Disclaimer: I do not own Megamind characters, heroes, villains, environments etc, etc. Any OC, hero, villain or location not recognisable is mine. I also do not own the villain of this fanfic, who shall remain nameless for as long as I see fit.

Rating and Warning: T for swearing and other bad words. Violence and a lot of explosions. Metro Man getting his ass kicked. OOCness maybe? A little bit crack-ish at some points. The nameless villain is completely OOC.

A/N: This one is for you. Yes, you! You sexy reader you!

…- The Thin Line Between Evil and Evil -…

The plan itself… was brilliant. It was actually very simple but with that, just brilliant.

True to Megamind's genius.

Lure the unwelcome villain to the most southern part of the city, where not many people live. It is an old and almost abandoned part, planned to be levelled to the ground and rebuild in two years when enough money has been gathered and plans are completed. So fighting here, where people that are still in the area have a good chance of escaping, takes that load from the shoulders of hero and villain alike. There is no point in trying to protect the buildings because they are meant to be wrecked.

The fight was to be without rules, without sacrifices and most importantly, without victims.

Which is why Metro Man had agreed.

While the man in white had kept to cleaning the city and helping those who needed a superhuman hand Megamind had set up and prepared for battle. Truth be told, it was actually very simple. On top of the seven highest buildings in the abandoned neighbourhood he had placed powerful lamps. Much more powerful then the lights used by the humans during the first night the shadow had attacked. The lamps acted like soft laser beams, as the blue man had explained. Unlike the ordinary lamps people used these would be powerful enough to break through the behemoth. Like a hot blade through butter.

In the beginning the lamps had been stationed on several locations for easy access, to have at least one close by for when the battle would start. The others could move, like insects they scaled the walls and stuck to whatever surface they needed to be stuck on. Every lamp was only a foot in diameter, but extremely powerful, as the genius had claimed. Strong enough.

Just enough.

They did what they had to do.

Metro Man remembers being chased by the giant shadow, even bigger then the night before. Then, as he flew into another street, the thing hot on his trail he had spotted two of the lamps on either side of the road, out of sight and strategically placed so their beams could cross when they would shine bright.

And when their beams crossed and cut through the legs of the then four legged monstrosity, it came down.


Slamming into the building at the end of the street and breaking down with more force then a balloon filled with water striking the ground. The whole building had collapsed, sending brick and glass and steel everywhere. The earth itself seemed to tremble with the small earthquake, damaging the already weakened structures in the area.

Metro Man had laughed with pride and joy, just watching the creature go down in al its awkwardness had been thrilling, exiting.

And his laughter had died out.

The shadow, taking the resemblance of an octopus soon pulled itself together. This time it seemed smaller. This time it seemed much more flexible then before. This time it focused on the lamps.

What couldn't have been more then roughly twenty minutes later, the lamps were destroyed. All seven of them.

So Metro Man, with a great deal of reluctance had resorted back to square on. He had chased the shadow, let the shadow chase him. Laser beams, freezing breath, tornado hands. Nothing had worked, just like the night before and quickly he was once again at his wit's end. Giving up was not an option either. The shadow man seemed to have so much fun throwing everything in the hero's face, and who was he to back down from this? He knew what happened when he lost the demon's attention, and he wouldn't go through that again. What was worse, is that somewhere along the battle, while the shadow had concentrated on destroying the last of the lamps he had lost contact with his blue nemesis, once more giving Metro Man the feeling of utter and total loneliness.

And that is where they are now, at this very moment.

"You are starting to bore me. Get out of my way you insect!" Metro Man doesn't know what hurt him more; the impact coming from a tentacle the fiend had just grown or the impact of slamming through a building. Either way it hurt and left him dazed. With a throbbing headache he sits up, shaking his head and trying to clear his vision which is obscured by the dust clouding the air. "Let's see if I can eat you." He hears the shadow, but can't see through the thick mist of smoke, dust and rubbish. A rock heavy with annoyance settles in his stomach the moment he has to jump out of the way of an attacking face, mouth open and teeth bared.

How is it that he, a super man without weakness cannot see through this thick blanket of dust, but the blind twenty year old male could?

"New low." The man in white coughs again and jumps out of the way of another mouth, quickly flying up into the air to escape the smoke and dust so he could at least see what was coming at him before he had only a second to react and jump out of the way. But before he fully turns one of the tentacles is wrapped around his left leg, keeping him in place and an easy target. With his back now turned to the shadow another maw opens itself with rows and rows of sharp teeth, ready to shred flesh from bones as it strikes.

