A/N: I do not own Fairy Tail.

Edit: reuploaded because of there seemed to have been problems with the first uploading...

Once upon a time, the land was overrun with savage beasts, forcing humans to take refuge in dark caves. The beasts had seemingly sprung from nowhere and their horns and claws and immense strength threatened to overwhelm mankind and bring about its demise. But just as when humans had lost almost all hope, a brave young man stepped forth, wielding the magic of the heavens.

At his side was a woman with flaming red hair gifted in the arts of war. Together, they led the counterattack against the beasts. After years of fighting, they finally triumphed over their enemies. The people hailed the young man their hero king. He, in turn, chose the crimson-haired woman to rule as his queen.

However, on the day of the coronation, a jealous witch who had wanted to become queen cast a curse on the new sovereigns, dooming them to eternal sorrow. The warrior queen took sick and, a few days later, died. The king mourned her for years, eventually growing weaker and frailer until one day, he left the kingdom to his most trusted friend and disappeared.

"What? He just disappears?" a young boy of around nine asked exasperatedly.

He sat on the carpeted floor beside a four-poster bed upon which a little girl with shining blond hair lay with her head propped up against the headboard. The girl, who looked to be a few years younger, shrugged and closed the book she held with a soft thump. Her tiny fingers traced the golden filigree on the cover fondly. It was the first book she had ever had, and she adored its stories and the colorful pictures that seemingly brought the stories' characters to life.

"So, are there any other stories in there?" The boy ran a hand through his tousled ginger locks and yawned.

"Sure there are," the girl replied matter-of-factly. "But it's late so I'll read them to you tomorrow night, all right?"

"Mm," the boy nodded. He got up from his position by the bed and moved silently to a shut window. He lifted the latch and pulled the window pane up. The girl laid her head among jasmine-scented pillows, sighing contentedly.

"Good night, Loke," the girl whispered as she pulled her blankets up to her chin. Her soft voice carried across the room and the boy turned with a cheeky grin, his legs poised to jump off the window ledge. His worn work clothes rippled gently in the cool midnight breeze.

"Sweet dreams, Lucy."

A/N: It's short but R&R please? ErzaKMystogan will play a pretty big part in the story so the two major pairings are them and LokeLucy...