Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to Buffy the Vampire or Stargate SG-1 or any of the pop culture I have mentioned. I instead own a TV where I will continually watch these shows instead of getting a life.

Author's notes: See this time I've been a hell of a lot quicker with updating, well at least when you compare it with how long it took me last time to update. It was going to be up even earlier but I couldn't get on to the site. So can you please review me since I've been so good?


Dawn had eventually arrived and the people of the village finally went back into their houses as they emerged above the surface once more. The light hurt their tired eyes, while some basked in the safety of the sunlight.

"O'Neill I believe it is time we report to General Hammond." Teal'c reminded his team leader. There scheduled return time had almost arrived yet it was obvious that they weren't all going to see the SGC for a while. That's if they all got survived.

"Yeah I was going to get to that. And yes I will request back up for tonight. Teal'c you're with me to the Stargate, Carter keep an eye on our villager buddies and Daniel why don't you and Harris take the church to see how it's going with the holy water."


Xander and Daniel arrived at the church to find it empty. They looked around to see if they could find anyone to no success, but Xander felt like there was something missing from the building other then occupants.

"Alex, I think I found something." Daniel called him from near the east window. He had shown his torch at the panels and he had noticed that some light had gone through. He peered through and saw that there was some sort of tunnel behind it. Daniel put his fingers through the gap and pulled the door open. "Yep I've found something." He said as he shone his torch down the staircase.

"Just for future reference. It's Xander not Alex." He said as he ran up to meet Daniel and see the discovery.

"Okay that's very interesting you've abbreviated it the other way. How clever." Daniel replied in an obviously non-caring tone of voice.

"Fine if you like it so much I can call you Iel." Xander was not one for being out-sarcasmed.

"Daniel will be fine. Don't you think that there is something wrong with this?"

"Not really it's just probably how he gets into the tunnels at night." Xander had forgotten one of the most important lessons you learn when you get in to the vampire slaying business.

"Or how about the fact that as a church is a public place, so they don't need an invitation and therefore with this they have access to the tunnels and yet they have never used them."

"Because it's hidden." Xander replied to Daniel in a slow voice.

"Still I think something is wrong here."

"That's your opinion but I think your looking for monsters where there's just nothing."

"We should go and check it out. There something suspicious about it."

"I know but I felt that at least one of us should play out the part of the sceptic and I haven't gotten to do that in a while."


O'Neill and Teal'c approached the ring of naquadar already late for their report. They didn't need a burst of energy from the gateway that would prevent them from establishing the wormhole to Earth until the current one disengaged.

The two warriors ducked behind the MALP with their weapons pointed towards the Stargate ready for a fight against that could emerge. The seconds went by and nothing materialised. This was until a crackling sound began followed by a familiar sound.

"Colonel O'Neill?" the Texan accent had travelled over the light years from the mouth of the bald headed General Hammond who had a visual of them hiding behind the MALP.

"Ur.yes General?" O'Neill replied over his own radio.

"Where is the rest of SG-1? You haven't lost another new recruit already?" This of course being after the bombing of the Tok'ra base and the consequently they lost blah de blah during his first off-world mission.

"No sir. We're just having more of a situation then first believed."

"Do you need a mobile combat unit sending through?"

"That would be nice sir, but would you mind forgetting the usual artillery and setting them up with some wooden stakes, crossbows, crosses and garlic." O'Neill couldn't believe that he could sound any crazier.

"Colonel, what in God's name are you talking about?"

"Vampires, sir." Suddenly he did believe.


Major Carter was watching over the villagers as they made their weapons. With the available wood they carved their stakes and put their crosses together. Some were looking for weapons that they could use to either decapitate or disable the enemy. She felt that she was overlooking a factory.

Later she was going to go over some basic defensive manoeuvres that they could use and that she hoped would work as they staked the vampires. It felt stupid even thinking about a war against vampires. Firstly the fact that they did exist and secondly that they were about to send off some scared villagers to fight them.

