Episode 1

Lester: "Yes, I've got an anomaly for you, Jess. One of the greatest anomalies known to the Western world. Why do they call them roadworks when there's never any work going on!"

Abby: "Unauthorised personnel requesting permission to enter."

Abby: "You smell."
Connor: "Thanks very much … Eh, you're right, I do."

Jess: "You might want to invest in a Sat Nav."
Lester: "Why bother when I've got you?"

Jess: "Anything else you need that's not on my job description?"

Lester: "You better send a helicopter for me."

Philip: "Solve the greatest problem mankind has today."
Connor: "What, it's gonna work out where there's always a sock missing after you've done the washing?"

Lester: "Oh, yeah, fine. Throw us back a tank as well."
Becker: "A tank?"
Lester: "No, no, I was obviously joking."
Becker: "But really, a tank?"
Lester: "You can't have a tank!"

Lester: "Just so I know, who is it exactly that Matt intends to shoot?"

Lester: "This would have to happen on the day I'm being vetted for a knighthood."
Jess: "Yeah, some creatures just have no sense of occasion, do they?"

Lester: "If you were an insect, would you want to eat Connor?"

Matt: "How many?"
Connor: "More than I'm entirely happy about."

Becker: "Next time, run quicker."

Episode 2

Lester: "No running in the corridors!"

Connor: "That hurt."

Officer: "But it's a dinosaur, right? A real, live … dead dinosaur."

Admiral: "I hope your people know what they're doing."
Lester: "… I hope yours do, too."

Admiral: "I'll take a pot of coffee."
Lester: "Us too. Mine with cream, no sugar. How do you take yours, Jess?"
Jess: "Frothy, thanks very much, Admiral."

Officer: "The Jurassic era? That was like thousands of years ago!"
Connor: "Well, two hundred, two hundred and forty million years ago if you're gonna be … what? I'm just tellin' him."

Matt: "Well hurry up. Without power we can't get back through the anomaly."
Connor: "Really? Cause there was I thinking we could all just stick our arms out of the portholes and paddle our way back to the twenty-first century."
Matt: "Yeah, sorry. Just find it, okay?"
Connor: "I'm finding it, I'm finding it."

Abby: "Connor!"
Connor: "Yeah. Friendly Connor. Harmless Connor. Get-the-spanner-outta-me-face Connor."

Lester: "I see. I see. Yes, minister, of course. Well, have a good apocalypse. You're already pond life, you wouldn't notice the difference."

Lester: "Ever considered a sports car? You know, that whole 'extension of masculinity' thing. I've got Doctor Strangelove up on BluRay, if that helps."

Connor: "Bet you're glad I made you play all those video games now?"

HMS Gartside: To ARC – Mission Success – Returning to base. Whoever took a shot at us better not be there.

Episode 3

Becker: "More of a post-impressionist myself. Anomaly's this way."
Matt: "You know, the more I get to know him, the more frightened I get."

Becker: "It doesn't like me, it's threatened by me. It senses that I'm the alpha male."

Matt: "What are you doing here?"
Emily: "I live here."

Matt: "Just softened him up for you."

Becker: "So you just went back for the raptor, yeah?"

Episode 4

Becker: "What the hell? I gave you a direct order."
Emily: "I know. I just thought you were wrong."

Becker: "We really need a clearer chain of command around here."

Becker: "She disobeyed a direct order."
Matt: "Yeah, get used to it."

Becker: "How are you feeling?"
Jess: "Insecty bitey."

Matt: "That'll kill everything in the ARC."
Connor: "Never said it was a perfect plan."

Becker: "Carbohydrate gel, electrolytes …"
Abby: "Much tastier than walls and wiring."

Jess: "I have felt worse, but at least there was tequila and dancing involved."

Becker: "Here, you need to drink this. That's an order."
Jess: "You're mean, you know that?"
Becker: "Yes, I do know that. I'm very mean. Now drink this."

Jess: "I'm sorry. You're nice, really. You've got lovely hair …"

Connor: "Let's just say it's better than winning the jackpot on the National Lottery."
Matt: "That's like ten million to one."
Connor: "Yeah … I did say better than."
Matt: "Well if you're not in it, you can't win it."

Becker: "I'm, um, I'm gonna ... I'm gonna go and do some security stuff."

Episode 5

Lester: "So I leave you for a matter of days and in that time you [to Connor] nearly destroy the ARC and you [to Matt] turn out to be either a visitor from the future or, in fact, and I think this is the more likely option, clinically mad."
Matt: "The former. But then I would say that if I was clinically mad, right?"

Lester: "Don't we have security checks for this sort of thing?"
Becker: "Sorry sir, the machine that checks whether people are from the future was out of order."
Lester: "I'll do the sarcasm, if you don't mind."

Philip: "What an awkward silence."

Lester: "Come on, those dinosaurs don't chase themselves."

Becker: "Can't I just shoot something?"

Abby: "When I put my finger on your lips it means you stop talking."
Connor: "Okay … sorry."
Abby: "This is the part where you kiss me."

Jess: "That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me."
Lester: "I think it's actually the nicest thing I've ever said to anyone, including my wife."
Jess: "Do you mean it?"
Lester: "Every word. Now get back to work before we both start crying and hugging."

Lester: "Preferably something cuddly and vegetarian, because this is my best shirt."

Philip: "What are you going to do? Kill me?"
Matt: "Yah. If I have to."

Jess: "It's outside. In the carpark."
Lester: "Oh my god, my new Jag's in the carpark. This time it's personal."

Lester: "Oi! Have you any idea how much that thing cost?"

Episode 6

Philip: "What is wrong with you people? Can't you see that I'm actually quite busy here?"

Lester: "Could Philip not afford to pay the electricity bill?"

Lester: "Now I've seen it all. Mobile phone reception when you really need it."

Lester: "They're not dead, Jess, and it's not the end of the world. If it was, someone would've sent us a memo. You know what my father used to say when things got rough? 'Where's that ruddy whisky?'"

Lester: "Don't tell me you're teetotal."

Philip: "Matt. I'm the bad guy."

Becker: "That's the first one I've managed to hit."

Connor: "It makes the big one even more powerful, and it accelerates the whole apocalyptic end-of-the-world type thing."

Becker: "Matt, what about my truck? No? Oh well, I guess we'll just walk back to the ARC."

Connor: "How's Lester?"
Jess: "He's going to be okay. He's already threatening to sack the medics."

Abby: "Connor Temple, will you marry me?"
Connor: "I'll have to think about it –"
Abby: "Forget it."
Connor: "Yes. So yes."

Becker: "Here we are. How're you feeling, Lester?"
Lester: "What an idiotic question. How do you think I'm feeling?"

Lester: "Only two people have got that number. One's the minister, the other's my wife. Either way, I think I'm in for an earful."


The password to Connor's lab was 58008. Type this into a calculator and turn it upside down.

There are two (known) deleted scenes from season five available to see on XxbagpussxX's Youtube channel. One is Memily-related from episode two and the other explains how Becker knew there were future predators at the ARC.

If you want to share a piece of your own trivia from season five, say so and I'll add it with your name.

So this may very well be the end of Primeval forever. D':

Fingers crossed they get enough support to produce a season six. Ways to help are to watch the series on television when it comes out in your country so they get the ratings up and to buy the books and DVDs, etc.

Also if you haven't already, please sign the petition to create the special edition box set. ( http: / / www . ipetitions . com / petition / primeval_box_set / )