Chapter 3

I want to start a 100 theme challenge thingy but I can't really think of any themes. I know they have list on line, but I don't really want to follow their themes, so - I WANT YOU TO GIVE ME THEMES. In your reviews please leave theme ideas and I'll try to write something to go along with it. I know, I take up to many things but I'm not able to sit steal and when I have writers block I need something else to do.

Also, Cali SunShine is NOT DEAD! I had a small bid of depression but it's gone and progress is being made. Next chapter should be up on the last Sunday of next month.

Sasuke could feel something...warm and heavy...well not heavy, heavy but a comfortable weight for sure on his legs. He didn't know what it was but it felt...nice. He could hear an incoherent murmur and a small chuckle; he wanted to know what it was. He slowly blinked his eyes open and closed them tightly as the sun invaded his eye thanks to the newly opened roof. He took a moment to adjust to the bright light and looked forward to see the smirking Kankuro.

"What?" Sasuke croaked out as he attempted to raise an eyebrow. Kankuro looked down at Sasuke's lap and pointed.

"Look's like your plan is already working." Sasuke sent him a look, he hadn't been up long enough to deal with idiots like Kankuro. He heard another odd murmur and something tugged at his shirt. He looked down and swore he was seeing things or was still sleeping.

In his lap laid Naruto's head, tilted towards Sasuke's stomach. A tan hand was holding the fabric of his shirt loosely. A peaceful face was turned up to Sasuke. Golden brow relaxed, hidden by stray strands of golden hair. Calm dark lashes lidded over blue eyes and touching flustered cheeks. Plumbed pink lips open slightly and turned up at the corners.

If he didn't know any better he would have thought it was an angel. A beautiful, fallen angel, who had decided to claim Sasuke as his pillow. But the lack of wings ruined his fantasy as he saw it was Naruto that slept in his lap.

That was bad.

He could fell it already. The heat covering his face and completely coloring his neck up to his cheeks red. The other heat that traveled further down south where Naruto was. Oh god this was bad. He couldn't let this happen because he saw Naruto like this.

The blond turned his head more into Sasuke and murmured into the clothed leg. Sasuke had to suppress a shutter when he felt hot breathe close to his crotch. Naruto was too close. Too close to Sasuke and his...his new forming problem.

Oh god how was he supposed to explain that to the blond if Naruto woke up. He had to do something, anything to keep Naruto from seeing this. He was moving around a lot, he could wake up any moment. So, being a life or death situation, Sasuke reached for the coat in his seat behind him, told Kankuro to move the cooler from the floor, and with his hands now firmly holding the blonde's body, he pushed. Naruto was sent plunging to the floor; hitting it hard. At least the cooler was moved.

The blond yelped in surprise as his head hit the floor of the car. His blue eyes snapped open to look up into a red faced Sasuke.

The space around him was small and Naruto tried to sit up, but he had to use Sasuke's leg for support. The raven haired teen blushed more, from what Naruto thought was anger, and tightened his hold on the coat in his lap.

It took a few moments for Naruto to register what had just happened and when he realized he was pushed onto the floor by Sasuke, he felt his blood boil.

"What the hell was that for?" The blond hollered at the top of his lungs and pointed a Sasuke. Gaara was taken back by the noise and slammed on his breaks, sending Naruto's head into the back of Kankuro's seat.

"Ouch!" Naruto whined and cradled his new bump, turning to the offending seat to glare at it. "Gaara, the seat hit me." Kankuro laughed hysterically while Gaara rolled his eyes and sighed. Sasuke eyed the blond on the floor wondering what he even saw in the idiot in the first place, but when the blue eyes turned to glare at him, he remembered how lost he got when looking into those eyes. "And what the hell Teme, I was sleeping."

"W-watch where you're sleeping next time Dobe." Sasuke stuttered and readjusted the coat that was still hiding his problem. He looked to the side to avoid looking at Naruto and saw the old Corvette pull up beside them in reverse. "Now go back to the other car." He said as Neji parked and got out.