Apparently their temporary new member Captain Harris had been in a similar situation and they had come out on top. Otherwise they may have noticed that there was something strange was running Sunnydale. Then again no one had noticed before.

After his story she had searched her life for a repressed memory. Had she had a strange occurrence that her mind couldn't have handled so instead she replaced it with a memory that made more sense? Nothing came to her except the useful being scared of the boogieman, but that was normal for child to be scared of. She had never expected herself to be wondering whether there was a truth behind that myth.

Another thing that surprised her was her reluctance to believe it. She knew that aliens existed and had seen other unexplainable beings like those who had ascended. The part of her brain that was telling her it wasn't real would just have to deal with it.


The small circular lights bounced off the walls of the narrow tunnel guiding them through the darkness. The bright light behind them was the entrance reminiscing the sunlight that filled the church above their heads.

It would be easy to become lost in the tunnels with their many junctions and similar looking pathways. The villagers of course knew that all the paths led to the church that was in the centre so it was a good place for any person lost to start. The underground system winded its way around the village showing the time and effort taken to build it.

The occurrences in the tunnels reminded Xander of hunting demons with Buffy and Scooby gang in the Sunnydale sewage system.

"This isn't right." Xander stopped at one of the intersections with Daniel turning around to catch what he said.

"And by that you mean?"

"Okay I'm finding that this is all too familiar. This is all reminding me of the sewage system at home that allowed the demons and vampires to quickly get around town during the daytime without being seen or becoming slightly crispy."

"So you're saying that. "

"This was actually built for all the wrong reasons. Vampires need invitations to get into your house, so the villagers are actually safer there then in the tunnels where the vampires can get them."

"Then why haven't they all been killed already if it was that easy?"

"I don't know. I can't do all the thinking round here, which actually brings the thought that we should get out here if there are loads of vampires lurking."

They turned around started to head back towards the church not willing to get lost by trying to find another way out. Daniel was sure he heard something following them, but decided it was better if they just kept moving.

In the distance they could see the light pouring through the trapdoor signalling their quick and easy exit. Except for when sight of it suddenly disappeared and the sound of several growls could be heard instead.

"Time to run."

They turned a right then a left looking for another sign of an exit, but with no time to investigate properly they could have been going right back where they started.

At each junction they went past their seemed to be more vampires appearing slowly limiting their choice of where to run. With each path chosen there could have easily led them to an ambush waiting for the tiring members of SG-1.

It seemed too long before they came to the hall they had stayed in last night. Except it wasn't empty. Two bodies lay on the ground with two freshly made holes in their necks. They hadn't been there before when they had glimpsed the male and female yesterday listening to them and excited over the prospect of ending their fears.

Daniel noticed that there was some blood dried near the mouths. The bodies were only dead for now.

"We should get going again." Xander urged to move away from this place and away from the other bodies that he had found drained of their blood. Some had been for feeding while others could rise at any point. Once again they had been seen alive no more then a few hours ago.

"Why didn't you say anything before about your suspicions? These people could have still been alive if you had." Daniel spoke clearly in anger about the possibility of saving the loss of innocent lives that surrounded them.

"Daniel can we save this until we're out of here."

"Please don't! I like a good performance of amateur dramatics." The force of the blow sent Daniel flying landing awkwardly in the seats.

Xander grappled with the hand around his throat holding him up in the air and cutting off his air supply. He changed one hand to try and push away the face of the person that had him in his grip. The familiar feel of lumps around the forehead brought back nightmares.

Daniel Jackson regaining his awareness looked at the assailant. He received his first proper view of the sharpened canines, the narrow eyes and the demonic features of the distorted face of the priest.


I've written a bit more this time. Not saying that quantity is better then quality though.

Okay thought I'd have a little bit of cliffhanger here. It fits the mood I'm in. ARGHHHHH!!!! Won't anyone help me off this damn cliff edge!