"Gaara! Answer me! What are you deaf?" I yelled to the body on the floor. I knew he couldn't move… I knew he'd never answer me… he was somewhere no one could reach him, but I tried again anyways. Still no answer. I faintly heard Kakashi-sensei say something but didn't pay attention, I couldn't believe it.

Why was it always Gaara?

Whose own father hired multiple assassins to kill him? Who was always feared by strangers for no good reason?

Who had a demon sealed in his body the day he was born? Who never had a friend to stand by him?

Whose family turned away from him? Whose uncle willingly tried to kill him by blaming him for killing the mother he never knew?

Who never knew love? Who was betrayed?


And now, who died alone with no one to save him?

Yes, Gaara died, and it was all my fault. I wasn't strong enough, I didn't make it in time. And now, Gaara had to pay once again.

Who did this blonde guy think he was, sitting on Gaara's corpse like that? What gave him the right to disrespect him and touch his face? What gave anyone the right to think they could punish him? They don't have the right to think they're better! Hadn't he been through enough? Hadn't he paid enough?

No tears filled my eyes, because I wasn't sad, I was angry. The hatred of a thousand men burned in my eyes and I could feel the nine-tailed fox's chakra surging through me as I began shaking. I could feel the fangs growing sharp in my mouth.

They didn't know the pain and loneliness people like me knew, how could they? The only thing on my mind was getting Gaara back for a proper burial, back to people who care. He deserved at least that much, and I was going to give it to him. No matter who stood in my way!

Because his existence was necessary. He did have a purpose, whether he knew it or not.