"Don't tell me what to do asshole." Naruto said as he picked himself off the ground again and exit the car through Sasuke's door. "I'm not leaving because you told me to by the way; I just can't stand the idea of riding with you." He slammed the door shut which earned him a glare from Gaara. "Sorry Gaara, thanks for letting me sleep." He walked back to his assigned car and revived the car keys from Neji when they passed each other and Naruto thanked the pale eye boy with a smile. Sasuke watched as Naruto drove off while talking to Kiba and once Neji was seated again they followed.

"Wow." Kankuro said from up front, amusement dancing in his voice. He turned back Sasuke, eying the coat, which Neji noted was his. "We're not even there yet and he already helped you pitch up your tent." the coat was thrown at Kankuro, reviling to everyone the 'tent' in Sasuke's pants. Neji laughed to himself while Kankuro made a fuss about 'crotch coat' and soon throw it back to its rightful owner, Neji.

"I don't want it anymore." He said in a bored voice and handed the clothing back to the Uchiha. "You might need it again."

Sasuke glared and snatched the coat, placing it over his lessen erection. "I hate my friends." He mumbled under his breath and turn away.

"I hate him, my friends!" Naruto said dramatically and throwing one hand in the air. Kiba sighed.

"...OK, we get it. You hate him. But why do you hate him?" He tried again wanting to really know the excuse for Naruto's hatred for Sasuke.

"...B-because...he's a damn Teme, no other excuse needed." the whole car sighed and rolled their eyes.

"Come on Naruto," Lee said leaning in between the front seats. "There has to be something that brought upon this un-youthful hatred."

Naruto noticeably sunk in his seat, hands gripping and un-gripping the steering wheel. He did have a reason for hating Sasuke. It happened a few years ago and he never ever told a single person what that bastard did. What Sasuke did that day changed his entire life, he flipped it completely upside-down, a full 180. He could never tell his friends what had happened between them, if he did he might even loss they friendship. Something he was not willing to loss.

"Drop it!" The blond yelled turning his head away from the road momentarily to glare at his friends. "I don't like to talk about it, but what he did made him a bastard. End of story."

"Troublesome." Shikamaru breathed, purposely blowing his smoke into Naruto's direction. The blond coughed and rolled his window down, waving a hand to rid the smoke that lingered in his face. "Just tell us."


Choji sighed, the rest of his car mates mimicked him. Naruto was known for being, what you could call, stubborn. Once he made up his mind that's it and it's going to take a hell of a fight to change it. And if Naruto didn't want tell them why he hated Sasuke, well then, they weren't ever going to know...that is, unless someone was able to convince Naruto to tell or...face the consequences.

"Naruto..." Choji drawled as he reached for Naruto's small bag full of cupped ramen. Naruto looked to the chubby boy through the mirror and his eye visibly widened before turning into a deadly glare. "Why do you hate Sasuke?" The boy asked carefully while he slowly removed the top seal from the cup. The others all tried to move away from the newly insane Choji.

"You wouldn't." Naruto growled, believing Choji wouldn't go through with his threat.

"Oh, no, I would." Choji narrowed his eyes warningly. He would do it, he swore he would, he done it before and he wasn't scared to do it again. "Naruto...we're all waiting." He said breaking off a piece of dry noodles a nibbling on the end. He brought the blonde's favorite food completely into his mouth and the car screeched to a stop. Gaara honked behind them.

"Fine," Naruto yelled throwing both his hands in the air before turning back around and started to drive again. "You really want to know?" He yelled the entire time while glaring out the windshield at everything he drove past. "I hate him because when we were twelve he...he k-kissed me...and it turned me gay!" He glared at his quiet friends through the rear view mirror just waiting for them to say something. Waiting for them to say they hate him, that they don't want to be friends with a fag. Just waiting until they would leave him.

