Sorry fellows for being unable to update RG. I'll start updating it like after Valentine's Day 'cause I have something in mind.

CHAP ONE: If you were given one chance to hug a single someone for free, who would you choose? Narumi's 30 romantic activities. Countdown 'til Valentine's day.


Activity One



Monday morning of January 10, 2011, the students were freely talking amongst themselves when their adviser, Narumi came leaping inside the room with a smirk plastered in his face. It would've looked hot and cool in him if only he didn't do it with few ballet moves. Still, you can't blame him. After all, he sure is their dance teacher, the faculty's pride in terms of different dance moves. His specialty? I guess I already gave you a hint. Yeah, it's ballet.

The students silenced themselves upon seeing their teacher's sneering face. They knew he was up to something. Their teacher, Narumi, was always the one who had great imaginations in him –like having activities that are so far out and, well, unusual. They looked at each other, each having the same question as the other. What now could he be planning?

Everyone was both eager and bored to hear out what he had to say. Eager for they knew it might be something interesting and entertaining. After all, Narumi never let them down in terms of his wonderful ideas. Bored? Well, perhaps others don't quite like some of the outcomes of his activities for they knew it'll always involve matchmakings and or other fluffy romantic stuffs concerning the opposite gender. Let's just say that instances like girl loved by guy and boy loved by someone will get developed and well, jealousy will be everywhere. So, obviously, it's a possible warning you're about to lose someone you admire.

Anyway, while the class' moods were divided into two, two certain people were not paying attention at all. One was, as always, spacing out while the other was sleeping. Her eyes gazed outside, onto the Sakura tree that beautifully bloomed outside. Meanwhile, one lad was finally bored reading his manga that he fell asleep. Both were oblivious that a certain twenty-three year old blond boy was watching them with amusement, probably having the two as his next target. Sadly however, the class wasn't able to take heed of the golden-haired guy's plan. They were too busy looking and whispering to their seatmates, thus, preventing them from noticing his target sight.

"Okay, class," Narumi started, finally gaining his student's attention. They shifted in their seats before looking at him, fingers entwined on top of their desks. A brunette, Mikan, came back from her trance to pay attention at her teacher's announcement. He cleared his throat.

"Okay, since Valentine's Day is nearing, I'd like us, class 2-B, to have some special romantic activities starting today. Isn't that great?" he said as happily as he could be. Some people grunt while others squealed. Well, mostly girls squealed, each wishing that Narumi would target them and pair them up with you-know-who. Slutty girls started putting up their make-ups. Since today would be the start of the activity, they knew their teacher might've had something exciting in mind. They can't blow that chance away. So, of course and as usual, they put on heavy make-ups to be recognized.

Narumi sneered before clearing his throat once again, making the slutty women hide their make-ups back in their bags or pockets.

"As I said, we will have an activity," their adviser repeated.

"But before I'll tell you what the activity is all about. Can I have some volunteers?" he asked. Everyone raised their hands, three were an exemption. Narumi grinned before his pointy finger landed on a raven that was still unconscious of the whole matter. Everyone turned to his direction. Mikan, being the closest one to the sleeping boy, nudged him for him to wake up.

As his crimson eyes came to view, the only thing he could see were his classmates staring intently at him. Knowing that it was Mikan who woke him up, he turned to her and asked her what was wrong. Well, obviously, nothing was wrong. It's just that…

"Narumi picked you as his volunteer," she simply said. Without another word, he stood up. Well, it wasn't really in his nature to be obedient but something's just telling him to go there in front.

As his figure lay boringly at the platform, Narumi smiled before, again, clapping his hands. He turned to Natsume, the lad with raven hair and crimson orbs. "Glad that you're cooperative this time, Natsume," he acknowledged. Natsume shrugged and muttered his usual "Hn" before slipping both hands inside his uniform pockets. Without anymore concerns regarding the volunteer whatsoever, Narumi turned back to face his students. Every girl had hearts in their eyes, hoping that they'd be called by their adviser. Sadly, he isn't the one who's going to choose.

Seeing his restless students, he finally decided to tell what the activity will be.

"Okay, today will be free hug day!" he announce chirpily. Everyone in class raised their brows, answering him "HUH?" as animatedly as their teacher did it. He coughed.

