A/N: This is a sequel to my other story, Summer Memories, although you really don't have to read that one to understand this one. And i obviously do not own anything!

Santana just wanted to stay in bed a little longer. Fall had given way to winter in Lima and it was so cozy to stay snuggled up to Brittany under the piles of blankets in her room. She brushed a blond strand of hair away from Brittany's face and took in the peaceful image of her girlfriend sleeping. Brittany fluttered her eyes open, still heavy with sleep.

"Good morning, San," she said through a yawn, wiggling her body closer to Santana's. She placed a light kiss on her lips. "Your nose is cold."

"Well, it's the only part of my body that's not touching you," Santana said through a smirk. Brittany slipped her hands around Santana's waist, pulling her in for a deeper kiss. Santana rolled on top of Brittany so that her leg rested between Brittany's long, dancer legs, still making sure that the covers stayed up around their necks.

"Santana? Brittany?" Her mother called, lightly knocking on the door. Santana jumped up with a start, quickly sliding so that she was as far away from her girlfriend on the bed as possible. Her mother poked her head in the door.

"I just wanted to let you girls know that if you don't get up now, you won't have time to eat, and we all know what Santana is like without breakfast."

"Of course, mom!" Santana said, brightly.

Brittany was quiet as she zipped up her Cheerios' uniform and packed up her books.

"Everything ok, B?" Santana asked as she threw her backpack over one shoulder and stood in the doorway of her room.

"Yeah. You just look cute in that uniform," Brittany said, with a twinkle in her blue eyes. Santana leaned in to give her a quick kiss and they headed down the stairs to grab breakfast before heading off to school.

Brittany had Santana pinned to her locker within minutes of getting to school. Santana loved these long, lazy kisses, and tightened her grip around Brittany's waist.

"Ugh," came a voice nearby. They both turned to see Quinn slamming her locker and glaring at them. "You know, it's great that you two came out, or whatever, but I'm really over having to start my day watching the two of you make out! Like really really over it…"

"Jealous much, Fabray?" Santana said as she slipped her hand into Brittany's and the three of them walked towards their English classroom.

"You wish. You know not everyone becomes a cheerleader so that they can look up other girls' skirts."

"She only looks up my skirt, Quinn," Brittany added.

"That's right, Fabray. Only one cheerleader for me," Brittany and Santana paused to kiss before the door of their classroom while Quinn opened it for them.

"Ugh," Quinn whined, clearly exasperated, "you two really really make me sick." Santana just laughed as they headed through the door.

Until this year, Spanish had been Santana's favorite class. Mainly because it was easy, Mr. Schuester never really made her do any work, and she was fluent already so she could spend the whole hour checking Brittany out. This year, however, English was beginning to stand out as the real gem. After she had gotten over all of the Brittany drama and they finally came out at school, she actually began focusing on her homework, which was why they were in High School anyway, right? She was riveted when she actually took the time to read The Color Purple and now they were reading a play, The Children's Hour that turned out to be just as good. She liked this new teacher.

During the long days when the girls had Cheerios and Glee, Brittany and Santana would have lunch together in the Choir Room before the rest of the Glee kids would come in so that they could have some time to themselves.

"Hey, San?" Brittany asked.

"Hey, B?" Santana said back.

"I'm excited to watch the movie of The Children's Hour next week. I really like Audrey Hepburn.

"Me too, B." Santana went back to eating her sandwich.

"I wonder why Martha killed herself," Brittany said, thinking out loud. "Do you think she killed herself because Karen could never love her, or because she was so ashamed about loving Karen, or because she was too afraid of society's judgment of her?" Santana stopped eating her sandwich and just looked dumbstruck at her girlfriend. Since when did Brittany do the reading? Better yet, since when did Brittany understand the reading? She thought better of letting her girlfriend in on this last thought.

"I guess…it's a bit of all three?"

"I think society is better now than it was then," Brittany said, taking a bite of her sandwich.

"Agreed," Santana said tentatively, wondering where her girlfriend was going with this train of thought. They continued to eat in silence for a moment.

"I think we should come out to our parents," Brittany said, taking another bite of her sandwich. Santana nearly choked on her food, finding herself unable to say anything. "I mean," Brittany continued, "we're already out at school, and we're out to part of your extended family, why not just let it all be out in the open. I'm tired of secrets, San."

