A new story for you all. Once again, big thanks for my proof reader, if you like this couple, check out her YT channel at h t tp : / / www . you tube . com/ user / spof monster In-between proof reading for me, she puts a lot of effort into them. If you read this, some comments would be nice on the review button at the bottom there. Ta ;)


"Noun: A bringing to an end. A conclusion."


"Oi Sian, you getting the next round in or what?"

The booming voice reached me at my cramped position at the bar of Via. God I loved this place. Great drinks, great atmosphere, pity I was only 5 foot 5 and getting overlooked at the bar was a regular occurrence.

I looked across at the owner of the voice, my partner Dan. His large frame obvious, even from the other end of the bar. His handsome face grinning at my current predicament; stuck between a woman who seriously needed to learn that Sure had let her down and a man dressed in a flamboyant basque, heels, headdress and full diva make up. Still at least he smelt nice. Unlike Mrs lack of deodorant on my other side. That was the beauty with Via. Anyone and everyone came in here. In actual fact, that was the beauty with the Village in Manchester. You could really see life here, and often we did. We always came here for some downtime we had.

Sticking my tongue out at Dan and flicking him the v's, I managed to grab the attention of a barmaid as I saw him gesturing to the rest of our friends that the drinks would soon be flowing. Lin the barmaid was laughing at my face as I managed to squeak out my order. Bringing back the tray of drinks and taking my money; she smiled, as she returned with my change, holding onto my hand a little longer than necessary.

"Rough day in work Sian love?"

I rolled my eyes at her and laughed, gesturing at the alcohol and gently withdrawing my hand "Better now Lin, cheers". I winked and walked away carrying my precious cargo through the throngs of people, past the lush, thick velvet curtains that separated the main bar from the more secluded seating area and into the dark dingy corner we always occupied. Placing the tray down, I grabbed my drink, taking a quick gulp of my strawberry beer as Dan placed a meaty arm around my shoulders.

The conversation was flowing freely between us all, as it does with a bunch of friends who had known each other for a few years. Well, I was the baby of the group really and had only known them for two years; some of the others had known each other for much longer. They were a good bunch though, they'd taken me in straight away and this night out was to celebrate me graduating, not being the newbie any more.

PC Powers. It had a nice, albeit amusing, ring to it. Two years of being puppy walked and the good natured butt of my colleagues jokes; finally over. I was finally accepted. One of the boys. Manchester's Finest. It felt good. I had a place I belonged now.

I looked around smiling, feeling the reassuring weight of Dan's arm on my shoulders. Bless him, he knew I wasn't in the mood for people coming onto me tonight; I just wanted to let my hair down and enjoy myself without any hassles. They were good mates, all of them, Ian, Claire, Gerry, Chris and of course, Dan. They'd looked after me after I'd started working with them two years ago, helped put me back together after I'd had my heart broken.

Bad work days? Not a problem with these guys. Friends. Real friends. Friends who'd never let me down, would never hurt me (Well, there was that unfortunate incident involving Chris and the last chunky Kit Kat I had in my fridge going missing, but we'd got past that). There was never a time when a needed hug was refused, an angry outburst thrown back in your face. They forgave and forgot and accepted me for who I was. Claire had basically adopted me as another daughter as the boys were her lads.

I'd disappeared to the ladies with Claire and we were on our way back to the rest of our mates after our short girlie time together when I heard raucous laughter from part of the bar. Distracted by the noise and struggling past the people queuing at the bar (why the Christ in hell were ladies toilets ALWAYS a mile from where you sat) I stumbled as I was knocked slightly off balance by the hen on yet another hen night. Ending up on one knee.

Struggling to get back up with a little help from Claire, I heard the loud laughter again. Glancing in its direction, I spotted the table. Typical. Bunch of pissed up students or ex students looking at them. Finally back on my feet, Claire linked her arm through mine and looked across me at the table and tutted. She probably knew where my thoughts were headed.

Tugging me to follow her, she smiled. "You're better off out of there Sian, no regrets. Look at how far you've come" I looked into her brown eyes and nodded. "We're proud of you; you're one of us now. Forget her." I knew she was right, but it didn't stop the small pangs of regret at the disaster that had been my time at university. I followed her, but had final look at the table, blinking twice when I saw the long dark, wavy hair. Manchester? Weatherfield was a suburb. Oh shit no, I couldn't be that unlucky could I? She'd be finishing her course about now. I'd have finished my course about now...

