Disclaimer: I do not own Viewfinder, Yamane-sensei does.

Warnings: Angst.

Pairings: Asami/Akihito

Chapters: 1/?

Summary: One night ruined everything for Akihito and for years he has lied to keep his dark secret just that; a secret. What happens when it starts to be known to people?

Notes: Hello readers. This idea came to me and I thought it would be interesting to write. I hope you would like it. Please tell me what you think.

Chapter One:

The room was dark. He stepped forward, breaking glass that was lying on the floor. He made his way through the hallway, feeling fear. He didn't know what was going on. He could make out that pictures were lying on the floor, broken and forgotten. His heart was racing and his mouth open to speak but no sound came out. He walked to the living area to see the lamp on its side, lighting up a little bit of the room. He stepped back, bumping into the wall to feel something wet against his back. He felt his stomach flip as he saw lying across the couch was his father, the man who gave him everything in life. He spoke, "Dad." There was no answer and he knew in his heart his father wasn't going to answer him ever again. He moved away from the living room, walking faster to his younger sister's room. He flew the door open and screamed so loudly that he was sure to wake everyone up. Lying on the floor was his mother, covering up his sister's body like to protect her.

Akihito jumped up from the bed, sitting and breathing harder than ever before. The haunting memory would never leave his mind. He felt the bed move, but he didn't dare glace over to know his older lover was staring at him. He has been having the dream for a week straight. He placed his head into his hands, feeling the tears falling down from his hazel eyes. It was the first time since that night that he cried about his family. He felt arms wrap around him, pulling him against a toned chest. He relaxed in the hold. It has been different with the older man. Since he moved in, Asami acted sweet. Though they still had rough sex and they still fought against each other. He closed his eyes, wanting to forget everything but at the same time to remember. Asami had no idea about his past. The Takabas hid everything from the adoption. No one knew. No one would ever know. His friends never knew his dark past.

Asami spoke for the first time since the nightmares started, "What was the nightmare about?"

"What makes you think it was a nightmare?" Akihito asked without opening his eyes. He still felt the tears rolling down his face. More lies he speaks. He avoids the truth with everything inside of him.

"Do not try that one on me. You were tossing and turning for ten minutes straight, screaming in your sleep and now you are crying." Asami growled as he tightened his hold on his young lover.

Akihito winched as the hold tightened but kept his mouth shut. He couldn't tell the truth. It would end everything he had and everything he needs to gain. He swore that day when the police refused to help him that he would gain revenge. He turned over to face his lover, the man who filled something inside his cold heart. He acted like a care free person, but inside he was numb. He lied, "I had a dream about Hong Kong." It was the safest thing to say. Before any words could escape, he sealed those rough lips into a kiss. He didn't need the older man to know everything. It was his burden to carry alone for everyday of his life.

'My little Aki, never do what I do. Never become a criminal photographer. It is too dangerous and I would never know what to do if anything happened to you.'

He promised that day he would never take up that field but he did. It was the easiest way to find who killed his family. His heart was torn out of his body and crushed that night. He believed in justice and it failed him. The police was in the take and they tossed his family aside. He wanted to make everyone pay. Still, he laid in bed with the most dangerous man alive, a man who was no better than the ones who murdered his family. What was he doing? Why was he losing himself into this man? He felt strong hands run up his legs to his ass. He felt his ass get squeezed and he moaned. He stared into those eyes that reminded him of the sun but the man's soul was dark. He rubbed his nude body against the other, feeling Asami ready for anything. He was turned over with the older man leaning over him. Those eyes spark with fire and they stared deep into his. It was almost like Asami was trying to consume his soul and make him spill every little secret.

Asami knew Hong Kong wasn't bothering his boy. He narrowed his eyes down at the photographer. He hissed lowly, "You are a horrible liar, Akihito." He wanted answers. Akihito was having nightmares for a week straight and it was disturbing. His boy was looking deader each day. He also heard the photographer wasn't eating during the day. It meant his lover was only eating at dinner and that wasn't a lot either. He would throw down his life for his lover. He would do anything for him but Akihito had to open up to him. He was tired being left in the dark.

Akihito wanted to laugh at that comment. He was a very good liar. He lied for eight years now. No one knew the real Akihito. That person was lost along with his family. The Takabas were friends and took him in. They had some power and pulled strings to protect him. They were risking their lives as well. He raised his hand and run a finger across the tan face, staring into golden eyes. He pushed the older man off of him and got off the bed. He spoke, "I'm not lying. I didn't want you to realize how weak I am." He walked to the bathroom without looking back. Shutting the door, he leaned against it, sliding down to the floor. He hid his head into his knees, sobbing out his pain. It wasn't supposed to be like this.

Asami stood by the door and heard the sobbing. His hands balled up into fists. He hated to hear the photographer cry. It sounded so painful. What was he missing? Why it really about Hong Kong? He knew his boy well but he was still missing something. Did something happen that he wasn't aware about? Akihito refused guards and swore that he would leave if he had one following him. He walked to the closet and pulled out a robe. Putting it on, he walked out of the bedroom to the living room. While picking up the phone, he dialed a number. On the fourth ring it was picked up and he ordered, "Have Sajiro follow Takaba everywhere but make sure he knows not to get spotted by Takaba." He hung up after he was answered. He walked to the bar and poured himself a drink and lit up a cigarette.