"Wow, dude why the hell would you keep that a secret?" Kiba said looking at Naruto seriously. "That's something you usually tell your friends." Naruto averted his eyes from the brunette. "Why didn't you tell us Naruto?" Kiba tried again, being as serious as possible.

"Why would you want to be friends with a homo?" Naruto yelled turning his head away from the road for a moment to eye his friends. Shikamaru sighed and mumbled a 'troublesome', Choji put the food back down but didn't look ashamed. Lee smiled brightly before confessing to the entire car.

"I use to date Gaara!"

The car went silent.

"I do not care if you're gay Naruto," Lee continued. "If I did I would have been a hypocrite. If we are your real friends then we most defiantly accept you for who you are."

"I already knew." Shikamaru added lighting another cigarette.

"What you mean 'you knew'?" Choji asked.

"He was flirting with the waiter at Jayria's last month and the fact that he turned Sakura down when she asked him out."

"Oh, yeah you're right. He did say no that time."


"What the fuck you dated Gaara?" Naruto screamed, being the slow little blond he was. At the completely random outburst Kiba laughed. "How come I never knew about this?"

"The same reason you were scared to tell us now." Lee said and Naruto had to look away.


Naruto was then hit on the back of the head. He turned to glare at Kiba who was frowning.


"Don't ever do that again." Kiba said sharply, sending a small but threatening glare to the blond. "We're your friends, never keep stuff like that from us because we're gonna love you just the same as before. No ifs, ands, or buts." The blond smiled, wishing he could hug the dog boy, but bear hugs and driving were hard to do at the same time. So he just nodded enthusiast.

After a day and a half drive they reached a small town, their destination only an hour or two away. The town a definitely small compared to back home in Konoha. Not many houses and only a few stores. It seemed like a place where you would know everyone and would know who was just passing by. Hell, a new neighbor would probably be a huge deal to this place, from how old many of the people looked, not too many people move up there.

The silver convertible started to make a soft rumbling nose. The red head in the driver seat glared at the gas meter. It was almost on E. Sighing, he reached for the cell phone that was resting in the empty cup holder. He punched in the familiar number and waited for the ringing to end.

"Hello?" the voice of Shikamaru said lazily on what was supposed to be Naruto's phone.

"Tell him to pull over," Gaara said seeing a gas station up ahead. "I need gas."

"All-righty-then." the lazy boy said before hanging up without saying good bye.

The green Corvette turned its blinkers on and pulled into a gas station, parking at pump seven. Gaara pulled up beside them to park at pump nine.

From the Corvette, a scowling blond got out of the car. He rested his back against his door to turn and glare at Gaara who was still in his car. Gaara at the moment had his roof down since it was sunny and the breeze from driving was cheaper the using the ac.

The blond immediately throw is hands in the air and yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Gaara you ass," Gaara turned to glare lightly at his friend who seemed to be losing his mind in public...again. "Why didn't you tell me you and Lee fucked?"

His eye twitched before widening and narrowing, an awkward silence engulfed his car. He could feel uneasy eyes on him from the back seat and out of the side of his eyes he could see his brother stiffen.

"Lee!" Gaara shouted, barely having his seat belt off before jumping over the closed door of the car. The green clad teen hiding behind the old Corvette started running for his life. Pleading and begging for his life to be spared. "Get back here. I swear to god your dead this time!"

Lee ducted behind Gaara's car on Neji's side trying to hide behind Neji's head almost. "Please," He cried with tears in his eyes. "I never said that, all I said was that we dated." Gaara jumped over the door where Sasuke sat and pounced across Neji to reach the running teen. Lee fell to the ground with a yelp as Gaara tackled him, attempting to choke the life out of his ex-lover until a set of arms around his waist pulled them apart.

"You don't have to kill him." Neji said irritated, placing Gaara further away from the sobbing brunette than necessary. Sasuke could see it in his friend's pale eyes, he was just as unhappy about the information as Gaara was, probably more so.

