What's this? I made two chapters in one day? :OO OMG lol. This is the last chapter before the epilogue. :( I'm going to post up the Epilogue on January 9th so that it's been exactly one year since I've started this story. :)
Disclaimer: I don't own WOWP
Alex's POV
I gasped. I can feel myself breathing heavily. I can hear beeping. I blink a few times to see clearly where I was. White walls, a machine attached to my hand, Mason sleeping next to my bed…I'm in a hospital. But wait, why is Mason here when he fell with me? Just then the door opened. It was Harper, looking really tired and sad. She glanced at me and then her eyes went really big.
"ALEX! Oh my gosh, you're awake! Mason! Wake up, she's awake! I gotta go tell your family!" And she ran out of the room yelling "She's awake!"
Mason looked up, squinted at me before he looked as surprised as Harper.
"Alex! You're finally awake!" He says.
"How long was I out of it?" I say. But it came out sounding really weak. Suddenly everyone came all at once in our room.
"Mija! You're finally awake! Sorry we weren't here to see you wake up, we were here all day and we just went down to get something to eat. Mason here wouldn't leave your side though." Mom went over to me and hugged me.
"There's our new family wizard, she's finally up!" Dad says, wait did he just say "Family wizard"?
"Dad…?What-What are you talking about, isn't Justin the family wizard?" I ask.
"Wow, you must have hit your head harder than we all thought." Justin said. "You won it again, Alex. Fair and square."
"Unfortunately, you hit yourself so hard on the head from the way you jumped at that ball of magic, you were out of it for 3 days." Max said.
"3 days? Hit my head? Family wizard? " I looked at Mason. "So we never went to Paris and Italy?"
"What are you talking about?" Mason asked.
"I thought I didn't win and they gave us a week before they had to separate us…we made a huge dog….and went to the Eiffel tower and fireworks…and gladiators almost killed…crumbs and tootietootie tried to get you away from me and-and.."
"It's okay, love. I think you just had a really bad dream while you were out of it. It's all over now." He said as he hugged me.
"Okay then we'll just go and finish eating some more. We'll just leave you two alone for a while…" Harper quickly said as she escorted everyone out. I mouthed her the words "Thank you" and she mouthed back saying "You're welcome". I looked up at Mason.
"So this is all real? Noone is here to take you away from me?" I whispered to him.
"Yes, this is all truly real. Noone will ever break us apart, "
A week later…
I was just released from the hospital 2 days ago, but now I'm flying the magic carpet all the way to Paris. Again. I think. I asked dad about a thousand times to make sure that mortals can't see us fly in this thing.
"Dad, are you sure…?" I asked for the nth time.
"Alex, I already told you, mortals won't see you up there. There haven't been any reports on a mortal seeing a magic carpet while it is flying. What's up with you? Why are you so worried about these things? "
"I can't forget my dream, dad, you know the one that I had while I was in a coma for 3 days?"
"Oh, honey, it was just a dream. Now please leave me and my pudding in peace and good luck on your trip to wherever it is you kids are going."
Finally I calmed down and believed him.
After we checked into our Hotel, we went to see the sights. Mason was amazed about how much I knew about the landmarks here in France. I can't believe every fact that dream Mason told me was real and what's more unbelievable is that I can still remember them.
Our last stop was the Eiffel tower, but there wasn't any fireworks display tonight like it did in my dream.
Mason was on the phone for whatever reason while I just looked out and enjoyed the view. I was about to tell him to get off the phone when he called my name and took my hands in his.
He knelt down on one knee right in front of me. OH MY GOSH HE'S GOING TO..
"Alexandra Margarita Russo, I have loved you for 8 years and counting. You are the most amazing, crazy, adventurous and beautiful woman I've ever met. Will you….do me the honor of looking over there?" Wait, what?
He gestured his head toward the streets and buildings. I looked over and saw that the lights have been arranged to form letters. They said 'Alex Russo, will you marry me?'
"Wha-How in the world..? Mason..?" When I looked back at him he was holding the most beautiful ring I've ever seen. And then I realized that I haven't answered his question. "Yes! Of course I'll marry you! "
He smiled widely as he put the ring on my finger. He stood up and I jumped into his arms, I wrapped my legs around him making him carry me and he spun me around. He let me down and I asked him "When did you find the time to do this?"
"Well, I had a little help from your brothers. I was supposed to propose to you right after you won the competition but then you were bed-ridden for days I was so worried. And then when you woke up and told me everything about your dream, I decided that this would be a perfect place to do it and I told your brothers and they agreed. "
"Aw, you just did the most cliché thing a guy would ever do here."
"here's another cliché for you,"
and then we kissed.
I'm not sure if I'd be writing about their wedding though. :/ I'm not really an expert on weddings. But a ton of references shall be made in the epilogue. :)
Reviews please. :D