"Well, the instruction is for you to hug a person, might I add, only one. Choose the person who got your attention and give him or her a warm embrace. These activities of mine are one of a kind since PDA isn't allowed in school so better choose wisely. Choose one and allow me to add, it should be of the opposite sex. Choosing a lot will result to disciplinary cases since I could file a case that you were taking advantage of the activity and thus, breaking the school rule regarding display of affection. Oh of course, if the person you chose also had the same feeling towards you, he or she may hug you back but that means his or her free hug was already used. Got that?" he said. The student, particularly the girls except two, nodded in disappointment. Of course, they already had someone in mind that they think Natsume's going to choose. And they perfectly knew it wasn't any of them.

"So, Natsume, you may choose now," Narumi started, patting the raven-haired lad's shoulders. Truth be told, he already had someone in mind ever since Narumi laid the instruction to everyone. He smirked. Girls tried to sadly squeal. Of course, they were still heartbroken, heartbroken for the fact that he'll never choose anyone except for her.

Sighing, they finally gave up before mentioning the couple they, the whole school, so adored. They were the most famous couple throughout Alice Academy. A perfect one as others says.

But before that, allow me to introduce the three people who were acting passively throughout the whole activity. There's Luna Koizumi, Mikan Yukihira and Natsume Hyuuga –aka the school's teen idols.

The three are the people who're usually recognized and talented in terms of dancing. Truth be told, Luna was one of the populars, including Mikan and Natsume. Well, Natsume was the playboy type while Mikan was the conservative. Luna was neither, just the silent one. Shocking it may be but she and Mikan are actual friends. And obviously, the whole school was divided into three groups. Hard as it may seem but each student belongs to a certain fan club, either a moderator or a member. All except two of the female population was you-know-who's fans while the boys were equally divided between the two girls. Not that they really mind though.

Mikan came two years ago in Alice High School Academy, during their sophomore years. She was the school's swan lake and BigThree. BigThree? Well, it's because she got exceptional talents in dancing, singing and acting. It was rumored that she and Natsume were classmates back in elementary. It wasn't proven though because the two always stayed silent if questioned on that matter. She had brunette hair in perfect curls. Her cheeks were plump. Her face was gorgeous, including her chin and her hazel eyes. She had a slender body and smooth, creamy skin. Overall, she was an example of a model, just like her mom.

On the other hand, Luna, as shocking as it may seem, isn't actually a bitch. Like I said a hundredth time, she is also good in dancing and, like Mikan and Natsume, is part of CAMP –Company of Artists, Musicians and Performers. It was a special club composed of talented students, like them, and is headed by no other than Narumi. In her freshmen days, even until now, she was paired up with Natsume. It wasn't even known why, just some gossips regarding that the two liked each other from the start.

Meanwhile, Natsume was the school's heartthrob. He could make a girl fall for him within nanoseconds. Well, he could except for the brunette. Maybe she's already used to his charms? Somehow, as what their classmate's had observed, the two were always keeping distance from the other. They didn't even know the exact reason and didn't even bother knowing. Somehow, though they're always with the two for years already yet it's still as if they didn't know them both at all. Yes, they knew that both were rich, good, intelligent, talented, he's a playboy, she's a virgin, whatever but besides that, there's nothing else to tell. They both were the mysterious type. You think you know them but if you really find time contemplating everything, you'll find out that you don't really know them at all.

Anyway, as the students kept on shouting "Luna! Natsume!" the girl to whom they were cheering for was deeply blushing. The raven, meanwhile, just laid out a smirk before nearing the crowd. Everyone started to keep quiet as they saw him advance.

As he stopped by the chair of the person he was actually thinking since the revelations of the instructions, everyone started squealing and screaming. As he inclined his body down to hug the person, she took no moments of hesitation to reciprocate his feelings. Everyone could only comment "awe" as they looked at them hugging each other. One person however was, let's say, no comment on the matter. Few minutes later, he broke the hug to see a blushing Luna. Well, who could've guessed? He slowly retreated before slumping back in his chair and covering his face with a manga. Narumi gave a small smile as he saw his students dreamily looked at the ceiling. Chin on top their open palms.

Homeroom went on. Every girl gave their free hug to Natsume. If they weren't able to receive his hug well at least, they could still hug him with them taking the initiative to do so. The boys, as usual, were divided between Luna and Mikan. The former received each hug whole-heartedly as the latter gave no such emotion regarding it whatsoever.

As the bell rang, ending HR period, a certain person was saved from being able to choose a certain person she'll hug. Well, the truth is she actually got no one in mind. She thought there was no person in class deserving enough to have it. Thus, the classes went on without her classmates even knowing or noticing that her free hug was left… unused.


Activity one ends

