D : GOMENASAI! This took way longer to get done then it should have! For that I am so sorry! *bows*
This chapter when though a lot: two cases of writers block, my computer get a bad virus in which I couldn't use my computer for almost two weeks, and two big distractions; 91.8 The Fan/The Fan's IRC chat room and Okamiden. - BUY IT!

Summary: Ryou, an Angel/Demon hybrid who lives in second Heaven, accidentally fall to Second Hell, where he means two unusual demons. Can he keep his angel side hidden? And lean to accept his demon side? Bakushipping! RxBxA(TK)
Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh. Because if I did I wouldn't have this crappy laptop.

Warning: Shonen-ai, violence, limes later. No lemons though.

Chapter 2

"There. Nothing burnt," Akefia said playfully as he set the pot of food down on to the table. He smiled, more like smirked, and put his hands on is hips in satisfaction.

"Will you stop that?" Bakura hissed glaring at Akefia, "It's not funny."

Akefia smirk grew wider, "Nope. I'm never letting that go."

"You-" the albino demon growled, about to stand up.

"BAKU!" Yelled a flash of gold and purple as it tackled said demon to the floor.

"How the-!"

"I missed you!" It shouted squeezing the demon like a stuffed toy.

"Well I didn't!" Bakura yelled as he tried to get out of the vice-like hug. "Gah! Get off me you psycho!"

It, which seemed to be another demon, ignored his demands of release. Instead he looked over his shoulder to Ryou. He tilled his head in confusion. "Who's the kid?"

Akefia trying, and failing, to hide his laughter answered "This is Ryou, I found him unconscious outside earlier." He looked over to Ryou. "Ryou, this is Marik."

Now that Marik was sit still, well mostly, Ryou could tell that this demon was as strange looking as the others. He had tanned skin and dark lavender eyes. His strangely light blond hair stick up randomly, seeming to defy gravity. It looked as if he was were the same v-neck to Bakura wore. He might have been wearing tan pants, but he was not sure from were he sat. The only cloths he was certain of was the long dark purple cloak. And being a demon he had horns that stuck up like Akefia's, a tail, and a pair of dark purple webbed wings that were almost invisible next to his cloak.

Marik looked at him for a moment more, then he grinned a devious grin. Letting go of Bakura, he turned to pounce Ryou.

Noticing this, the albino demon jumped blond one. "No you don't! You are NOT laying a hand on that kid!"

Marik pouted, "But Baku-"

"NO! Ra knows what you'll do to him."

"Oh..." Marik said in a suspicious voice, raising his eyebrows. "Does he belong to Baku?"

"Of course not! I'd just you rather not scar the kid for life."

"Umm?" Marik questioned. He looked over at Akefia for an answer. But he only shook his head. He then looked down at Ryou, who way partly hiding behind Akefia.

Akefia followed Marik's movement to look down at Ryou as well. Smiling he said, "It's okay Ryou, he's just a little crazy in the head."

Ryou looked up at him with a eyebrow raised. 'Is that supposed to make me feel better?' He thought shaking his head. 'Demons...'

"Alright, both of you, that's enough. Or we'll just eat without you. And you won't get any!" The bigger demon said, trying to get back to the meal before it got cold.

Bakura pushed off Marik, siting up leaving the other on the floor. "Like hell you will!"

Marik lay on the floor a moment more then sat up, settling next to Bakura. "So..." Marik started, looking confused. He tilted his head to get a different angle of the food in the pot. "What is it?"

Akefia stared at the two for a few seconds, noticing it wasn't a joke. He rolled his eyes, for the hundredth time that night. " Stew. Must I tell every time?"

"Hey, how are we supposed to remember the names of your fancy food?" Bakura exclaimed, pointing his chopsticks at Akefia.

The older sighed, "Yes because if it's anything but meat it must be fancy." He said sarcastically.

"Demons eat mean, not vegetables." The white haired demon stated.

"Yeah." Marik added, "Those are for humans. And Angels." He all but growled.

Ryou looked down at that and swallowed uneasily, feeling very nervous again.

Akefia just sighed. And stared scooping out the stew for dinner.

"Ryou," Akefia asked after finishing off the rest of his stew. "Is something wrong? You haven't said a thing since Marik got here."

"Obviously it's because Marik freaked the kid out," Bakura said setting his bowl down.

"Hey!" Marik yelled glaring at Bakura.

"I-it's nothing," Ryou replied looking away. "J-just tired... Ummm..." He started looking at the hall. "C-can I... take a shower?" Giving Akefia a side-glances.

"Sure. First room on the left," Akefia said pointing to the room.

Ryou just nodded. He got up and headed for the bathroom as Akefia watched him go.

Marik looked at Akefia with a confused face, then looked after Ryou, then back to Akefia. He smirked as an idea came to mind, he looked over at Bakura and said, "I think Kefia likes the kid~."

The white haired, tan demon looked away, blushing lightly he exclaimed, "Do not!"


The other white haired demon hit Marik upside the head. " Shut up."

"What?" The blond questioned, "Is Baku jealous?"

The other narrowed his eyes at him. "Akefia doesn't like him so why would I be jealous?" He said as he got up and walked over to the closet.

Akefia raised a eyebrow, "What are you doing?"

"The idiot forgot to get a towel." He answered, walking over to the bathroom door.

"Hey! Knock before you enter!" Akefia called as he walked into the kitchen with his bowl.

Bakura rolled his eyes and opened the door, without knocking. "Hey kid,..."

Ryou is standing with his back to Bakura pulling his arms out of his undershirt as he hear the other come in. His eyes widen and he turns around to see Bakura. 'Crap!'

Bakura narrows his eyes. He drops to towel and grabs Ryou by the arm, dragging him out of the bathroom into the hall. "Akefia!" He yells as he tosses Ryou into the living room, his back to the others.

"What?" Akefia ask, getting a little annoyed as he walked out of the kitchen.

"The kid!" He said as he pointed to Ryou's back. "That's what."

Akefia looked at Bakura then to Ryou. His eyes widened in shock.

Ryou sat on the floor, back to the others, with his hands in his lap and his legs close to his chest. His hair has been pulled over his face by Bakura to show his whole back. His back and arms are littered with small scars, some fresher then others. But the real shocking thing was that there were deep, duel red scars where his wings should have been. And around them were protruding vain marks.

'Who is this kid?'

AN: Now that your are done go look at the picture of Ryou's back, I hope it helps to show what I'm trying to tell. There will be a link on my profile.