I don't own the Darkest Powers series


I heard the door open and shrunk back into the corner of the couch, trying to be as small as possible. He was back and it was late, which meant he was probably drunk and in a bad mood.

"Chloe," he walked into the living room and practically growled at me. "Who were you talking to in the grocery store yesterday?"

"What are you talking about, Liam? I wasn't talking to anyone." Even to me, my voice sounded scared and pathetic.

He looked angry, and I knew what was going to happen next but there was nothing I could do to stop it. "No one? Then tell me why Ramon told me he saw you talking to a guy yesterday, huh!" I looked down and he backhanded me across the cheek. "Well?"

I wasn't allowed to talk to anyone; it was one of his many rules, which I had learned to obey over the years. I wasn't talking to anyone yesterday. He had just bumped into me and was saying sorry. I just looked down and kept walking, it wasn't what Ramon said at all but I couldn't tell him that.

"Can't even deny it, can you? Were you flirting with him? Were you!" Liam pulled me off the couch roughly and slapped me on the cheek again. Cornering me against the wall, helooked down at me with his cold, hard, brown eyes. "You're mine! Understand? Mine!"

He pushed me away and I landed on the floor hard. "Liam, please. Please—"

"You're so vulnerable. Vulnerable and weak and pathetic. Who would want you, anyway? You're lucky to be married to me." With that, he kicked me in the ribs and I cried out in pain but he didn't stop. His voice was so cruel and uncaring.

"You're going to pay for flirting with him." Now he was on top of me and the tears were coming but I held them back, they only make things worse.

He took off my shirt and I heard him remove his belt. No, I don't want this tonight, the wounds from the last one still hasn't healed yet. "Please, Liam, please. I'm sorry! Sorry! Please, please don't!"

I felt the belt hit my back and I didn't have the strength to hold back the tears anymore. He kept hitting me, there on the floor of the living room and the sobs just kept coming. "Don't forget who you belong to, Chloe! Don't forget how lucky you are that you're not alone, you worthless excuse for a person." It felt like forever when he finally stopped.

"Don't even bother coming to bed tonight. I don't want you anywhere near me." He kicked me two more times in the ribs and I coughed up blood. Then he turned and went up the stairs to the bedroom, leaving me on the floor bleeding and crying.

It was surprising how the chains of love bind you. I knew that after three years of abuse and rape I should have had stopped loving him and just walked out, but I couldn't stop loving him. I couldn't stop holding on to the hope that the sweet, romantic man I met four years ago still exists.

There were some days where I could still see him in the monster I lived with now. Where he'd cuddle with me on the couch while watching a movie or buy me flowers and chocolate and tell me he loved me. Those were the days that kept me here, because they told my heart that he still loves me even though my mind knew better.

Sorry it's a little short, I'll try for longer chapters next time, promise. How was it? Should I continue? Please tell me!