The only thing caught in the corner of the hero's eye is another powerful beam of light, and the maw dissolving like water. The beam, coming from somewhere inside the blanket of dust below then cuts through the tentacle holding Metro Man in place, just in time before a flash of pitch black attacks the source, knocking it down with the loud clatter of a heavy battle suit. The tearing of steel and shattering of glass ensues. The villain, the master of the shadow itself snarls, voice pitching with anger as he attacks the reason for this distraction. Metro Man himself grows cold when he realises what the distraction had been, knowing that all of the lamps had been destroyed.

The fist of God coming down could not be more literal then now.

With as much force as he possibly possesses Metro Man punches the blonde villain down and out of the way, feeling bones and skull crack beneath his knuckles. If it hadn't been for the heat of the moment he would have noticed the sharp snap of the villain's neck and the twitching of his body as he was worked to the ground.

All Megamind saw was a flash of black, and then a flash of white.

A colour he has never been so happy to see.

…- Back to Safety, Two Hours Later -…

"You get some rest to. The master will think of something."

"Will he be ok?" The hero, now cleaned of the rubble takes another long gulp of a bottle of water, replenishing himself. He really worked up a sweat tonight, but that was the least of his worries. "Like I said, he's shocked, not injured. Well there is a scratch on his left knee…" The fish, who had been so kind to him tonight hands him another bottle of water for the road. "He might already be up and working." Minion gives the hero a warm smile, which is usually only reserved for his blue master. With a final nod Metro Man grabs his super hero outfit, which the fish had also cleaned and makes for the exit of the hideout.

Tonight, when they had fled the shadow once more and returned to this lair Megamind had been very quiet, as if something had been bothering him. The hero isn't too sure which he would prefer. Having his archenemy silent because of injuries, or silent because he learned something really, really bad.

One of the brainbots yowls softly, just as unnerved at their master's behaviour as all the other bots. "Yeah I know." Minion soothes them, also unnerved as he makes his way towards the chamber he knows he'll find the alien man.

"So… how's it going sir?" The ever faithful fish pushes a curtain aside, his hunches confirmed that Megamind is indeed up and working. However, the blue man always responds to his fish, be it by a hum or a nod or a wave of his hand.

Now, Megamind remains quiet. He doesn't move a muscle even as Minion walks closer to see what he is doing. The fish's lively eyes are, just like his master's, glued to the main screen directly above the desk. On it, a quick film of the shadow wielding villain plays over and over. It is a short film of the young man turning towards the camera and swiftly waving a hand as if dismissing it. A shadow shoots out of the ground effectively destroying the camera but other then that, the maniac's image so clear he could well be standing in the room with them.

"This is the best image I've seen of him yet." To Minion, this calls for celebration. His big brown eyes quickly scan the smaller screens surrounding the one the film is playing on, all of them images of the battle, of the shadow, of Metro Man. "Sir he's really…" The question dies out on the fish's tongue as he looks down. Megamind still hasn't moved a muscle, staring at the screen with a worried look. This immediately puts his comrade down.

After a few seconds of silence more the big blue head of his master turns ever so slightly towards him, and it looks as if the master villain is looking for the right words. His emerald eyes never leave the screen, filled with worry and an emotion Minion has never seen to this extend. He has seen it before, but never this powerful.


"This film… when he attacked me… Metro Man hit him so hard his neck broke…"

"Why isn't that good?" The fish's voice actually pitches a notch and he brings his big monkey hands in front of his mouth to hide it. For a moment longer his master remains silent, as if struggling with the truth. As if he doesn't quite believe it himself. As if he's just having a weird dream that seems so real he could very well be awake. But it's not a dream.

"I know who this is…" However, that isn't the start. The genius' hands are clutched into two tights fists, leaning onto his desk. His whole posture is tense with stress, and not just because he had a near death experience this very night. "So?" Minion, for obvious reasons can't handle the stress.

"This man was very dangerous." If the fish in the robotic suit could he would have pointed it out. Was very dangerous. Was. Of course he knows what his master means. Was. "So… this man is… dead?"

"He died seven years ago…"

Finally, through his shock Minion is able to frown a bit. "Humans can't die and then walk around again sir. Remember the zombies? That isn't possible." It could have been a joke, it could have been to pick up his master's spirit. But not even Minion believes himself anymore.

"This man wasn't human when he was alive…"

"Is he an alien too?"

"No… Worse…"

-Word vervolgd

Your reviews are like crack to an addict! Can't stress enough how hungry you people make me. Thank you, old and new alike. Let me know what you think! And then maybe in the next chapter, I will reveal who the bastard is Megs and Metro are dealing with. Aren't I evil? Mwahaha