1. Djose Temple

The temple opens with flashes of lightning and flying rocks.

Yuna: Wow, that only happens when a summoner is speaking to the faith.

Tidus: I guess that explains the 'occupied sign'.

Just outside the chamber of the faith...

Dona: pounding on the door Are you going to take all day?

Issaru: Someone's in here!

2. In a "R" rated movie

Bouncer: I'm sorry milady summoner, you can't be in here without a parent or guardian.

Yuna: But, Tidus is my guardian!

3. Yuna: Fighting Sin.

Rikku: Trying to save Spira.
Paine: Here we come just in time...


4. Yuna Summons Anima. A giant chain thrusts itself into the earth and slowly rises holding the dark aeon. Anima falls off the chain...

Yuna: Damn! Fishes for another quarter

5. Bevelle Temple: Wedding ceremony
All skiing down on the chains.
Tidus: Dude, how'd you get down Lulu?

Lulu: humph

6. Lulu: If we face fiends in the water, we're counting on you three.

Tidus, Wakka, and Rikku fight their way through endless fish battles.

They climb out of the water and begin a battle with a behemoth. The party switches to Lulu.

Tidus: Okay, seriously, you've gotta tell me how you got here!

Lulu: Points to the bridge spanning the water level

7. Scene shatters in glass shards as a battle begins


8. Fighting an Achelous underwater

Tidus attacks, achelous begins charging.

Wakka attacks, achelous charges.

Rikku steals...

Tidus: What happened?

Rikku: I got his credit card!

9. random monster hurts Tidus

Lulu pulls a potion out of her bra and throws it at him

Wakka: at full hitpoints Owww, I'm hurt too, ya.

10. Macalania Temple
Tidus: We've got to stop Yuna from marrying Seymour!

Annoucer: We interrupt this daring rescue to bring you -- a blitzball game.

11. Tidus: Listen to my story..

Villagers: He's trying to narrate, get him!

Tidus gets dogpiled

12. After seeing Jyscal's sphere

Tidus: But, then why is Yuna meeting Seymour alone?

Auron: She's trying to offer him something for a way to negotiate, but Seymour is the better negotiator...

Yuna and Seymour walk out together

Seymour: Thanks Yuna, I'll stop my plans for world destruction! Walks off carting a fifty gallon drum of hair gel

13. In the calm lands

Yuna: Y'know, I don't think we were ever actually introduced...

Tidus: Yeah, it's like people have an aversion to saying my name or something.

Yuna: Well you can tell me right?

Tidus: Of course, its...

End cut scene

14. Yuna and Tidus's marriage

Priest: Do you lady Yuna take... ummm... this guy to be your lawfully wedded husband?

15. Guadosalam

Guado guard: None may enter this house, it belonged to our great leader.

Yuna: Actually, I'm his grieving widow, and I want my money!

Guado Guard: What would you do with his inheritance anyway?

Yuna: Points at Yojimbo

16. Bevelle Temple

Seymour: I must be the one to kill her because she is my bride.

Kinoc: You can't just kill your wife.

Seymour: Actually, the Florida supreme court has declared I can, so nya!

17. Baaj temple

Tidus dives into the water. Tidus, Wakka, and Rikku fight past the monster into Anima's temple. Yuna approaches to pray to the faith.

Tidus: opens mouth ... Nevermind.

Lulu: Not gonna ask again?

Tidus: Just... Nevermind... I don't wanna know.

18. On Gagazet, right before Zanarkand

Auron: I remember being on this spot, as a young guardian about your age...

Wakka: Umm, I'm 23... If your you defeated Sin ten years ago... You're...

Rikku: 33?

Tidus: Wooow, time was not good to you.

Auron: GLARE

Tidus: I mean, you've been under a lot of stress and...

19. Zanarkand's temple

Tidus: You're unsent?

Rikku: That explains it, maybe dying aged him a lot.

Auron: Glares so hard he bursts a vein in his head and faints

Rikku: See? Stress.

20. Yunalesca: I will forge Spira a New Hope.

Yuna: You're more of a Phantom Menace!

Wakka: It's about time the people Strike Back!

Rikku: Are you guys just repeating stuff? This sounds like the Clone Wars...

21. Calm lands: Monster ranch

Tidus: Finally, I managed to catch a malboro for you.

SPCA Official: "You're under arrest for cruelty to an endangered species!"

22. Inside Sin

Yu Yevon possesses Yojimbo

Yojimbo: A-hem!

Yu Yevon: Ummm... searches non-existant pockets Raincheck?

Yojimbo: No.

Yu Yevon: Curses! Vanishes into nothing

23. Bahumat: You are a dream.

Tidus: I'm not a dream, I'm a real boy! (Nose grows)

24. Malboro 1: So, we're slimy, tentacle-y, cuthulian horrors.

Malboro 2: And we're named after cigarettes.

Malboro 3: Could we get more ostracized by society?

Perot: Wanna vote for a third party?

25. Tidus walks up to Belgamine, distraught

Tidus: I need to help Yuna!

Belgamine: Why are you asking me?

Tidus: You're the only one who knows what happens in the beyond.
Belgamine: What are you talking about?

Tidus: It's Yuna, she's in danger, she's married to a corpse! She has a corpse groom!

26. Bevelle

Priest: ... Till death do you part?

Seymour: That's a little redundant, isn't it?

Halloween Costumes:

Auron: "Boo"

Lulu: Paine's twin

Yuna: Zookeeper
Wakka: A flamingo! (I don't know why, don't ask me)

Rikku: Kiki the ferret

Tidus: Pinnochio

Khimari: Garfield

Aeon's Calm Jobs

Valefor: Kite

Ifreet: BBQ pit

Shiva: Air conditioner

Ixion: Triple AAA jumper cable

Bahumat: Wheel of fortune wheel (Shock Vanna White!)

Yojimbo: Bouncer

Anima: Actor for "Silent Hill the Movie"

Magus Sisters: Stunt doubles for Charlie's Angels

Okay, this is only kinda a few years late, but it is done (kinda). I'm probably out of ideas on this, so its the last one. Hope you liked it.