My Life Story

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto...if I did...ShikaTema would've happened by now


Chapter 8: And the Bitch is Gone

"Run as fast as you can.

They need back up. Immeaditely.

Find who ever needs assistance."

That was our orders. Simple right?


Shikamaru got himself into a mess and I was here to save his sorry ass. Maybe he'll see what I can really do. That I've become stronger than my last visit in Konoha. That I don't need him. And he needs me.

It would be weird though, being their ally when before we were enemies.

This mission has to go well.

One the Sand needed to prove we were allies after the whole Chuunin Exam incident. That was a terrible mistake on our part and we needed to fix it. Secondly Naruto is on this mission and apparently it has to deal with him and his team. That's all we know and we want to help Naruto as much as we can. And lastly, I needed to prove to Shikamaru that I was strong and he just caught me at a weak moment. I needed him to accept me as an equal, not as the "Girl I have to comfort all the time".

I squinted my eyes in the sunlight, I would make it in time.

"Temari. You and Gaara keep on going. I can save dog boy." Kankuro spoke to us authoritively.

I snorted. "Alright. Don't act like the boss, you know very well I'm the leader of this mission since I am the oldest."

Then Kankuro left us. I heard the rush of battle up ahead and felt two chakras and knew right away one was Shikamaru's. He better be okay...

"I got this Gaara. Go ahead." He nodded and kept on running towards whoever to help.

I approached the battle and saw him two inches away from her. She had a kunai to his stomache area and I saw his shadow holding her away from the blow that was just a centimeter away.

How did the idiot get into this mess?

His shadow started to release on her arm, and the red head he was fighting began to smirk at his release.

She pulled back the kunai and screamed in her manly voice "You're mine!"

Panic ripped through me as I saw a flash of his death. I threw back my fan and released a gust of wind, throwing her away from him and off the tree branch. His awe-struck face was plain hilarious.

"Who are you!" She screamed at me as she tried to hold onto a tree to keep her from falling. I placed myself in front of Shikamaru, to one, protect him. And second to show him I had to save him.

"Konoha's allies...The Sand...Shinobi."

After a few minutes of a stare down (and after she got back on her feet) Shikamaru began to speak to me.

"I heard that we'd come to terms with the sand traitors, but...It's hard to believe that you'd change sides so quickly."


"It's not like we wanted to attack Konoha. It was an order. It's the same reason I'm here now."

I would never let him know that I was worried about him, I said that so he wouldn't get any funny ideas in his head about us...

And all he did was smirk, does he not believe me?

I tried to get off this topic, or at least the one in my head, and looked at his opponent as I spoke to him. "By the way, when did you become so dim-witted?"

He shot his head to me, surprise shown on his features. I smiled as he humphed like a little girl and turned his head away.

"Are you going to give up again? Well then I'll take care of this." I said, as I reminded him of our fight in the Chuunin Exams. I still couldn't believe he got the best of me there, and I was going to prove to him how easily I could take this chick down.

He frowned at my comment. "I'm not going to give up. A man can't stand by and be protected like a women." He actually looked pretty pissed off.

I scoffed at his belief. "Still babbling about that man and woman crap, as always. Stop acting tough, idiot."

I began to step forward and pull my fan open to show the three "moons" on my fan and faced my enemy.

"So, you're with Konoha this time? Aren't you the busybody?" She pulled her flute up to her mouth and began to play a tune.

"She creates illusions using the flute's sound."

"Yeah." I said as I watched this bitch continue her symphony. This wasn't happening, I am not weak.

I pulled my fan back and screamed "Dai Kamaitachi no Jutsu (great whirlwind)!"

Another gust of wind began to cut tress into pieces and made the girl stumble back then fall off the tree she was standing on. It also broke a piece of the end of her flute off.

I saw out of the corner of my eye, Shikamaru pulling his arms up to deflect the chaos winds. I just kept on smiling.I stood there waiting for the dust to clear and see if I finished the job or not.

"She's hiding." Shikamaru began to look around for where she was hiding and maybe help me a little.

"She ran away?" I asked. I wasn't used to my enemies doing this kind of thing.

"No. I can't see that happening."

I looked back at him, "But I just got here. Give me an analysis of her skills and fighting style. And explain the current situation." I demanded to him.

"First, her standard attcak is to use her flute sound and trap her opponent in an illusuion. While they're trapped, she attacks physically. She is strictly a long distance genjutsutype. After seeing your technique she has probably realized your attack style is her weakness, and it's two on one. Unless she can catch us in an illusion, she's not coming back."

"Sound eh?"

"Yeah." I glanced back at him. "Genjutsu works by affecting your sense of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. Within this group, the worst to deal with are those affecting hearing. Not only does it allow you to hide and keep your distance, you don't know when it's coming or where it's coming from. And by the time you figure it out, you are already in the illusion." He started to mess with his finger. "That hurts. If you ask me, we are at a disadvantage. At this rate, sooner or later, we will get would be better if we back off for a bit and-"

"Who asked for your opinion?" He, again, looked at me with surprise. He thinks I am an idiot! Giving me advice and preaching to me. "I told you to explain the situation."

He stepped back from my statement as I smiled. "My power...isn't to be taken lightly."

I bit my thumb and pulled out my fan. "If that person thinks she's going to hide away while we wait for her to play her flute," I pulled my bleeding thumb across my fan. "She's just to naive!"

I swung my fan back again. "Kuchiyose KiriKiri Mai (Summoning Technique, Whirlwind Dance)!" I shouted.

A weasel with a scythe appeared and began leveling the forest. A murderous scream came from a few hundred feet away and still the winds howled and the big chunks of trees fell from the air to the ground.

I looked around at the blue sky we couldn't see through the tops of the trees before. And pride swelled through me as I saw the bitch's dead body lying under some fallen trees.

I pulled my fan up by the bottom and held it close to me so it wouldn't fall. I smirked and began to speak. "Well...It's over."

I looked back at him fully for the first time and gave him my biggest grin. "How was that?"

His expression went from surprised, to grim, to happy in about three seconds flat.

I couldn't stop the rush of emotions. I finally was able to prove my worth to him! Finally able to let him see that I am a strong kunouchi from the Sand!

I couldn't help but smile...

Until we found his friends.


Author's Note:

How was that? It was a pain in the ass watching the episode and putting all the dialogue in. And even more to put Temari's thoughts in there because they had to be timed right.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Now the next chapter is also following an episode...sorry guys its the hospital scene where he cries though!

Thanks for reading and please review! They make my day :)

Au Revoir~