"You...Are...Forgiven..." Dougie managed between rapid breaths. He rolled over and rested his head on Harry's bare chest.

"Thanks," Harry smiled and placed a kiss to Dougie's head. They lay in each other's arms for some time. They enjoyed the warmth, the gentle touches, the silence.

"You two finished fucking each other's brains out?" Tom asked cautiously from the door way.

"How'd you know?" Dougie asked.

"Ah let's see, the random grunting and moaning every now and then, the bed squeaking and..." Danny started.

"Not to mention random pieces of clothing falling on the floor," Tom continued. "Oh and when Harry practically screamed your name...You obviously covered his mouth though..."

"Or stuck something in his mouth," Danny laughed.

"Danny!" Tom groaned and walked away.

"Get dressed, we're almost at our next venue," Danny said before he too walked away. Discretely Dougie slipped from the bunk to get the items of clothing that had ended up on the floor. After they were both dressed they walked out and sat with Tom and Danny.

"You obviously made up," Tom noted.

"Oh yeah," Dougie grinned. A few minutes later the bus pulled up at a hotel which the band would be staying in for a couple of nights. After getting their gear into their rooms, which took longer than it should have because Harry and Dougie decided to muck around at every chance they got, they all finally sat down. In the process of getting into the room Tom had convinced everyone to watch Star Wars, which he had bought along.

"You know what?" Harry said as he ran his fingers through Dougie's hair. They were sitting on the ground with Dougie between Harry's legs.

"What?" Dougie asked, leaning his head back and resting it on Harry's chest.

"I'm glad I have you...And you two as well," Harry said, looking over at Tom and Danny as they waited for the movie to start.

"Well you wouldn't be anywhere without us," Dougie grinned.

"You don't have to tell me that twice," Harry said.

"Yeah...Yeah, it's damn good to have you all," Tom agreed. They all sat in silence for a minute.

"Aww! Come 'ere Tom!" Danny grinned and pulled Tom into a hug. Both boys started to laugh.

"Let me go, I can't breathe," Tom laughed.

"I love you," Harry whispered into Dougie's ear. Tom and Danny were too busy mucking around that they didn't see the small but loving gestures that Dougie and Harry were exchanging.

"I love you too," Dougie whispered back before turning in Harry's arms so he could kiss the older man.

"I think tomorrow night is the night," Harry whispered.

"Me too," Dougie agreed and even though they hadn't specified what the night would be for, both were thinking the same thing...Revealing their relationship to the public. They gave each other another kiss before facing the TV again. Seconds later Tom and Danny turned their attention back to the TV as well. As the movie started Harry's mind drifted.

I, Harry Judd, have the most wonderful life. I have a fantastic job, fantastic friends, and fantastic family. But the most wonderful part of my life is Dougie Lee Poynter. He is everything I have ever asked for. There will never be anyone better than him and I am making a vow to myself now. I will never, ever, let go of this beautiful man. He will stay in my life until the day I die. And even then I will have him with me when I go where ever it is we do go when we die. We have made memories, we will continue to make memories and right now...We are making something worth remembering. Because it's the simple moments like these, just sitting here holding this beautiful man and watching a movie with him, that are the moments that I will forever remember. And right now I can't help myself...I just have to say it...

"I love you Dougie Lee Poynter," Harry whispers in Dougie's ear and only loud enough for him to hear. And at that moment a smile so huge spreads across Dougie's face.

So there you have it. I hope you enjoyed reading this. I certainly had a great time writing it. :) Thank you all for your comments and support! I really appreciate it.

Jenna xx