Blinking and looking again, the owner of the hair had gone. Shaking my head I walked back to my mates. Nah. I was just imagining it. Time to get pissed and party. Grabbing another beer at the table I took a healthy swig and enjoyed the banter with my mates.


Somehow or other it was my turn to buy the beer yet again. I'd managed to get to my feet and find a decent space at the bar, the lateness of the hour meaning that there were less people around. Feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket, and dragging it out, I dropped it.

Bugger it.

Reaching down to get it, a slender hand and wrist appeared in my view. Picking up the phone before me and standing up, I followed suit and stood up. The slender hand was attached to a well toned forearm, my eyes following the arm up to a shoulder and long wavy dark hair.

"Hi Sian, I thought it was you before" the quiet voice, the Mancunian accent. Holy shit. It WAS her.

"Sophie." I plucked my phone out of her hand, turned and walked out, blood pressure whooshing round in my ears, heart thumping in my chest. I heard Dan and the lads shouting at me, I really did. I knew I should have waved at them said anything, but I needed air. I heard Sophie calling after me, but what else could I do than get away from her? She'd destroyed me once, two and half years ago. It had taken me this long to get on with my life.

Sophie fucking Webster. Why now?

Reaching the wall that separated Canal Street and its patrons from falling drunk into the actual canal, I leaned heavily against it. Gulping my breath down. Two and a half years, two and a half fucking years since I'd seen her, and I felt like I'd been sucker punched. I thought I'd gotten over this? Wasn't that the reason I'd ended up in my chosen career? Gripping the wall tightly with both hands, eyes firmly shut, I calmed myself down, resisting the urge to throw up. Using the cold air to help settle me by concentrating on breathing it in and out several times, I turned around, hearing dual sets of footsteps behind me.

Opening my eyes, I saw an animated Claire with a finger in Sophie's face. I watched the two of them briefly while they had a chat of sorts, then checked my mobile. Might as well see if my life could get any worse. I checked the caller ID. My mother. Yup, cheers God, it certainly could get worse. Jesus, what was she ringing me for at this time of night now? Probably her new toy boy had run off with best friend or something. Shoving my phone in my pocket, I looked back at my angry friend, or adopted mum, it depended on what mood she was in.

Christ, she was in full on protective mother bear mode. I looked at Sophie. Not with a coppers eye, but just...as... what? Ex girlfriend? I could hardly call us that could I? Ex lover? Nah, I ran my hand though my blonde hair. Ex piece of spineless shit would be more to the point I reckoned. Still, she'd only changed slightly. Looking a little leaner, with the same lovely dark hair cut a little shorter and with her fringe gone now. Snorting in disgust at catching myself looking at her like THAT again, I caught sight of the lads; noses pressed against the window, eyeing the tongue lashing Claire was dishing out. I smiled grimly. Made a change. They were probably enjoying it. It was usually one of us she was bollocking.

I've got to be honest, I was a little surprised at seeing Sophie standing her ground and jabbing her finger back in Claire's direction. I raised an eyebrow. Well, that was a change from the Sophie Webster I knew. If anyone had openly had a go at her in the past, she'd wormed her way out of it, just like... ah hell, screw this I was going home.

I caught Dan's eye in the window and gestured with my thumb, universal language for "I've had it, I'm off" just as I caught a "I bloody tried ok? I screwed up, and who the hell are you anyway, her mother?" from Sophie. I blinked. She tried? I actually laughed out loud at that one. The two combatants stopping for a second to look at me.

"You tried?" Two and a half years of bitterness crept unrepentantly to the surface as reluctantly I took a couple of steps towards her, seething with rage. "You TRIED? Course you did Soph..ie" Dammit 5 minutes in her presence and I was using the shortened version of her name. I didn't need this, the small number of people still around paying a close interest to this argument. Probably thinking that there was some sort of kinky love triangle going on.

I turned and bumped straight into Dan's broad chest. He automatically wrapped his arms around me, looked at me quizzically, shrugged and simply guided me to the nearest hackney.

Seated in the warm cab I looked out of the back of the cab to see Sophie looking, the area lit well enough for me to see the strange look on her face as we drove back to my place.

To be continued...