yelled really loud, because of the size of the house I needed to yell.

" Louise!" a sharp voice said not so far away behind me.

I turned around to face a woman named Lucy, she's working here.

" Where is everyone?" I asked sharply back at her.

" Follow me" she said simply and started to make her way in front of me.

" No, tell me!" I told her, and ran in front of her.
She looked at me with ice eyes before she sighted and looked around, like she was nervous or something.

" I... I'm so sorry" she mumbled and started to run away from me.

" Don't you dare run away from me!" I yelled after her, but I knew it was useless, she was already gone.

I sighted and continued on the big stairs. When I finally reached the top of it I could see a big crowd of people in the hallway.

" What is going on here?" I asked sharply again and walked closer to them.

All of them turned around to face me. Something wasn't right, I could see it.

Their faces was like,,, sad or something. And their eyes where filled with tears, some of them were actually crying.

End of flashback.

I shook my head, didn't want to think about it.. Not right now at least.

" Saito!" I said loud and walked closer to them.

Siesta and Saito looked up, horrified. I held my wand out, pointing on Saito.

" L...Louise! You're back" Saito said and rose up from the bench he and Siesta had been sitting on.

" Yes, and I was expecting you to stay in our room, waiting for me. Not being out with Miss-Slut!" I said and everything went black... Except the green/blue light from my wand.

I stamped away, while I dragged Saito with me.

" I.. I. I didn't know when you would return" he stuttered when I let him go.

" You should be in our room anyway!" I yelled and pointed my wand on him.

" What have you been doing while I have been gone?" I asked in a evil tone.

" N.. Nothing! I promise you Louise, I haven't done anything!" it sounded like Saito was begging for his dear life.

" Don't. Lie. To. Me!" I yelled and again, everything went black, except from my wand light.

" Please stop doing that, Louise!" Saito begged again and rose up from the ground.

He had some blood rolling down from his nose and down to his jacket.

I sighted heavily and turned around, hoping I would never ever see him again. But I knew that deep,very deep, down I couldn't bear to not see him for a very long time.

" Louise, where are you going?" Saito asked behind me.

I didn't respond to him, I just continued to walk. Faster and faster. Feeling like I had to get away now, or something bad would happen.

" Louise?" Saito yelled again, but I still didn't answer him.

I could hear Saito run behind me, probably going back to Siesta. I sighted and started to run myself, wanting to get away so freaking bad!

Everything that had happened when I was home started to pop up in my mind. And it refused to go away again.

Finally I stopped, after running all I could for like ten minutes. Everywhere I looked I could just see green grass, and far, far away, in the horizon I could barely see some mountains. The school was laying a little bit behind me, but not so far.

I sat down in the high grass. It grew some beautiful pink, yellow, blue, orange, white and red flowers around me, and I felt like I was laying on the rainbow.

" There you are!" a familiar voice said above me.

I opened my eyes, and looked up. First I couldn't see anyone, just a dark blue sky, without any clouds. With one big yellow sun on it.. But then I could finally see him. A blue haired boy, who seemed really tired.

" What do you want?" I asked him harshly, still laying down in the grass.

" Eh... Nothing, really" he mumbled and sat down next to me.

" Well, then you may go" I said simply and closed my eyes again.

" I'm sorry Louise, I promise you nothing happened while you were gone" Saito said and I could feel his eyes on me.

" Yeah Yeah" I mumbled like I didn't care, but in fact, it was painful. It was painful to know that he had been here, at school, with lots of girls, while I had been back home. And I didn't know what to believe in.

Of course I trusted Saito, or at least I liked to believe that I believed in him. But the fact is; I can't believe everything he says to me, because it have happened so many times that he have lied to me.

" Louise, please don't be mad at me" Saito said and took my right hand in both of his hands.

" Saito, to be honest, I don't care any more about what you do" I told him, and sat back up.

Saito looked at me, worried and confused.

" Louise, what happened?" Saito asked me and pulled me closer to him.

" Nothing, I'm just tired of always being mad at you because of other girls" I said and I could feel my eyes fill with tears. " I can't just believe you. You tell me you love me, and you kiss me, but I find you always with some girl!"

" Louise..." Saito began, but I cut him of by raising up from the ground.

" No!" I told him and stood in the high grass, surrounded by beautiful flowers, and one big warm sun.

" Geez, so troublesome!" Saito mumbled before he got up too and embraced me.

" Saito, let me go" I whispered to him while tears were rolling down my cheeks.

" I love you" he whispered simply back.

I leaned forward, and his face got closer and closer to mine.

" I promise you Louise, it's only you" he whispered before his lips crushed against mine.

What do you think? :)
Please read and review (:
- S-F...