
AkatsukiSexToy101- Thank you for reading. Chapter 14: Hha. Never mess with Itachi and his Dango. Its just asking to get killed.

Chapter 15: Thanks! And Itachi is awesome. If it wasn't for his pride. He would be there hugging you now. Hha.

Chapter 16: Sasori is better now. (: I couldn't let anything happen to him. It would haunt me for life. Hha.

Chapter 17: You will find out here! Keep on reading! (:

Happy Little Girl- Thank you for reading. Chapter 14: I killed Kabuto. (: Hha.

Chapter 15: I cant kill Ino. I wanted to. But i did what i can. Hha.

XODaikoXD- Thanks for reading. Chapter 9: I love MSI! (:

Chapter 16: Sasori didn't die. So don't worry. Hha.

DropDeadBabe- Thanks for reading. Chapter 15: I just had to make them go on a killing spree. It wouldn't be Akatsuki without it. Hha. N writing in the different POV's was hard… But i did my best. Thanks. (:

AnimaAmore- Thanks for reading. Chapter 16: I didn't let Sasori die! So don't kill me! Hha. (: and that part was hard. I tried to put it in less words because i didn't feel like writing… Hha.

Pacchiri cherii- Thanks for reading! Chapter 1: My most favorite part. Glad you liked it! :D

IMPORTANT! READ! I thank you all for reading this and putting in your reviews. (:


"We all have this on our mind." Sai said as he walked up to me "Leaf or Akatsuki."

"Don't make her pick right now." Sasori said

"Pick now." Naruto mumbled

"Naruto." I whispered seeing his face. "This is like loosing Sasuke all over again… Isn't it?"

HERE WE GO!: Sakuras POV

"Sakura. Come home." Ino said "Don't put this on Naruto again."

"Me don't put what on Naruto again?" I glared at her "Huh, Pig?"

"Don't make Naruto have to fight for you like he did with Sasuke." She said

"This has nothing to do with you Ino." I said very matter of factly "So shut your mouth for once and save it for your sucking later."

"Did you just call me a whore?" She walked up to me

"I can take down Karin, i can sure as hell take down you." I said as i stood my ground "And if your bobble head didn't hear me the first time."

"You don't know who you are messing with." She got in my face. She is a little taller then me. But you cant really tell. I still stood my ground

"Wanna bet you bitch?" I asked as i barley hit her in the stomach, she hit a tree. Hard, but not hard enough to put major damage. Just enough to cause her pain for a few days. I felt happy. "Make sure you can back yourself up."

"You bitch." Kiba mumbled as he and Akamaru went to go help Ino. I only smiled and turned back to Naruto. But my smile faded.

"I don't want to be the one to ask this." Neji began "But you have to pick. Now who will it be?"

"Why are you asking me this now?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Sakura." Gaara said as i looked at him "If you pick us, and im not saying anything here, there is something you need to know."

"When i get back i will be killed by that elder bitch." I said getting pissed

"Who is she to you anyways?" Temari asked "She walks around like she owns you or something."

"She is my grandmother." I said blankly

"Thats pretty fucked up that your grandma wants to kill you." Hidan said

"Not when she hated your dad." I said "But it doesn't matter. I had grandpa wrapped around my finger… I miss him."

"Does Sakura-chan need to go cry in the emo corner?" Tobi asked

"I am fine." I said "What where we doing again?"

"You where picking Akatsuki or Leaf." Sasori said

"Shit. Why are they doing this now?" I asked Inner.

"Fucking fish shit dicks!" She yelled

"Kore wa tawagoto-gyodesu" I said out loud It means 'This is fish shit'. I just made up that new word and i had to use it in here. (:

"Start thinking Sakura." Sasuke said "You need to pick NOW."

"Why are you even in this?" Deidara yelled at Sasuke "You shut your mouth you duck ass, yeah."

"You shut your mouth you pansy." Sasuke said. I punched him in the jaw.

"He doesn't mean it Deidara." I said as i hugged him "You are right, he is a duck ass."

"Sakura." Naruto said one last time "Its them isn't it?"

"Naruto?" I asked as i turned to look at him as he was untied

"Its them. I know you pick them." He rubbed his wrist

"If i go back i will only be killed." I said getting alittle angry

"At least you would die as a Leaf ninja." He mumbled "And you would die at home."

"Why would i want to go home if i will only be killed by the ones that make my home?" I asked him as he stopped his moving "Ever think of that?"

"She has a point." Kisame said

"I believe no one asked you dickies fish." Sai said

"We are trying to talk the Elder out of it." Temari said

"She wont let this go." I said as i shook my head "Once she puts her mind to something, she sticks with it until it would kill her."

