Originally posted at the kinkmeme.

Russia has a cat.

Lithuania gave it to him, in one of his many post-independence waves of guilt.

Being a nation requires being away for extended periods of time, so the staff will frequently take care of the cat. It can often be seen wandering through the government building nearest Russia's home.

The staff takes care to be sure the cat is in the house when Russia arrives home, however.

The cat is aloof at first, miffed at being left to the staff, but Russia has never been one to let a cold shoulder deter him. As soon as he can catch it, he scoops up the cat - he is more agile than one would expect for a man of his size - and holds it like a baby, on its back with its head in the crook of his elbow.

He presses his face into the long, soft fur of the cat's belly, nuzzles his nose back and forth, murmuring affections.

The cat dissolves into purring, paws kneading the air and occasionally Russia s ear.

Russia's long absence is forgiven, and the cat is his loving and devoted companion once more.

If only that method worked on the Baltics!