okay so my first story, enjoy! its basically the story of how their love develops through time from Annabeth living with Percy and his family. However, it is also packed with more complications that an 'average' move-in. Especially when it is Seaweed Brain and Wise Girl :)

Disclaimer: Rick Riordan owns these b-e-a-utiful characters!

Percy's P.O.V.~

"Annabeth come on!" She was freaking out because she thought she was 'imposing on our family.' She left the school she attempted to go to when we were sixteen. It didn't go well because she got into A LOT of fights, yeah its a long was now standing in the elevator with the blank look on her face that rarely even shows. I could clearly tell that she was nervous, scared, and even slightly annoyed. She had all the emotions in her blank-eyed stare. I decided to walk over to her and see if she was ready to go threw with this.

"Are you okay?" I knew it was a dumb question because either way she was going to live with me, my mom and Paul whether she liked it or not because I know she truly doesn't want to move back to San Francisco. It hurt her when she was there. She called me all the time asking me if I was having a good time. The conversations we had always ended up the same way. She would pretend she was okay but then i told her I new she wasn't and then she would cry. I always felt bad because I remember when we were 12 and when we just got back from our first quest, the time when we were friends but not side-by-side-full-on-bffs. I laughed in spite of my self.

"Are you laughing at me?," she said with emphasis on laughing. her eyes flared and turned their stormy gray.

"No I was laughing at a memory."

"Do I have to do this? I am perfectly capable of getting a job and living in San Fransisco. School is easy the only problem would be livig with Helen." Her eyes gave her away faster than her words.

"Don't lie to me because I may be me," I said with mock horror at the word me,"but I've known you for... 5? years and i know when you are lying. I'm your boyfriend and you know what?"

"What?," She said absolutely inntrigued by the idea of finding out somethink she didn't know.

"I know that you are going to walk ino tht appartment and wear a big,REAL,smile on your face because you do not know HOW much time my mom has spent talking about you comming to live with us. In all honesty she has been talking 24/7 about you." I know she would come in know because the elevator doors started to close.


Annabeth's P.O.V.~

I walked with Percy,hand in hand, to the door of his mom's appartment. I could imagine living with his family. Sally was so nice, and Paul seemed so layed with the fact that his step-son was a powerfu demi-god that led the Titan war. And the fact that I would live with Percy...it was so surreal.

My education would be covered because I would be going to Goode. Paul worked there as a teacher, and Percy was a pupil at the same school.

Percy dug his key out and unlocked the door. The minute it was open he fell backwards with something on his shoulders.

"What the?... Ben-Ben!" Well apparently the thing on his shoulder was a child. A child named 'Ben-Ben'.

"Um...Percy? Who's this?" When I said it came out more like a statement that a question, a first for me.

"What? I never old you about Ben-Ben? Okay, he my mom's best friends-daughter got pregnant and had a baby- Ben-Ben. But then 'something happened'"- he gave me a look that said he would tell me later- "so my mom and Paul took him in so now he lives with us for most of the year." He said it all while he was trying to get up and put Ben-Ben in his arms rather than on his chest. He finally got up and I saw Ben-Ben completely.

He was a smaller replica of Percy. His eyes were green, not fully Percy's color but shockingly just a shade lower on the color chart from his. They showed many emotions, most prominent were shyness, happiness, and, surprisingly love. His hair was blonde, a shiny, purified blonde. He was about as tall as Percy's knee cap and his small white teeth were shining with happiness.

He whispered something to Percy and then he let him down. Ben-Ben stepped forward and put his hand out.

"I'm...I'm Ben-Ben. Who is you?" His voice was so charmingly adorable that I giggled, but the minute I did I was worried that he would take it the wrong way. But instead of recoiling back to Percy he giggled too.

"I'm Annabeth. Nice to meet you." I extended my hand to meet his, it was so soft and he had a little scar on it. But it was only centimeter and was a dark red.

He turned to Percy and said," Unca Percy? Isn't that your girlfrien?" He was so innocent and I could tell, even though his language was not perfect,that he was very intelligent.

"Yeah Ben-Ben thats-thats my girlfriend." Seaweed Brain said i with a blush. And with that blush I thought of something very funny. I turned to Ben-Ben.

"Ben-Ben how do you know that?"

"Know what Anniebeth?"