"Well, for one thing, Brit," Santana said, finally pulling herself together enough to speak, "we probably wouldn't be able to sleep in the same bed anymore, if we take my parents behavior towards my older brothers' girlfriends into consideration. I don't want to follow all of that 'open-door policy' bullshit with you. Secondly, I'm pretty sure my family already knows, so I don't see why I have to have a whole conversation with the about it, and thirdly, I'm not sure your parents will be the happiest."

Before Brittany had a chance to say anything, Mercedes and Quinn walked in the room.

"Ugh, I can't escape it," Quinn said, as she spotted the two girls in the corner, obviously having a private conversation, "it's like the L word in this school lately."

Brittany looked confused, and before Santana had a chance to come back at her with a witty retort, the rest of the club began shuffling in the door. They had all taken their seats and were chatting with their neighbors when Mr. Schuester walked in.

"Mr. Schuester, before we began can we make a small announcement?" Kurt said, beckoning to Blaine.

"Of course, Kurt, go ahead."

"As some of you already know, Blaine, Sam, Karofsky, and I started a Gay-Straight Alliance the beginning of the year to try and provide support for the bullying gay kids at McKinley endure, as well as helping others find a safe place to deal with their burgeoning sexuality in a productive manner instead of shoving innocent people into lockers." Kurt looked at Santana as he said this. She replied with a scowl. "It would mean so much to all of us if some of our straight allies could attend a meeting or two. It's this Thursday during lunch, and I hope to see you all there!" Kurt took his seat.

"I for one urge everyone to attend!" Rachel said, standing up to face the class. "As a child of two gay dads, I cannot emphasize enough the importance that we all stand up and support our gay glee family!" She sat down with a grin on her face. Kurt rolled his eyes.

Mr. Schuester rambled on for the next hour about how well they did at Sectionals, but how they really need to step up their game if they have any hope beating Vocal Adrenaline at Regionals this year. Rachel sang some Broadway song, Quinn sang some upbeat pop duet with Puck, and Mercedes sang some Beyonce. Santana just watched Brittany the whole time, running her fingers lightly up and down her girlfriend's knee. She didn't know what she had done to get this lucky. She didn't even notice when rehearsal was over and only she, Brittany, and Kurt remained.

"Britt, why are we still sitting here?"

"Well you didn't leave so I didn't leave. I figured we were supposed to be here. Plus, what you're doing feels nice." Brittany smiled and Santana nuzzled into Brittany's neck, letting her fingers trail a little higher up her Cheerios' skirt.

"LADIES!" Kurt interrupted, "I'm standing right here," Santana looked up to see that Kurt was, in fact, standing directly in front of them. "Jesus, lesbians—"

"You better watch whatever was about to come out of your mouth—"

"Cool your engines, Santana, I just wanted to talk about your noticeable absence from any of my club's meetings. I mean, you're out now, it would be really nice as some of the very few completely out gay people at this school, and the only out lesbians, for you to attend."

"I don't understand the point of your stupid club. Why do I need to talk about being gay? I have everything gay I need right here," she leaned in to kiss Brittany.

"BRITTANY. SANTANA. Listen to me." He snapped at them, clearly exasperated by their constant pda.

"We're not completely out, Kurt," Brittany said. "We haven't told our families yet."

"See, this is why our club is helpful. We can talk about these issues with a community that understands. Plus, think about how nice it would be for some sweet little innocent freshman girl to see that two of the hottest, most popular girls in the school, are total dykes?"

"One. Don't use that word. Two. Since when am I supposed to care about some stupid little freshman?"

"I don't know, Santana, maybe since you spent the last however long of you life struggling with your sexuality and you gained a little compassion? How about showing us some of your pride?"

Brittany's eyes widened. "Wait…is it going to be like Pride? Because I loved Pride. There were so many rainbows and it rained glitter. And Santana and I had the best sex."

"Ok, I'm going to ignore that." Kurt said, looking a little disgusted.

"Please, San, please, let's go to Kurt's pride club!" She looked at Santana with her puppy dog eyes.

"That's right, Brittany. Lot's of rainbows and glitter. I'll let you to get back to whatever it is that you were doing." He turned and walked out of the room. He knew he had it in the bag.

Thanks for reading! And I always love reviews, they keep me going!