In the shower, Akihito leaned his head against the tile wall, closing his eyes. He saw his family. In his mind he heard his mother yelling at his sister and him while they were rough housing, his father chuckling at their behavior, and his sister laughing loudly. No tears fell from his lifeless eyes. They were dried up, gone from the world. His heart broke even more to remember those times that he will never have again. His anger roared to have his revenge. It wasn't supposed to come to this. It wasn't supposed to be this way. His plans were different than this. He stepped out of the shower and stared in the mirror. No, this was not part of his plan. This wasn't supposed to happen. He wasn't meant to fall in love. He saw his reflection and cussed at it. He wasn't home that night. He escaped his home to go to a party. He was meant to be home that night. He was meant to die with them, but he lived. Though he lived, his entire soul died with them. He felt his hand squeezed into a fist. He was tired of looking into someone that wasn't him. He raised his fist and slammed it against the mirror, watching it break into a million pieces like his entire being was. He saw blood drop from his knuckles. He could less what the yakuza would say or ask.

Asami walked inside to see what the noise was. He stared stunned at his lover. Akihito was staring into the broken mirror with his fist raised again. Pulling his lover away from the mirror, he growled, "What the hell got into you?"

"I do not want to see someone that isn't me." Akihito revealed part of the truth. He saw worry flash in those bright golden eyes. He pulled away from the older man and went into the bedroom. He was tired but he couldn't rest yet. There was one thing that kept him going; revenge. He swore to never fall until he gained that. He swore it on his family's graves. He knew Asami came out after him and he sat on the bed. He watched as Asami grab the first aid kit and started to bandage his hand. He didn't say a word. There was nothing he was willing to say.

Asami spoke, "You are still you, Akihito." His lover looked at him and those eyes were reading nothing. His lover was hiding something and it was big. What was the photographer hiding? Why didn't he know about it? He asked, "What is it? Why do you have nightmares?" He needed to know to help. Didn't Akihito see he would do anything for him? Didn't he prove it when Fei Long had him?

Akihito spoke emotionless, "I told you. I have been having nightmares about Hong Kong. It would look like I am weaker than I thought." Only if Asami knew the truth, he wondered what the man would say. He was trapped in his own hell and will never be free from it. Only death would release him from his nightmares.

Asami retorted as calmly as he could, "You need sleep. You aren't acting like yourself right now." He went to his drawer, pulling out a sleeping pill. He kept them for himself sometimes when he needed the sleep. Handing it to Akihito, he walked to the bathroom with a glass to get water.

Akihito whispered, "I never act like myself."

Asami stopped at the door because the words whispered made no sense. He glanced back to see Akihito staring down at the floor. What was wrong with the fierce photographer? He grabbed the water and made Akihito take the sleeping pill. As Akihito lay down, he covered his boy up and stared at those closed eyes. He swept brown locks out of the man's face while whispering, "You are hiding something from me. What has happened in a short time?" He sat on the edge of the bed, watching Akihito's chest raise and fall. He over looked his lover and could see the other was losing weight. He didn't like it at all.

Akihito rolled over, crying out, "Dad!"

Asami stared at his boy and wondered what the other was doing. Why call out dad in such a painful voice? He narrowed his eyes. Did Akihito's father do something to him when he was younger? He has noticed his photographer never invites his parents over or goes to see them. Since the boy moved in, he has never seen the other call his parents. He asked his guard who said Akihito made no calls. He even checked the phone records. He stood up in rage and walked out of the door. He went to his phone and dialed one number.

Kirishima answered on the second ring, "Yes, Asami-sama?"

"I want you to do a background check on Takaba's entire family. I want every detail about them all." Asami barked his order out. He wanted everyone to pay for bringing his boy into this state. Whoever dared hurt Akihito would pay ten times worse. He hung up knowing his order would be followed. He walked to the large window and stared out at the night sky. He would find everything out and then make a plan to help. It was disturbing to see his fierce lover reduced to this hollow person.

Inside the bedroom, Akihito rolled over, crying out, "Sister. Mom. Dad. I'm sorry I'm alive."

The next day, Asami got dressed, glancing to the bed every two seconds. His lover was still asleep when he went back to bed. Though Akihito tossed and turned all night long, crying in his sleep. He fixed his tie and saw from the corner of his eye Akihito sitting up in bed. He spoke, "I want you to see a doctor."

"I don't need a damn doctor." Akihito hissed as he swung his legs off the bed and stood up. He walked to the closet looking for some clothes to wear. He had to do something today that he started to forget to do since he met Asami. Then again, trouble was following him because he was claimed to be Asami's lover.

"Then I'll force you to see a therapist. What would you prefer?" Asami retorted as he walked toward his lover. Wrapping his arms around the naked waist, he whispered into Akihito's ear, "Stop lying to me or you will regret it." He pulled away when he felt his lover tense. Akihito said nothing but started to get dress. He ordered, "Eat something. You are losing weight." He walked away, out the door. Interesting. He tensed instead of yelling. He never did that before. What is he hiding from me? He thought to himself as he walked out of his penthouse.