"That I am 'Unca Percy's' girlfriend."

"He told me about you. He talks about you A LOT." I giggled at his emphasis on 'a lot.' He even moved his tiny hands.

"So Seaweed Brain you been talking about me?..." He was bright red and he wore a smirk I think he was unconscious of.

"Well you know..."

Then Sally walked out of the apartment the door into the hallway. Her brown hair had a lot of grey, she was looking- old. Her eyes were still a warm brown, but were surrounded by laughing lines. The emotions she showed clearly told how good on a person she was. Percy was lucky he had her, so was Paul. As she was lucky to have both of them. Before I could finish taking her appearance in she lent in and gave me an honest hug.

"Well hi Annabeth nice to see you again." She had a huge grin plastered on her face and she said the words like she had been rehearsing them all night.

"Hello Mrs. Jack-I mean Sally." I called her Sally every time i talked about her, but each time i talk too her I called her because... well I just do.

"I'm sooo happy that Percy convinced you to stay with us. I thought we weren't going to see you around anymore." She said referring to how many times I hailed a taxi from my school-well now OLD school-to their apartment. The only time I wasn't here was when I was at school or sleeping. But I even slept here a couple nights.

"You know Sally you don't have to do this, I can live with my dad and Helen. I would be perfectly fine."

Then Percy suggested that we actually WALK into the apartment instead of catching up in the hallway. We did and we all sat down a the table. Right ater Percy set my luggage by the door for later.

Percy started, "Oh please Mom, that's what she told me, like, 5 minutes ago. Don't let her fool you."

"Oh the only thing I'm worried about is were she is going to sleep." There. That was my loophole to moving back to the horrible place I called home.

"See Sally, It is too much of a burden for you to 'take me in'"-I said putting 'take me in' with air quotes.

"Okay if you keep saying things like that I'm going to send you back to your old all girls school." She was so serious and she said 'all girls school' like it was Tartarus.

"Umm...okay. I won't"

"Good. Now Percy she is going to be in the guess room."

"Yep." Then he leaned over the table and kissed his mom on the cheek. It was something I thought only Percy would do. He still had the child in him that just loved the mother o much that he wasn't embarrassed to lean in, right in front of his girlfriend, to kiss his mom. I smiled.

Percy's P.O.V.~

I kissed Mom on the cheek and set of, with Annabeth, to make sure I lead her to the right room. She was going to sleep in the guest room. How my mom FOUND a guest room it this complex is a mystery to me. Most the 'houses' have only two rooms. However this is one of the few on the third level that has a three bedroom apartment. Mom and Paul covered one room-the master. Me and Ben-Ben bunk with each other covering the spare my room is technically the guess room but I've used it since I was a kid so... yeah. And Annabeth is going to have the guest/technical bedroom to herself. But I'm sure me and Ben-Ben will be bothering her a lot.

"So is my Wise Girl excited to bunk by herself?"

"Don't be so giddy Perce, It's just till the end of the school year." she looked up and gave me a smirk.

"JUST? Annabeth the school year begins 's were Paul is-at school trying to prepare for tomorrow."

"Well..." She was aggravated, I could tell. Her brow furrowed and her eyes turned stormy.

"Chill Wise Girl, don't get all worked up." Since we were still standing in the kitchen, I decided to start walking into the hall, across from my room to the guest room.

The walls were white-like mine- and there was a twin size bed-like mine- and a tiny closet-like mine- the room was basically blank but Annabeth could easily decorate. I sat down her uit cases and sat on the bed.

"How do you think our OTHER parents will take it?..."

"Well considering what we have done and who they are I think they will kick our asses." She smiled trying to downplay her nervousness.

"Well your about right." I smirked and kissed her.

Her lips were soft, smooth. I love to kiss her. She was so...desirable. I'm glad I am her best friend.

Her eyes were sparkling when she opened them. She kissed me again and gods was it amazing. Her lips were soft, lush, and so Annabeth-y.

But of course moments like these wouldn't last. Ben-Ben came in her room and told me there was someone at the door. Me and Annabeth got up to check it out. And, of course, standing before me was the goddess that has tormenting me since I was little, the goddess that LOVED to mingle in my life. Especially my 'love' life.

Okay, that is the first chapter! tell me if you like it. I have A LOT of things/chapters planned for this. ideas welcome! r&r!
