A/N: Written for the VAMB 2010 Secret Santa. Froot, my recipient, asked for Janeway/Tuvok friendship but, being me, I couldn't tie down one idea…

Thanks to the ever wonderful and supportive sophiedoodle for the read through and advice

Disclaimer: Paramount owns Voyager, even though I like it better than they do. The poetry belongs to WB Yeats

"Captain, I am afraid that I do not quite understand the purpose of this ritual."

"It's Christmas, Tuvok! You can't possibly tell me that you don't know what Christmas is."

"I am aware of such a celebration, Captain, but it has never been something I have actively participated in. I have no need to-"

Rolling her eyes, Kathryn pushed the brightly coloured box into his hands. He stood awkwardly, holding it as though it would explode at the first movement he made. Vulcans never received gifts graciously.

"It's not dangerous, Tuvok! If you would prefer, then consider it a going away present. Nothing to do with Christmas at all - just a gift to make your time in the Maquis a little more homely."

"Thank you, Captain," he said eventually, apparently convinced that she wasn't in fact trying to kill him. His nose wrinkled slightly as though he were fighting to remember something half buried.

"It was most thoughtful," he said slowly, "You should not have."

She smiled widely and nodded her encouragement.

"See? You've got the sentiments sorted already. Just you wait, I'll have you singing carols next year."

"I sincerely hope not."