The first time I noticed was in a training exercise. But I didn't think anything of it; Raph was always out to prove himself, to show us all what he could do.

The second time I noticed it was when we got into a scuffle with the Purple Dragons. Again I didn't pay much attention, these guys were slow, and besting them was never much of a challenge, even when they outnumbered us.

The third time I was given no choice. I was fully aware and gaping at my younger brother. I couldn't decide if I was shocked or impressed. Whichever I decided to go with, I couldn't deny it. My brother was damn fast.

He was going head to head with the elite foot and they weren't touching him. He dodged, dived and evaded. They just couldn't keep up, four against one and he didn't even look out of breath.

I glanced over to Mike and Don, both had their mouths hanging open in awe, they couldn't believe it either. Then it was all over. Raph delivered the final blow and four bodies lay unmoving on the floor.

"What?" he asked in confusion looking between the three of us. We just continued to stare at him, too stunned to speak.

Mikey broke the silence, "Dude, that was totally awesome!" he yelled, throwing his hands up in the air.

"When did you get so fast?" asked Donny, trying to control his fascination but failing.

Raph started to laugh; now I was more confused than ever. My usual hot-headed brother with the emotional range of a tea-spoon was out and out laughing, at us.

When he got himself under control, wiping tears from his eyes he looked at each of us in turn, still smiling. "My Night Watcher suit was damn heavy."

It was so simple, so obvious. Yet I hadn't considered it at all. My brother had spent months running around in heavy leathers and a metal boots and a helmet. No wonder he was faster than everybody. Sometimes I wondered who had come out stronger in my absence. Today, I had my answer.