A/N: Hello everyone! :D I'm finally back! Yes, don't hate me. I've been gone for a while I know! Anyways let me get down to buisness. I apologize for this long Author's note but its the beginning of a new story! What did you expect? Anyways this is the first chapter of my new story :) This is going to be multi-chaptered, kind of like Unforgettable. I plan to try and update this story at least once a week but depending on the days off I get and when I'm extremley bored it'll be more! There might be errors in this story, I apologize. I don't have a beta yet and I'm currently looking for one! If you want to do it then PM me :) I just wanted to get this up here and get it up fast for the sake of my readers :)

Anyways here it is! I'll add another Author's note at the bottom.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything from the Mortal Instruments. *Sigh* The lovely Miss Cassandra Clare does! :)

***BAMMM. ***

Alec heard the large doors of the Institute slam together and the elevator's gears start turning in motion.

"What in the hell was that?" Jace asked as he looked up from his bowl of cereal.

Alec, Jace, Clary, Isabelle and Simon were all sitting at the kitchen table enjoying their breakfast when the loud sound of doors colliding interrupted them.

"I have no idea; do you think Maryse and Robert are home from Idris?" Clary asked.

Maryse and Robert had been called upon by the clave to an important meeting that would last around 3 days.

"No it couldn't have been them. They aren't supposed to be back until late tonight." Isabelle added into the conversation.

Jace threw his hands up into the air, pretending to be exasperated at the thought. "Then who in the world-"

The kitchen doors flew open to reveal a very tall, very sparkly, rainbow warlock.


Alec dropped his spoon into his bowl and turned around to look at his so called "Magnificent" boyfriend.

Magnus was dressed in tight, purple, skinny jeans with a white v-neck t-shirt that had purple swirls that looked like smoke winding around his sides and front, hidden underneath a long trench coat. He also wore purple suede shoes and his hair was spiked up on top of his head with bright streaks of purple and silver all throughout. His make-up wasn't so bad; his eyes were outlined with black eyeliner accompanied by silver and purple eye shadow that blended together perfectly to create a smoky look.

"So purple is the color of the day huh?" Clary asked while raising one eyebrow skeptically at the warlock.

Magnus put his hands on his hips and winked at Alec before responding to Clary. "Oh purple is always the color of the day my dear. Actually any bright colors suit me well."

Alec and Jace both shook their heads and laughed a little before turning their attention back to their cereal. Alec heard Magnus's footsteps approaching the back of his chair but didn't turn around to acknowledge him; his cereal was just too good. As another spoonful of Lucky Charms was stuffed into Alec's mouth he heard the impatient tapping of a foot behind him and Alec saw Isabelle give a small smirk across the table. All of a sudden Alec felt his chair being jerked back a little ways from the table and in the blink of an eye Magnus was sitting in his lap.

"So you think your just going to be able to get away with paying more attention to your cereal than me? I think not my little Nephilim." Magnus asked while running a hand through Alec's tousled mess of hair.

Alec swallowed the bite he had in his mouth and looked up into Magnus's gleaming cat eyes. He didn't mean to ignore Magnus; he just wasn't good at public displays of affection. He dropped his gaze for a fraction of a second to see Jace, Clary, Isabelle and Simon all smirking at him. He looked back up at Magnus to see a puppy dog pout spread across his face. He released the deep breath he had been holding and pulled Magnus's face down to his to where he could whisper in his ear.

"I'm so sorry Maggie," Alec cooed sensually. "Is there any way you could forgive me?"

Alec carefully ran his tongue along the shell of Magnus's ear before gently nibbling on his lobe. Alec felt Magnus's breath hitch and his hand tightened its grip on Alec's locks. Magnus looked over his shoulder to see the rest of the gang still staring at them with confused looks on their faces, oblivious to what had just happened. Magnus reached into his pocket and pulled out his glitter colored cell phone. He looked at the screen before flipping it open and putting the phone up to his ear.


"Yes, Yes, I'm very busy at the moment, but what can I do for you?"

"Why actually yes, he's actually sitting right here…. Er well, sitting under me."

"Oh really?"

Magnus looked down at Alec with a skeptical eye and a blank face. Magnus stood up and put his hand over the speaker of his phone.

"Alec…" Magnus managed to say slightly above a whisper. "The Inquisitor wishes to speak with you."

"Ooooooooo…" Jace called out childishly and Alec threw a glare at him.

Magnus beckoned Alec to follow him out the door and Alec quickly followed without hesitation. What could the Inquisitor want? Was he in trouble? Alec had never gotten a phone call from anyone remotely close to the clave, well other than his parents but that was completely different. Wait could it have something to do with his parents? They were in Idris on strict clave priorities. Did something happen that he wasn't aware of? Just the thought of something happening to his parents made Alec a little dizzy and a small lump appear in the back of his throat. No, he couldn't let this get to him when he didn't even know what the Inquisitor wanted with him.

Alec leaned his back against the wall as Magnus gently shut the doors to the kitchen behind them. It took Magnus a moment to turn around and face Alec but when he did he had the slyest most evil looking grin plastered on his face. Magnus leaned against the door and gently flipped his phone shut.

"Hey, didn't the Inquisitor want to talk to me? What did she say? Is everything okay?" Alec rambled on.

Magnus pushed off the door with his foot and slowly started to creep his way over to Alec, that grin still high up on his face. "Oh silly silly Alec…." Magnus cooed with fire layering his words. "There was no Inquisitor on the phone."

Alec tried to secretly back away from Magnus, as the warlock inched closer. "Then who were you talking to?" Alec asked.

Magnus cocked and pursed his lips while still advancing on the lone shadowhunter. "There wasn't anyone on the phone my dear; it was just a simple ploy to get you alone."

Alec felt his back hit the wall, which stopped him from backing away from the warlock any farther. "Well, uh, what did you want from me then?"

Magnus had finally closed in on Alec and firmly pressed his hands against the wall, on either side of Alec's head, trapping Alec between the fading paint job and himself. "You can't honestly believe that I could contain myself after the little secret PDA display in there, did you? No, I had to get you alone so that I could ravish you…" Magnus leaned his head down to where he was mere centimeters from Alec's lips, gently whispering the last word across Alec's mouth. "Properly." A small smirk kicked up the edge of Magnus's mouth.

Magnus's signature scent was intoxicating and Alec tried his hardest to keep his eyes open instead of letting them flutter closed, like they so desperately wanted to. Alec's heart always seemed as if it was going to burst out of his chest whenever Magnus was trying to seduce him. When Magnus wanted something he knew just how to get it and wouldn't stop until he did.

Alec pursed his lips and tried to speak but all that came out was Magnus's name in a whisper. He was too close, too seductive, too….. sexy.

"That is," Magnus stated. "If you still want me." The last of his words seemed to roll off his tongue.

Alec couldn't take it anymore; all of his worries that were holding him back seemed to have snapped. He fisted his hands into the front of Magnus's shirt and pulled him down, crashing their lips together. Alec could feel Magnus smiling against his lips which made him smile in return. Alec felt Magnus suck his bottom lip in between his teeth and slowly start to tease him. Alec moaned and leaned into Magnus's tall frame. Magnus slowly wrapped his arms around Alec's waist and pulled his body flush up against him. Magnus carefully parted Alec's lips with his tongue and tried to coax Alec to play. Alec instantly caught on and drove his tongue into Magnus's mouth; tasting and savoring every nook and cranny.

Magnus slowly made his way up to Alec's hands and intertwined his fingers with his and used his hips to push Alec back up against the wall. Magnus felt Alec moan against his mouth which made his senses run wild. He never would have thought that a mere shadowhunter could make him feel this way. Magnus pulled away from Alec's mouth, in much need of air, but instantly went straight to his neck, planting sweet kisses.

"Magnus…" Alec breathed as he let go of Magnus's hands and dug them into his hair.

"Hmmm?" Magnus managed to mumble while still being plastered to the side of neck.

"You don't understand how much I love you…" Alec breathed again as his eyes fluttered shut, trying to embrace Magnus's touch even more.

Magnus smirked before playfully biting the side of Alec's neck and gently rolling the excess skin between his teeth. Alec let out a sharp gasp and a low throaty moan. Magnus lifted his head up and looked into Alec's eyes.

"I think I have an idea…" Magnus smirked before planting a one last kiss on his lips. "Now come on, we don't want any of your little shadow hunter friends coming out here looking for us now do we?" Magnus winked at Alec before turning around and heading back to the doors of the kitchen.

Alec chuckled under his breath and followed Magnus. Magnus held the door open for Alec while he passed through the threshold of the kitchen, then shortly following after him. As soon as Alec grabbed the chair he had been previously sitting in and sat down, everyone's eyes quickly averted to him in question. Unfortunately Jace was the first one to open his mouth.

"So what did the Inquisitor want? Did she call to tell you how much of a disgrace to shadowhunter society you are?" Jace spat out sarcastically, much like everything else he did.

Magnus threw an angry glare across the table at Jace but Alec kept his cool and remained calm. "Actually she just called to see if I wanted to attend the next clave meeting since I am considered an adult. She thought my skills and talents would be very helpful. I politely declined though since it seems as if whenever I'm not here watching over you guys something goes terribly wrong." Alec said with a smirk that graced his entire face.

Jace's face instantly turned into a scowl and Isabelle managed to kick his shin under the table.

"I beg your pardon," Isabelle all but screamed. "But I think we would be just fine without you."

"Children, children, please." Magnus intervened. "As much as I love to witness a squabble, I think we should get back to business."

Everyone turned to look at Magnus skeptically. Clary was the first one to speak up this time. "What business?"

"You don't think I came here just to pester you children and canoodle with Alec did you?" Magnus said while sinking himself down into an empty chair beside Alec.

Alec's face instantly went beet red and he hung his head low to where nobody could see.

"Well, isn't that what your usually over here for?" Isabelle added.

Everyone gave a slight chuckle before Magnus cleared his throat. "As flattering as that is my dear Isabelle, not today. Today I am here to give you all a personal invitation." Magnus snapped his fingers and five sheets of bright red, glittery paper floated down onto the table in front of them.

Alec was the first to pick up his paper and give it a good look over. It was an invitation to another party he was throwing, except the special occasion was…. Valentine's Day? Alec forgot that next week was Valentine's Day. He had been so caught up in shadowhunting and family life that he didn't even remember the upcoming holiday. Sure, he thought about it like in the beginning of January since Magnus wouldn't quit boasting about "Cupid" or "The Holiday of Love" but as the days wore on it slowly slipped his mind. Before Alec started dating Magnus Alec never would have gave Valentine 's Day a second thought, since he never really had anyone "special" besides family. Izzy however, usually always came home with roses and cards and gifts out the wazoo.

"…and I want you all to come! It will be great fun, my parties always are." Alec managed to catch the last thing Magnus said as he zoned back into the conversation.

"So when is it?" Isabelle asked as she grabbed her bowl and started to make her way to the sink.

"It is going to be on February 13th. The night before, so everyone will basically be counting down till midnight and then it will be Valentine's Day. I guess everyone should be arriving around 10:00 so feel free to drop by whenever you like, since you know how late my parties usually run." Magnus finished up his lectures with a few enthusiastic claps.

"Can I come as cupid and shoot Alec in the ass with an arrow?" Jace squealed like a little 5 year old.

Clary playful punched Jace in the arm and giggled. "Jace, you're so immature."

Magnus stood up from the chair, straightening out his coat. He gently ran a hand through his hair then turned back around to address the shadowhunters. "As much as I would enjoy that Jace, you can't shoot Alec. He's mine, but you can dress however you want. Oooooo this is just going to be loads of fun!" Magnus squealed as he clamped his hands on his mouth.

"Is this mandatory?" Alec asked sullenly. Alec had never liked big crowds or anything flashy. He was much more content with just sitting at Magnus's watching re-runs of Project Runway. He wasn't much of a party person and he didn't feel comfortable around all of Magnus's downworlder friends.

Magnus flashed Alec a wicked grin before flaunting his tall, lean body over towards him. He stood directly behind Alec and carefully laced his arms around his neck. One of his manicured hands wound its way up into his hair and he twirled a finger around a stray, curly strand.

"Yes, baby. You have to go." Magnus purred into the side of Alec's ear, gently leaving a kiss on the side of his neck.

Alec shuddered under Magnus's touch. He hoped no one had seen it though.

"Listen homos, if you're gonna be all PDA and shit then get another room. This is where we eat for the angel's sake." Jace mouthed off, successfully receiving a swift kick in the knee from Clary.

"Ow! What was that for!" Jace screamed in protest.

"For being rude! They can be all PDA wherever they want!" Clary spat at Jace.

"Actually if you want my opinion, I think it's pretty hot." Isabelle smirked from the kitchen sink.

Simon swiveled around in his chair and threw a questioning look at Isabelle. "How on earth do you find two gay men groping each other hot?"

"First off," Isabelle held her index finger up on the edge of her glass of soda. "It's not just two gay men. Well yes one is my brother, which is kind of odd, but the other one is a very very sexy high warlock. That my dearest Simon is why it's hot."

Jace, Simon, and Alec all turned, with mouths gaped open, to stare incredulously at Isabelle. The boys were in utter shock, but Magnus seemed to be enjoying the whole situation, looking on in awe.

Jace finally turned back to the table and shook his head with disbelief. "Izzy, you're so weird."

Isabelle gave a loud chuckle before planting her hand on her hip and swishing her hair to on side of her neck. "Actually Jace, I bet your little, beloved Clary over there thinks the same exact thing! So when you're bagging on me you're bagging on her too!"

"Clary does not! Clary is perfectly fine with the sexy piece of ass she already has. Isn't that right?" Jace said and turned to look at Clary.

Clary's face instantly went red and looked down into her lap, as if the hem of her shirt was the most interesting thing in the world. She fidgeted in her seat and mumbled something under her breath.

"Oh my god Clary, please don't tell me you agree with Isabelle?" Jace hollered and put a hand under her chin to make her look up at him.

All the meanwhile Magnus looked on with disbelief. He was obviously enjoying himself a little too much.

"Well… uh… I mean…" Clary struggled to find the right words. She inhaled a deep breath, regaining her confidence, and plastered a wicked grin up on her face. "Jace I'm sorry to say but… Magnus is pretty sexy."

Jace shot up from the table, waving his hands around like a maniac. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME? HE'S OOZES GAY AND WEARS MORE MAKEUP, GLITTER AND COLOR THAN YOU DO!" Jace raged.

That was when Magnus fell onto the floor laughing like a hyena. Alec could tell he was having trouble breathing but couldn't help but smile at his boyfriend and Jace's reaction.

"See! I told you! Face it Jace, you're just jealous that Alec snagged one of the hottest men around. He's like sex on legs." Isabelle giggled.

Jace's face went red and he flipped over is chair in a haste to storm out of the kitchen. By now the whole table was in tears from all the laughter that was taking place. Clary, however, was the first one to break up the laughter.

"Well I better go check on the drama queen. Try to cheer him up." Clary managed to say in between her giggle fits.

