I Do Not Own Axis Powers Hetalia. Please Review and Thank You.

That Explains It

By Waterrain

"Capitalist pig."

"Communist bastard."

"Nyet, I'm not a bastard."

"You are for calling me fat. If you are to name an animal say a cat or a kitten. Just say any animal expect a pig."

"Capitalist bitch."

"I'm not a female dog, jackass."

"I'm not a donkey."

"See my point now, Russia?"

"Capitalist slut." Russia said innocently before kissing America on the lips and his arms were wrapped around the blue eyed Nation's hips.

France's hands were covering England's lips and he was grinning widely.

"Oh, dear. They are both sadist and masochists. Kinky. I wonder if they will go all the way." France whispered quietly into England's right ear and England's cheeks were flushed for he was regretting deciding to spy on them.

"You are a commie whore for trying to spread your communism ways." America managed to say sharply despite heavy breathing and his heart beating fast along with cheeks being flushed.

"Nyet. You are the one spreading your legs and letting anyone have capitalism." Russia said smoothly, his knee was between America's legs, and he smiled as the blue eyed Nation moaned softly. "Slut."

"Fuck you, Russia. I'm not a slut." America stated firmly, his cheeks were burning in embarrassment, and he pushed the other Nation away.

"No. I prefer to be on top." Russia commented innocently and his lips curled up into a smile.

"I will get you." America told him smoothly and his arms were crossed.

"We shall see my capitalist slut, da." Russia whispered into America's right ear and he added. "I wonder if you will prove me wrong?"

France's hand was bitten by England and he forced himself not to wince in pain. After all what would Russia and America do to them for spying?

"Bad, England." France said in a quiet voice and he rubbed his hand.

"Your hand was filthy." England muttered and he was thankful that France didn't scream.

"You are going to regret challenging me." America stated calmly and his blue eyes were narrowed.

"Nyet. It shall be fun, da. I'm curious if you will win or if I will win." Russia told him innocently and blinked his violet eyes while smiling.

"You'll be finding out pretty soon, red. Here's a little taste." America said confidently, he had Russia against the wall, and his knee between the violet eyed Nations legs. Then America kissed Russia firmly and deeply on the lips. He pulled away and saw Russia's flushed cheeks along with hearing a soft moan which made America smile brightly.

"Who is the slut now?" America asked cheerfully and he enjoyed making Russia moan.

"See you around, Commie." America stated causally as he walked towards the door and Russia caught his breath.

"Bye, Capitalist pig." Russia commented calmly as he closed and locked the door. He walked over to the slightly opened closest door, his hand turned the door knob, and violet eyes darkened in anger.

"Get out." Russia stated coldly and his arms were crossed. England and France quickly ran out of Russia's home.

"America is a tease." Russia muttered sadly and he sighed softly while shaking his head. "Why will he not give in?"

Meanwhile America was sulking as he walked and cheeks puffed out in annoyance.

"Russia is such a damn tease." America muttered quietly and his arms were crossed. "Why can't he just give up?"

France and England managed to make it to the safety of France's home.

"So those two are very sexually frustrated with each other." France commented cheerfully and he grinned. "It explains everything and they are both so stubborn."

England was still in shock, he was on autopilot, and his eyes were still wide.

"They call each other vulgar names, kiss so passionately that even a volcano pales in comparison, and yet it appears they have not had sex yet." France said calmly and he sighed while smiling.

",But they hate each other." England commented slowly and he looked at France.

"A mixture of love, hate, and lust. They feel so strongly for one another." France told him bluntly and he tilted his head while grinning. "I bet they would have some kinky sex."

"I'm going to get drunk and forget." England stated firmly and next time he is not going to spy on those two.

"Oh, I wish to be involved. However they are so intense and I already feel overwhelmed. Do you want to try joining Russia and America?" France said to the green eyed Nation and he was flipped off by England.

Please Review and Thank You.

Nyet is Russian for No

Da is Russian for Yes