"We are trying to talk her out of it." Gaara said repeating Temari

"It there any luck?" I asked him as he looked at the ground "Thats what i thought."

"At least come home." Gaara said

"I am home." I said as i turned to the rest of the Akatsuki "I am so sorry. But i don't want to be killed by a place that is suppost to be home."

"Ready to go?" Kisame asked me as i stood next to him and Sasori

"Lets go." I said as i turned around to find a kunai thrown at Kisames head. Good thing i saw it. "What the hell!"

"Looks like Sasuke isn't going to give you up with out a fight…" Itachi said

"I was ordered to bring you in dead or alive." Sasuke said "And i will do just that, Sakura."

"Right now i wish you where going after Itachi…" I mumbled

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" He asked me as he kicked Sasuke in the face.

"My hero!" I did that dreamy pose and everything. With the wonderful voice and big eyes. But i stopped it when i said "Depends on how you take it."

"Depends on how you meant it." He said back as he flipped in the air and kicked Sasuke in the face again

"Depends on how you want to hear it." I smiled as he couldn't thing anything else to say

"Hell yeah!" I yelled to Inner "I just out smarted Itachi!"

"Happy dance!" Inner said as she started dancing.

"Should we go before i end up hurting Sasuke more?" Itachi asked as he walked up next to me

"I think we should before the others start attacking to." I said as i saw the others getting ready to launch an attack

"I agree." Sasori said as Deidara made a huge big fat flying clay chicken. We all hopped on and flew away into the sun set.

The End. (:

Just kidding. Thats the end of that part. HERE IS A TIME SKIP:

Three years later.

I am Sakura of the Akatsuki. I am an S-Rank Missing Ninja. I was a former of the Village Hidden In The Leafs. I forgot how old i made Sakura in this. So i am just throwing in a random number. (: I am now 23 years old.

My relation with Sasori is better. He will never put a ring on my finger, but he is down to have kids. But we are going to wait until we are older.

Me and Deidara are like brother and sister. We fight all the time. Always about the stupidest things. One time we almost killed each other over a crayon.

Me and Zetsu never really talk. He is still a member of the group. But, he is always away. He shows up every once in a while.

Itachi and me, he loves me and i know it. He acts like he doesn't care. But i have him wrapped around my finger. He is a brother/father type.

Kisame. I love him a lot. He is a best friend/brother. We always end up having a drinking contest every Friday. The score is 10-11. He is ahead by one… The fish shit.

Tobi. He is like my child. I always have to take care of him. I told Sasori that i adopted him. So, Tobi is really my child now. He is the happiest kid.

Hidan… I cant stand his ass. I always end up punching him through the wall. He is always, and i mean ALWAYS walking around the place naked. But i have to say, i do like him as a brother. You say anything. i will kill you. (:

Kakuzu… he is mean. I can never play a game of poker with him. But he is a good brother. But i still kick his ass every once in awhile.

I don't talk to anyone in the Leaf anymore. I don't saw i regret leaving all my friends. But i do miss them a lot.

I did run paths with Naruto, Sasuke, Sai, and Kakashi. We didn't fight. Just, stood and take in each others presents. After a few minutes, i gave a small nod and said 'hey' then left. Everytime i run into someone from the Leaf or Sand, thats all that happens. I miss them… i really do.

But i have a new home.

By the way, the Elder Bitch, she died by falling down the stairs. Fuck you grandma! Hha!


Want to know how i got here?

It started off with a box on my door step. It had 8 kittens in there. Then there was my best friends wedding. After a while a good night kiss from the man i had a crush on. A 'kidnapping'. Being tied to a chair with men that use to have paws. After i got my revange on a man that killed my family. I found my real parents body and sent them to the Leaf to be barred. I watched it from the shadows so i wouldn't be killed. I was forced to pick my old home with my new. Now i am a traitor from the Leaf. While the Akatsuki are my Kittens. And i am their Blossom.

Now i am going to cook Itachi dango. Try to beat Kakuzu at poker. Have a drinking contest with Kisame. Blow shit up with Deidara. Color pictures with Tobi. Kick Hidans naked ass with a burning pan again. And go hang out with Sasori.

By the way…

"This is fucking good shit right here! Woot woot! Lets get Sasori in bed again! Now i know why you fan girls want him so much. He is rocking in bed! So back off my man or i will kill you!" That was from Inner. (:

I am sorry that i finished the story like this. Its just that i found it a good way to end it like this. If i didnt, then it would have taken my MUCH longer to finish it. And i have had no time to put any time in this. And i think that i ended this one good. So i hope you enjoyed it. Check out my other stories to! (:

And dont worry. This isnt the last time you will see LuckyLaTat!


Love you guys. (: