Six months later

Jak took a long, relishing draft of his drink as fireworks exploded over Haven City, bringing colour to a city that had been deprived of it for many years. The Baron being dead and the Metal Heads supposedly no longer a threat, there was nothing for the young man to do except be a good father to his son and fiancé to Keira.

"Hey, boys," a rich, deep voice boomed in the Naughty Ottsel. "Long time no see,"

"Sig!" Jak and Daxter exclaimed joyfully, faces lighting up at the sight of the Wastelander.

"And...?" a gravelly, happy-sounding female voice came from behind the older man.

"Keira? That you?" Jak called. He was due to meet Keira in this very bar after a much-needed nap. A good friend of hers from the Stadium was babysitting Daniel – after hours of Keira having to persuade Jak that she really was trustworthy, that is.

"Of course it is!" she exclaimed in a way that made him feel stupid. "Who else would it be?"

The young man couldn't prevent a smile creeping over his face as he laid his eyes on his fiancée. She was dressed in a simple green dress that brought out her eyes and flowed like a waterfall over the baby bump that had been present for the best part of three and a half months. There were two months to go before the baby concealed inside the young woman was due, during which, Samos had practically told the couple, they were due to be married. Jak had a feeling Samos would not allow him to have any more children if he didn't Do The Right Thing and marry Keira ahead of the birth. Keira had gone red and tried to figuratively pry her father off her boyfriend by that point.

"Want a drink?" her said boyfriend asked.

"Just water," she said, resting a hand on her prominent stomach. "Junior here's really playing up tonight..."

"Active, is he?" Jak asked, resting a hand over hers.

"Don't you mean she?" Keira countered, smiling.

Jak laughed, giving her a quick kiss before fetching the drinks. Finding a booth, the couple squeezed in, fingers intertwined.

"You sure you're okay?" Jak asked, rubbing his fiancée's back.

"I'm fine!" Keira insisted, laughing. "Well. Aside from being elephant-sized, that is..."

"Yeah, sorry 'bout that by the way," her boyfriend replied. "You're still the sexiest woman I know, even when you're seven months pregnant,"

Keira went red. "You're lucky I don't have a wrench right now..."

"Keir, honey, you need to learn to accept compliments, cause,'re gonna get to a point where they're gonna run dry..." Daxter slurred, suddenly popping up out of nowhere. "They...No, they'll STOP! And're'll look like Onin...and your bum goes saggy – "


"Nnnyush?" the inebriated ottsel replied, eyes unfocused.

"Go and drink some more,"

Daxter tried and failed to look offended, not helped by his enlarged pupils. "You don' what to do! No. No, no no. NO. No. No..." Burping, he spun around and fell face flat on the floor.

Keira giggled, giving Jak a long, hard kiss which held a promise she could never voice.

You've got me in the palm of your hand...

"I love you."

You're in my head...

"I love you too." He kissed her forehead and the couple sat back and watched the carnage unfold as the night developed, untouched by it all in their own little world. Untouched for the first time in two years for both of them. That was the way they wanted it to be; to remain untouched.

At least, until Jak was called up to save the world again. And he didn't doubt that would be soon.

He just hoped it wouldn't be too soon.

You have my heart.

The End

YEAAHHHH WE'RE DONE! By the way: Erol was The Hand who abused Keira and Jak, Keira was The Heart for obvious reasons and Jak, being stubborn and rash, is The Head. And I'm gonna go back to "Blood Ties" because it is my physical addiction and I've missed it...I'm also replaying "Jak 3" and have re-collaborated my old Writing List so it'll be like July-December 2010 all over again. Wewt. Stuff.

Not sure when I'll be back with those promised vignettes. If I get to 10 then I'll start posting. Regardless, I'll be around. Have a looksee.

