Inspired by the Rihanna song.

Russian Roulette

"I don't want to," Tori pleaded, tears welling up in her eyes. Her face felt so hot, and the extreme redness in her cheeks showed it. The teenager felt an agonizing lump swell up in her throat, making even harder to speak.

"Yes you do, baby," the boy replied, his voice sickeningly sweet. Robbie leaned towards Tori, and roughly kissed her on the lips. Any other time, Tori Vega knew she could fight this, but things change after three glasses of beer get forced on you.

"Robbie," the girl cried. "" Her begging was useless: Robbie wanted one thing, and one thing only.

From the counter, Rex watched, his cold, lifeless eyes staring down at his so-called friend with disgust. Robbie sensed this, but didn't really care at this moment.

Life was ending, Tori could feel. What would Trina think? Or her parents? This was a nightmare. Soon, the room started swirling as the alcohol flowed through her veins. "Stop it, please!" the girl screamed, her eyes helplessly closed, tears openly streaming down her cheeks. Just close your eyes, Tori. The nightmare had to end soon.

"Leave her alone!" someone screamed, his voice filled with rage. Suddenly, the girl felt Robbie being violently pushed off of her. "Tori...Tori! Are you okay?"

"A-Andre?" Tori asked, too weak to open her eyes.

"Don't worry, Tori, you're safe now," assured the boy. Andre picked up the girl, holding her in his arms like a hero from the movies, trying to remain respectful. "Let's get out of here." With that, the two ran away, ran from the darkness.

Robbie lay on the ground, like a wounded animal, having failed to achieve its desire.

Andre took Tori back to the Vega's house, the night's sky so dark above him. Finally, he reached the door, set Tori back on her feet, then rang the door bell.

Katrina and her parents soon answered, obviously concerned. "Thank goodness she's alright," Mrs. Vega exclaimed.

"I think that..." Andre began to explain.

"How dare you put your hands on our daughter?" Mr. Vega demanded. "How dare a black boy touch a white girl! Come on, Tori." The man pulled his daughter inside the house.

"T-thanks, Andre," Tori managed to say, her voice weak. Mr. and Mrs. Vega then slammed the door, leaving Katrina and Andre alone.

"...Thank you for helping her, Andre," Trina said, her voice timid and sweet. "She means the world to me." The girl gave her friend a gentle hug, then went inside.

Letting out a defeated sigh, Andre walked back to his home, his hands in his pockets. This sort of cruel behavior wasn't new for the teenage boy. Even in the twenty first century, people of all genders and nationalities were still hated. At least Tori and Trina still cared about him. Not to mention Jade, Beck, and Cat. "What did I do?" Andre asked himself, disgusted with the situation.