Kirk pulled up the Prentiss-Jareau driveway following Derek inside. He went to go find Emily and JJ, running into Jaden on the way.

"Jaden where are your mothers?"

"Upstairs just follow Jack." Jaden said pointing to Jack.

"Yeah, I'll take you sir." Jack said.

"Why thank you both, you are very good young men." Kirk said and went to follow Jack, who led him right to Tara's new room where Emily and JJ were. "Ah, Emily, Jennifer I've brought over Tara's cars, Ben was behind me with her ford but seems to have stopped for a coffee." He handed the keys to Emily. "The car is paid off and insurance is under my name."

"What kind of car is it?"

"Mustang, and her father has her tarsus."

"I.." Emily stammered.

"Oh I understand if you don't want her to have the car, I can keep it for her."

"Let me talk with her and Izzy and I'll get back to you on that." Kirk nodded and followed Jack back out of the room.

"Tara, Iz." Emily called the two, Morgan walked in and set a box down.

"Oh it's the mom faceā€¦I'll just leave now, come on Alex." Morgan picked his daughter up and walked out, Emily and JJ chuckled.

"Hey." Izzy greeted walking in.

"Tara, your grandfather brought over your cars, I'll let the mustang stay if you promise, both of you, no more racing." Izzy looked at Tara, they both wanted to keep racing but knew the risks they were taking.

"Knock, knock?" Mark said leaning against the door frame.

"Hey Mark," Emily smiled.

"Girls, I have an announcement to make, that fits in well right here. I quit last week. I ran my last race won and said I'm done, we lost two drivers last week it's not safe with the new rules, these kids racing with no license just isn't right." He said and Tara nodded.

"Quit while we're ahead."

"Alright." Izzy said.

"If I hear of any of you racing I'll reign hell down on you." Emily said looking at all three of them, JJ nodded in agreement. Emily handed the keys to Tara and looked out in the front yard, she heard the kids leave. She watched her family from the window, they were all gathered in the front yard, smiling and laughing. She watched as Trace picked Jaden up putting him into the trailer. Alex was chasing Raiden around while Garcia watched a smile plastered on her face, Jack went over to talk to Trace. Emily smiled at her family, she laughed when Izzy walked out only to be tackled to the ground by Tara who immediately started to tickle her. Emily turned to look at JJ, who was also watching their family.

"Just one more member."

"Not really, she was already part of the family."

"I meant Trace." Emily said.

"Than your right." JJ smiled.

"We have a great family."

"We created a great family."

"Hey mom! Get down here we have to take a family photo!" Trace yelled up to them and they went to join everyone. They had the BAU family, Jack, Izzy, Jaden and Alex include in that, Then the extended family with Trace, Elizabeth, Tara, Kirk and Mark, and of course the three dogs who all found spots up front and center right in front of Emily, JJ, Jaden, Izzy and Tara. They all struggled to fit in the photo but so how managed, when JJ got it printed she framed it and put it over the fireplace with the dozen of other photos of her family over the years.


a/n: Alright I lied, I have another song I can do! I'm still interested in what you guys want to see. And This is the end for this song, hope to see you on the next (El Distorto De Melodica), and hope you enjoyed.