In side the gas station store Naruto was refilling a bag with store brand ramen, soda, bottled water, etc; Shikamaru was stocking up on cigarettes, while Choji grabbed just about everything else edible, and Kankuro was paying for the gas for both cars.

When Naruto was next at the register he sent a friendly smile to the man working there, it was for no real reason, just something he did out of habit. The man sent one back but it was obviously fake. Naruto thought he looked a lot like Sasuke, save for the wired duck ass hair style. Naruto was looking forward to see how Sasuke acted with no hair jell, even if he claimed it was natural, there was no way in hell hair could stand like that.

Behind the counter was a painting that, for some unknown reason, caught Naruto's attention. He was never really interested in art, but that painting just seemed to call out to him. The whole thing was painted in hues of orange and black. All mixing together but the different shades distinguished the figures from each other. It was a fox...a huge fox! The fox was walking over and destroying an entire village. Houses were demolished by one of the nine large swinging tails. People that look like they were almost flying towards the beast were throwing sharpened stairs and some kind of knifes at the fox. Many looked to be failing against the creature but they wouldn't give up.

"Sir," the man at the counter said, waving a hand in Naruto's face comically. Naruto snapped back to reality. "Your bill is twenty-five, sixty."

"Oh, sorry." Naruto said half heartily as his eyes wondered back to the painting. "Um, where did you guys buy that?" he asked pointing his head to the orange art work. The man chuckled and gave Naruto a real smile this time.

"I painted it." He said and started to bag Naruto's items.

"Oh!" he blushed for some reason even unknown to him. "It's really good. I definitely never saw something like it before."

"Do you want to know the history of that painting?" the guy asked raising an eyebrow slightly. Naruto contemplated for a moment, but when he saw Choji was still shopping he nodded his head yes. The man smile, hand Naruto the bag and leaning against the counter on his elbows, a palm held up his head. "A long time ago, the world used to be populated by ninjas. What you see there," He said pointing back to the painting. "Is a famous ninja village. It was said that one day the evil spirit of the nine tail fox demon attacked that village and killed many people. But a hero saved them all." Naruto's eyes grew wide with interest, the story reminded him much of the fairy tales Iruka used to read to him before bed. The story of hero's saving everyone and always fighting incredible monsters.

"The hero was the leader of the village, he didn't fight the fox though, 'cause he knew that wouldn't defeat it. His wife though had given birth earlier that day, and sacrificing his own life for the village, he sealed the fox into his new born child, who later became a hero to the village as well; but that's another story."

Naruto let his eyes roam back to the picture again. His mouth opened before he even knew what was going to come out of it.

"What happened to the kid's mother?"

"She was killed by the fox." The man said monastically.

"That's sad." Naruto breathed, finally looking away from the artwork to eye the floor. "Being alone with no parents and having a monster inside of you to remind you everyday that that's the reason they're dead-"

"Ready to go?" Shikamaru asked from behind Naruto. He blond looked back to the counter wondering how they checked out without the raven hair man working. He saw a boy with long silver hair dressed in the same shirt as the guy he was talking to and sipping on a bendy straw. He could only guess that the other worker had severed his friends while he was talking.

"Um, yeah." The blond said, turning back to the raven hair teen waving. "Bye, and thanks for the story."

Kankuro emerged from the small store with Shikamaru, Choji, and Naruto; all four had left to buy more food and pay for the gas pumps while the chase was going on. Gaara, still slightly pissed, sat in his car and waited for Kankuro to finish filling it up. When his older brother was done they left, following Naruto's car like before.

The car was eerily quiet. And for Gaara, who enjoyed quiet, prayed and wished for quiet; for the same Gaara who would love life to have a mute button. It was too quiet. No one had said anything scene they left. Nothing. No smart ass remarks or joke comments. Just the disturbing silence. Even the car it self daren't to make a sound.