After he got dressed, Akihito grabbed his cell phone. He knew he was in for trouble. Then again, when wasn't he? He purposely put himself in danger. He walked out the door ignoring the food on the table. He had things to take care of. His phone started to ring loudly and he answered, "I told you not to call me."

"Go fuck yourself! We need to talk! It is important!" A male voice shouted.

"Meet me at the small café, Hiteshi." Akihito replied and hung up. Hiteshi was used to him hanging up. He walked out of the building, feeling the warmth hitting his body but it did nothing to warm his soul. His soul was cold and numb. It has been that way for eight years. He walked down the street, stopping in front of a gun shop. He looked over the guns. He walked inside. Hiteshi could wait. He got himself a gun with no problem. If the owner knew the truth about his name, he might not be able to get one. He would have to thank the Takabas sometime. He went on his way, stopping in his tracks. He sighed, "I said inside."

"Fuck you bastard!" Hiteshi yelled as he walked toward the other boy. He sneered, "Someone was looking for you."

"Who?" Akihito asked feeling the excitement grow. Was it time to revenge his family already? Would he be free at last? Would he stop having the nightmares of hell in his sleep? He wanted the taste of revenge. He wanted to stop this foolish lie.

"They didn't say who they were, but watch out." Hiteshi whispered, and then spoke, "You might not care who else gets hurt, but they are my parents. I do not want to be left without them like you."

Akihito lost all control and threw a punch. He watched Hiteshi fall to the ground with a bloody lip. He leaned down and sneered in Hiteshi's face, "You know nothing of the pain I suffer or would never understand what it would be like. You have the perfect family, always away from crime."

Hiteshi quickly stood up and pulled Akihito into a hug, whispering, "Calm down, Aki. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. Please calm down before you gain attention."

Sajiro stared at the two from the alley way. He couldn't make out the words spoken but he could tell by their actions they were fighting about something. He knew his boss wasn't going to like another man holding onto Akihito.

Akihito pulled away from the embrace. It did nothing to him but made his blood boil even more. He hissed, "That is the point, dear brother." He mocked the other boy with everything he had in him. He stepped around Hiteshi and yelled, "There is nothing that will stop me!"

Hiteshi stared sadly at the boy his parents really couldn't save. He tried his hardest to be something to the boy. He wanted to show him brotherly love but Akihito refused it. He glanced over to see a large guy walking after the photographer. His heart started to race as his mind was going in circles. If the photographer continued this way, he was going to die just like his family. He walked down the sidewalk following the huge guy. He had to protect the one who was brought into his family. He couldn't let people harm Akihito even though the boy didn't care for his life. It was hell when Akihito announced what he was going to do for a living. That was the reason Akihito left his family's house. He ran and pushed the man to the alley way. Glaring at the man, he hissed, "Stay the fuck away from him or I will report you to the police."

Sajiro stared at the man who stopped him from following his orders. By now, he would have lost the boy. He stared into green eyes. The other boy was about six feet with long dark brown hair. He spoke, "This is not your business and how do you know Takaba-kun?"

Hiteshi was ready to punch the man but stopped when he heard the man speak Akihito's name politely. He leaned against the wall and stated, "Let's lay our hands on the table. I'm his big brother. You are?" He wasn't about to reveal the truth to anyone. He would take the secret to his grave.

Sajiro stared at the boy. He must admit the man had guts to take him on. He glanced out of the alley way, knowing he lost Akihito. Asami wasn't going to be please. He revealed the truth, "I work for his lover. Now excuse me, I got to try to find Takaba-kun before he gets himself into trouble." He moved away from the boy, not waiting for the other to say a word.

Hiteshi stared after the man. Akihito had a lover and not only that but a man who had people working for him. He pushed away from the wall. What was the photographer up to? What was the other planning to do? He knew Akihito well and the only thing the photographer had on his mind was revenge. He walked away and into the mass of people.

At a grave yard, Akihito made his way up the huge hill. Mud was sticking to the bottom of his shoes but he didn't care. He kept walking to the place that haunted him for years. He couldn't even come the day they were buried. He stopped in front of three graves. His heart was sobbing while his soul was seeking revenge. He knelt down and stared at the tombstones. Tracing the letters engraved on them, he whispered, "I will revenge you all. I will make them pay that justice has refused to do." He pulled out the gun and stared at it. He could end his nightmares and join his family. He leaned against the large tree that was standing there, hiding the graves from everyone. He could be free from everything. He pointed the gun to his head and thought about it. He knew the dangers that were coming. People were looking for him and they were going to find out that he was with Asami. Could he bring the older man into his mess? It wasn't fair. He didn't want to lose Asami.

At Club Sion, Asami looked up from the reports and asked, "Are you sure?"

Kirishima stared into his boss' eyes and answered calmly, "Yes, Asami-sama. He was adopted at the age of fifteen and there are no files before his adoption."

"Do whatever it takes, pull strings if you need. Find every detail about his past. I want it in three hours." Asami ordered as he slammed the report down. Why didn't he find this before?