Clary got up from the table, put her plate in the sink, and disappeared out the kitchen doors that lead to Jace's room. Minutes ticked by and everyone seemed to regain their composure. Magnus had taken his original next to Alec and Isabelle had made her way over to sit on Simon's lap.

"Thank you Isabelle that was quite the show." Magnus congratulated with the utmost enthusiasm.

Isabelle flashed him a sly grin. "You are most certainly welcome, but like I said, Alec you snagged one sexy warlock. I'm proud of you. I thought you'd always end up with some loser."

"Gee, thanks Izzy." Alec breathed.

"Hello? What about me? That's soooo not cool." Simon huffed.

Isabelle turned sideways to look down at Simon. She placed one hand on his cheek and the other just below the collar of his shirt.

"Awh, I'm sorry baby. You're sexy too, just not in a flamboyant way, more like a rugged scary vampire way." Isabelle cooed and planted a soft kiss on the edge of his hairline.

Simon grumbled a little but finally gave into Isabelle. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her more firmly up against him. He placed a trail of kisses down her neck and felt her giggles vibrate her throat. He pulled away and looked back up into her eyes.

"Fine, I forgive you." Simon apologized with a smile.

Isabelle turned slightly in Simon's arms so she could look at Alec and Magnus again.

"So, next week right?" Isabelle asked.

Magnus gave a slight nod and stood up from the table. "Yes, the night before Valentine's." Magnus returned.

Magnus got up from the table and Alec did the same.

"Well, this was rather fun, but I should be going." Magnus said as he headed towards the door.

"Bye, Magnus." Isabelle called from the table.

Magnus chuckled and shook his head before making his way through the door. Isabelle didn't even wait for Magnus to leave before she had her tongue down Simon's throat. Alec turned around to see what Magnus was chuckling at and his eyes went wide. He quickly ushered Magnus through the door so he wouldn't have to see that any longer.

"Your sister has the right idea you know? PDA never hurt anyone." Magnus said as Alec walked with him hand and hand to the elevator. "You should seriously give it a try sometime." Magnus winked at him.

PDA was never really Alec's thing. He liked to keep things as far behind closed doors as possible. But being with Magnus made that near impossible.

They reached the elevator and Magnus pushed the button that called it.

"Thanks for inviting everyone Mag, I know how much they love your parties." Alec said.

Magnus took Alec's face in between his hands and planted a sweet kiss on his forehead.

"Anything for you, I think it would be rather fun with them anyways. Isabelle's a trip and the others, besides Jace, can be pretty fun too." Magnus answered.

Alec leaned his head up to look at Magnus in the eye. He always got lost inside the ferocious yellow-green cat eye's that stared back at him. He could get lost in them for hours, just scouring the surface of them, taking a mental note of the detail in them.

Alec laced his arms around Magnus's neck and pulled his lips down to his. Magnus recognized the gesture and immediately snaked his arms around Alec's waist. This position wasn't new to them. They had been in it countless times before when they exchanged kisses or had a few brief moments together.

The kisses weren't passionate filled. They were soft and gentle. This is how all their goodbye kisses were. They didn't want them to become too heated, so they wouldn't have to start something they couldn't finish.

The elevator dinged, and Magnus planted one last firm kiss against Alec's lips before turning around to step inside. Alec sighed and gave the warlock a slight wave and a small smile just as the doors shut and Magnus disappeared.

A/N: Well that chapter was just to get you guys started on the story! If i get a lot of reviews I might update tomorrow :) So please rate and review and let me know what you think!

P.S-Also! I am now on DeviantART :D

I do a lot of digital art of The Mortal Instruments and I finally decided to put some of my peices up on ! So I would be so so so so so grateful if you went and checked them out :) Most of them are about Magnus Bane but I'll be creating more soon! My author name is DeverauxWitch, haha, don't ask why; I used to be in love with the Wicked series by Nancy Holder :)

So I'll post a link on my profile and you can go look at them! :D Let me know if they are good by commenting on them or letting me know on here! Thanks!