My first story, I hope it has the potential to be good. Apologise for any mistakes, they are entirely my own and I welcome any feedback you Torchwood readers have.

Chapter One: The Truth Can Hurt

"Gwen I don't need you fussing over," Jack cut off his meaningful stride to his office to turn around and look at the women hot on his heels. "I'm fine." He insisted.

"Jack, just let Owen check you over. That was a pretty nasty bite." Her eyes widened and the 'puppy dog' expression made its way on to her face. "Please?"

With a sigh, Jack gave in. "Okay, but I bet he won't find anything." He teased whilst making his way over to the autopsy room and Owen. The Captain couldn't understand why the Welshwomen worried about him so much after every resurrection. When Gwen hadn't been around the team had accepted the fact Jack Harkness was immortal but Gwen Cooper had to make sure her beloved Captain hadn't severally damaged himself that he couldn't carry on as normal.

An hour later and the Torchwood team were sat around the table in the boardroom, coffees in hand, listening to Jack's 'team leader' speech – the one he gave before every meeting telling them how proud he was. Before every meeting, each member of the team had their own routines. Toshiko would bring her PDA and anything else she needed to explain her findings. Owen was less professional, only bringing himself and slumping in his chair as soon as he sat in it. Whereas Ianto was quiet the opposite, always on time if not early, neat and tidy, never slouching nor showing an ounce of boredom and that's the way he liked it. Gwen and Jack seemed to arrive at the same time, hot on his heels and voicing her opinion.

As they listened to Jack, Gwen's mind started to wander. Her thoughts started off by telling herself how proud she was on making the 'Special Ops' team and Pc Andy Davidson hadn't. Although, she suspected he had never been in the running to become a member. She was also proud to have such a great leader, one that would be his neck on the line – literally – to protect his team, she liked that. And has she gazed at the man she was thinking about a small smile crept onto her face.

But wait, he wasn't looking at her. Jack always looked at her when he gave a team briefing. It was as if he was talking to her and there was no-one else in the room but lately she had noticed that he had started to focus more on the youngest member of the team – Ianto. She hadn't minded so much when it first started, because Ianto had been through a traumatic event: realising his girlfriend had been taken over by the cyber technology she had been half converted into. And yet many months on, Jack was still looking at him with the same sympathetic eyes. At times she had noted his eyes portrayed another emotion that made her blood boil.

As she glanced from Ianto to Jack and back, Gwen could feel her body stiffen with anger. She tried to conceal it through fake smiles and nods but it wasn't as easy as the actors on the television made it look.

Several minutes later Gwen heard her name being called.

"Gwen, get your head out the clouds," Owen smirked as he spoke.

"What? Sorry." She quickly apologised, clearly oblivious of what was happening around her.

Jack gave her a stern look then bushed it aside. "As I was saying, can you," He pointed at the Welshwomen "go with Owen to continue the investigation on last night's rift spike? Whilst Tosh -" He was cut off.

"Go through the data and collect any information we might have on George Davis to see if anything is relevant and connected with the case." She finished her sentence off with a smile.

Jack returned it, "That's my girl," he winked and watched her, Owen and Gwen leaving the room.

Ianto had remained seated and was busy reading through the papers given out at the meeting. Suddenly he felt two hands on his shoulders and felt them slide down his chest. "Jack," He smiled as the man chuckled and kissed the top of his head. Then Jack removed his arms to sit down in the chair next to him and placed his hand on Ianto's with a loving smile.

Unbeknown to Jack, Gwen had left with the others she had lingered outside the door. She tried not to react to the scene in front of her as she felt the emotions from earlier bubble up and fill her up inside. This time jealousy and anger overpowered the other emotions and she had difficulty pulling herself away. Eventually she tore her eyes away from the sight of Jack and Ianto and stormed down the corridor which led to the main area of the Hub. As she walked tears filled her eyes and one even made its way down her cheek. Suddenly she halted, and her hands tightened into fists causing her knuckles to turn white. "How can Jack do that to me?" She hissed through her teeth. With that, she strode through the Hub with a thunderous expression on her face.

As she reached the main level, Tosh and Owen looked up from where they were working and instantly followed Gwen with their eyes. The Welshwomen picked up her bag and removed her coat from the stand. She marched over to the cog door and didn't wait for it to be fully open before stepping side and into the lift.

Tosh and Owen shared a look of complete confusion, until Toshiko glanced back at her monitor. She had had the CCTV recording during the board meeting but now it was showing a live feed. A live feed of Jack and Ianto sitting side by side, fingers laced together in a tight compassionate knot, talking and laughing.

Owen came up behind Tosh as she watched the screen. "Does she not know?" She asked softly, closing the window to give the two men a bit of privacy.

"She does now." Owen replied as he walked back to his half dissected corpse spread out on the autopsy table.

Next time: Gwen returns to the Hub but will she react to what happened within the boardroom.