And Gaara almost thanked god when the Uchiha decided to speak first for once in his life.

"So..." Sasuke drawled out with a hell ridden smirk on his lips. "Who was bottom?"

Again. Gaara almost…

Neji's eye twitched and he glared at his best friend, Kankuro gagged a bit and turned away to look out the window, and Gaara...

Gaara snapped.

"That's it! I'm running us all into that tree!" the red head yelled turning the wheel sharply in the direction of a large oak tree. The car turned and was soon off the road. Gaara let go of the wheel when the tree got closer giving Kankuro the opportunity to grab the wheel and pull them back to safety. He pulled the emergency break to keep the car still before turning to Gaara.

"I drive the rest of the way." He said ripping the keys from the ignition so Gaara couldn't drive off while he tried to change seats.

Maybe it would have been better if Sasuke just stayed quiet.



"I still vote for news."


"No, no news Shika. I want rap."


"For the love of god Lee shut up."

"But I really want to listen to this song."

"This is getting way too troublesome."

Yes, yet again the five passengers in the Corvette were fighting over the radio. And yet again none could agree on one single thing. Kiba only wanted rock, Shikamaru wanted the news, Choji wanted rap, which surprised everyone by the way, and Lee, well Lee wanted-


"Fine!" Naruto roared and turned away from the road for a brief second to glare at Lee. "If I let you play one techno song will you shut up about it?"

Lee's head shot up with a face splitting grin. He nodded enthusiastically and started spurring things about youth and friendship but no one noticed any more. The green clad boy retrieved a CD that he had placed in Kiba's case before leaving and gave it to Naruto.

"Track seven please." He requested and Naruto nodded and skipped to the seventh song on the disk. The music started and Lee started to scream the words.

"Fur sure maybe fur sure not. Fur sure eh fur sure bomb," Everyone stared at each other, having no idea what Lee had just said. The hyper boy then threw out his hands, hitting both Choji and Shikamaru in the face.

"Pulled up at a stop light did drugs on the dashboard, look at the mess we made tonight," To everyone's dismay Lee started stood up as much as he could and started to shake his ass everywhere.

Then, before anyone could comprehend what was going on, Lee, with out removing his seat belt, had some how laid down across the back seat with his head in Shika's lap and feet in Choji's. He started to kick his legs around, affectively kicking Choji in the face. "Kick off your stilettos, kick off your stilettos, and fuck me in the backseat; fuck me in the backseat,"

Naruto and Kiba couldn't hear a word Lee was saying anymore because their own laughter drowned it out. But that didn't stop Lee. Again he kicked his legs and around and thrust his arms out, hitting Shikamaru in the face this time. "Kick off your stilettos, and fuck me in the backseat, fuck me in the back seat,"

"Oh my god," Kiba yelled and Lee somehow bucked his hips up while still being strapped down in his odd position.

Kankuro was driving behind the old green car now. Gaara was sitting in the seat beside him with his arms crossed and glaring at the dashboard. Everyone was silent in their car. Sasuke hadn't said a word since the 'who bottomed' question.

The car in front of them then became louder then usual. Yelling and muffled sounds could be heard.

"Ow, that's my face." Was Kiba's voice from the other car.

The passengers of the Bentley glanced at the Corvette, knowing something was going on again.

"Oh my gosh," Kankuro stated. "Are those… legs?" He said as green pants legs flew out the window and began kicking. "What the fuck are they doing now?"

Gaara shrugged and turned to the two boys in the back. They also shrugged and went back to watching the other car.

"Let me out!" That time it sounded like Shikamaru. The other back window was rolled down and Shikamaru's head popped out. "LET ME THE FUCK OUT!" He was trying to climb out of the still moving car but seemed to be held back by something.

"I-I can't…can't do t-t-this!" Was Naruto muffled voice that was followed by something that sounded like a scream. The car pulled over and Gaara commanded Kankuro to do the same.

