Hi guys, I'm back. I didn't think I was going to continue on with this story or my account really but now I know that you can't leave an audience hanging. Even if only 2 people read this I need to let them have an ending. I did plan one out for this story. I went back and re-wrote pretty much all the chapters in this story. They didn't make much in the way of sense. (Sorry) Here is the newest insallment in the Earth Shaker Series. I hope you guys like it.

Chapter 5

Rhythm's mother had at one point been beautiful. I could tell. That's probably why Apollo had taken an intrest in her. Around her head she wore a red scarf, I guessed to cover the burns. Her skirt hid her legs, but I could only imagine what they looked like.

Poor Rhythm.

But I was confused, how had his mother come into so much money? Hadn't the Goddess of strife claimed that Rhythm had been extremly poor only a couple of months ago? What had changed? It seemed to me that my Caribbean friend had more secrets than I knew how to count. I wasn't about to ask him now though. We had things to do

"Hello," his mother weezed in a heavy accent. Rhythm looked down at her lovingly, I could tell that he wasn't embarrased at all. He whispered something to her and she nodded and wheeled away.

Rhythm began walking in an opposite direction. I could only assume that he meant for us to follow him. We passed huge room, after huge room until he finally led us completly through the house and outside. Rhythm pressed a button on the outside of the back door and said something I couldn't here. Static crackled on the intercom.

"Um, Rhythm I don't want to intrude but what are you-" he ignored Annabeth and kept walking foward to a small plane and the concrete strip it was nestled on.

It was a bone-a-fide jet. Right here in the middle of Long Island. What in the heck was going on?

A man opened the hatch on the small plane and smiled at Rhythm.

"Good Afternoon J-" Rhythm quickly cut him off. "Good afternoon captain, I need to get to New Jersey pronto."

The man asked no questions and quickly began preperations for flight.

We all shuffled in after Rhythm.

Amee, who seemed to be finally speaking to me, sat to my left, Hayden to my right. I could have sworn that Amee's eyes flashed as she looked on at Hayden malicously.

Alllllrighty then...

Haydn looked at me, about to say something,when Amee shot her a death glare and then turned to me, batting her eye lashes and twirling a finger through her hair leaving me momentarily scoched closer to me and slipped her hand into mine and then captured me with her eyes.

"I'm a little afraid of heights Nico," she said to me, leaning her head on my shoulder and snuggling, if possible, even closer.

I gulped. I was mesmerized by the smell of Amee's hair and the feel of her small hand in mine.I couldn't think straight, and I felt as if someone had just dunked me into a pool of water.

Haydn rolled her eyes and said something to me. But I wasn't listning. The only thing that mattered in the world, no, in the universe was Amee.

Haydn said something again, but the fog clouding my mind prevented me from caring. Amee said something to Hayden angrily and the fire girl responded snappily to Amee, making her snarl. But even snarling she still looked wonderful.

Hayden finally snapped her finger infront of my nose and I felt Amee's spell begining to wear off.I heard Amee say.

"Back off hot-head, you do not want to anger a daughter of Aphrodite when it somes to matters like this." I sat between them, still dazed.

"I wasn't trying to come on to anything, don't be so jealous all the time I've done nothing to you! And using Aphrodite glimmer, seriously?"

Amee, shrugged unpreturbed. "I can't help it, sometimes it just slips out when I'm not trying to use it, what can I say?"

"Nico," Haydn said, turning to me. "Are you going to stand for this crap, I mean your girlfriend just spelled you."

"W-what?," I stuttered.

Haydn gave me a disgusted look and shot a venomous look in Amee's directon.

"Aphrodite's think they can just bat their stupid lashes and get whatever they want. It's pathetic the way you thrive off the male attention like that."

Amee humphed.

Hadyn carried on, " I'm sorry did I offend Mrs. Cheerleader? Or was I talking to fast for you?"

"Not all Aphrodites are airheads, there's nothing wrong with being a cheerleader thank you very much. Those skills can be very useful on the battle field. Love trumps all, where as fire flickers out. I suggest you keep your distance before I have you drooling over a catus."

I sat in between them as the battle raged on. Feeling my cheeks grow gradually hotter. Rhythm looked infintly more happy as we took off, I guess it had something to do with Lynn sitting in a seat by his side whispering to him and giggling as they watched the battle between Amee and Hayden grow.

I however was not enjoying the whole episode one bit. Amee looked as if she was about to break Haydn's neck and Haydn seemed to be itching to toss a fireball.

Percy and Annabeth were snickering at my perdicament and I thought I heard even the captain laughing in the pilots seat.

Why me?

We finally made our way down to Earth and I sighed. I hated flying, Hades kids were meant to underground not zooming around in the and Amee had stopped fighting but both were now ignoring eachother as well as me. My hand felt empty without Amee's in it.

Why were women so confusing?

I stood next to Rhythm who was laughing with the pilot as everyone made their way off the plane, we had landed in the middle of a private hanger somewhere. I wondered how Rhythm had obtained the plane so quickly, he had saved our butts twice now with unexpected help. What had the captain almost called him? I still didn't know his real name. That boy defiently had some explaining to do. But the time for that would be later. Now we had the hard task of trying to locate Pine Grooves.

The four of us pulled together all of our spair change and old dollar bills and came up with enough money for a taxi cab as long as the destiantion wasn't to far away.

I prayed that Pine Grooves was near by. The captain took off after calling us a cab, he shook Rhythm's hand and said something to him, Rhythm blushed and the captain laughed.

Lynn spoke up suddenly, " How do you think I transported from that place?" she said turning to Percy, " Why do you think they want me? Why not you? Chiron did his best to fill me in but it has all been, strange...I mean, my mother died when I was younger and my foster parents obviously are going to be surprised when my school fills them in on all of this-" her voice trailed off as she looked at her brother.

Percy sputtered something, then caught himself.

"The transportain was probably," he stumbled for a second," Dad's way of trying to protect you. God of water and all. As to the other stuff, I just don't know. That weird serpant thing seems attached to you though."

Lynn nodded. " Your going to think this is totally weird but it's like, I can read her thoughts or something. That's how I knew how to calm her down back at camp, she was looking for me and got scared."

Percy nodded," Not weird at all, if that things a sea creature you should be able to talk to it."

Lynn smiled as the cab finally pulled up, " Its going to be fun having someone in the Poseidon cabin for once," said Percy.

Lynn nodded and went to go stand on the opposite side of Rhythm. Amee and Haydn stood as far away from everyone as possible and Percy and Annabeth whispered about something.

The cab pulled up in front of us and then we heard a creeky voice croak out," Where to?,"

I could hear other voices laughing in the background.


Ok, review! I'd love to hear ideas for the story, any characters you'd like to hear more from? Any questions? Confusion. Review or message. See you next time guys!