Uncertain, the red head got out of the car to expect Naruto's car pull. The windows were once again up and he couldn't see anything. He walked over to the driver's door and was able to hear muffled noises. He was half expecting another fight had occurred in the car. Cautiously he opened the driver's door.

Naruto fell out.

Naruto fell out and onto his back laughing at the top of his lungs. Kiba was also laughing, falling over in his seat and resting his head in Naruto's vacant one. Shikamaru was still yelling about getting out of the car and when Gaara took a chance looking in the back seat he saw why.

Lee was practically humping the air while spread out on the other back seat passengers. Singing. "Kick off your stilettos, kick off your stilettos, and fuck me in the back seat."

Naruto, who was still on the ground out side the car door by Gaara, was rolling around laughing and screaming.

"Ga-Gaar-ra…" The blond said and grabbed at Gaara's pants legs. "M-make…hahaha-make him s-sto-p…" The blond tried to talk but found it to difficult as he fell to the ground and hugged his stomach. "Oh god…it hurts! I can't breathe!"

"Someone help me please!" Shikamaru yelled trying to crawl out of the window again. Gaara rushed to the other side and helped pulled the man out of the window. Shika made a be-line for the other car. Unfortunately for Choji, he couldn't fit out his window and was stuck with Lee still on top of him.

Gaara sighed and turned back to Naruto. "Hahahah-hhhaaaaa-" Who, at the moment, was no help at all.

He sighed and left the blond to die of laughter and walked back to his own car. Shikamaru was in the middle seat, hugging the black cooler to his chest, while Sasuke and Neji eyed him awkwardly.

"What the hell is going on?" Gaara asked monotone to Shikamaru. The ponytailed boy looked up at him and shivered.

"One song…we told him one song to get him to shut up…his ass was in my face…I NEVER WANT TO SEE A PAIR OF STILETTOS EVER AGAIN IN MY LIFE!"

"Wait…what's going on?" Neji asked and looked to Gaara.

The red head sighed and got back into the front passenger seat. "You don't want to know." He instructed Kankuro to pull up next to Kiba's car and called to the blond still on the ground. "Pull yourself together. We need to leave," Looking in the rear view mirror he saw Shikamaru still shaking while hugging the cooler like some sort of lifeline and sighed. "Narais going to ride with us." Naruto nodded and hoisted himself up with the use of the car door. He chuckled and almost fell over again before sitting back in his seat. "…And give me that CD." He added when Naruto was settled in the car again. The blond practically threw the disk at Gaara through the window and the red head cringed when he saw the hot pink writing on it.

'Temari's eighth mix tape, the mood edition'.

"Never let Lee borrow from Temari ever again."

As the sun started to fall an old green Corvette pulled into a dirt parking space that was meant for the camp sight only. It was only a few yards away from where tents would have been set up so they would be able to leave their belonging in the car instead of hiking them to the camp with them. The silver Bentley pulled up next to them, a pouting Gaara in the passenger seat. Both cars shut off, Naruto and Lee being the first two out of the cars. Impressive too because Lee had to make it over Choji to get out.

The blond gasped at the surroundings. There was only one word that could really describe it. Beautiful.

The camp was well taken care of, grass greener then Lee, and full old pine trees surrounding the circular field they would camp in. In the middle of camp was a dirt pile with large logs encircling it. Old sticks and leaves trapped by rock for a fire pit. In the back of the field, sand met dirt and grass where a small beach was built. Rocks enclosed the water area, they weren't very high and could easily be climbed; not that you would have to since there was a path. A small clear waterfall traveled from the top of the rocks to the beach, and an old oak tree close to the body of water had a fairly new looking rope swing tide to it. The whole land was shaded by the orange and pink sky above.

It was a mini paradise. The only thing that could make things better was-


Remember, give themes.

Chapter 3