This is a request from sambharie! Talkroulette was actually going to be an M-rated story, but I'm going to skip that and I'm going to make a multi-chaptered story out of this one… I still continue talkroulette but without sex.
Who said they can't have 'sex'(See my summary) in more chapters =D And this is so much easier to write instead writing about having cybersex and shit -., sambharie, I hope you'll enjoy your request xD
Disclaimer: Fruck, still don't own One Piece…
First chapter is still T rated.
"Did someone notice Nami is more patient?"
Nami looked up from her map. It was night and they sat on their ship, some where docked in Fishman Island. It was very quiet in the aquariumroom now. Everyone was there, enjoying their stories about old times and about their training. Although, Sanji won't tell much and Zoro's eye is still a mystery. Some looked confused at Usopp when he made his statement and some looked confused at Nami, caused by Usopp's statement. Nami cocked her eyebrow while taking a sip from her drink.
"What are you saying?" asked Nami confused and slightly irritated.
"Well…" said Usopp trying to sound smart "You haven't hit someone yet." Everyone looked from Usopp to Nami.
"I did… I kicked Brook when he asked for my panties,"
"Yes, but you haven't hit Luffy, Chopper or me yet…" Luffy and Chopper blinked.
Robin closed her book and listened with interest. Nami drunk her drink very fast. She felt anger boiling.
"Yes… So?" asked Nami "You are more mature, Chopper didn't do anything retarded and Luffy…"
Nami looked at Luffy and cocked an eyebrow. Robin smiled, seeing this little play.
"Luffy still is retarded and immature, so~" said Usopp.
Some nodded in agreement. Luffy only cocked his head and pouted. 'Why haven't I hit him yet?' thought Nami.
"I don't know," said Nami honest. Some raised their eyebrow and looked at Luffy and back at Nami. "Maybe because he's stronger…?" she asked more then saying. Luffy frowned when he saw a sad look at Nami's face 'And because he suffered the most…' thought Nami. "And I was on an island full with retards, so I got used to it," she explained.
"Really?" asked Usopp. Nami nodded. 'Why am I explaining this?' thought Nami with a sigh.
Luffy stood up and stretched his arms with a yawn.
"I'm going to bed… It's going to be a long day… Again,"
Everyone nodded and agreed silently. Robin looked at Nami and Nami was busy on her map again. Robin grabbed her book and leaned close to Nami's ear.
"How could you call that immature?" whispered Robin.
Nami frowned and looked at her. She pointed at Luffy and Nami looked at him. Her eyes slightly widened when she saw him grab weights.
"L…Luffy…" murmured Nami.
Robin smiled and stood up. She exited the room leaving Nami and Luffy behind. Luffy turned and looked confused at Nami.
"Yea?" he asked.
"Since when do you train with weights?"
Luffy blinked and looked at the weights. He grinned.
"I used stones on Amazon Lilly"
Nami blinked a few times. She looked at the chair next to her and patted on it, as a sign for Luffy to sit down. Luffy smiled and lay the weight down. He walked towards the chair and sat down.
"How was it like in Amazon Lilly?" asked Nami curious.
Luffy smiled and thought for a second.
"Well… There were only girls… And it's really big!" Nami frowned a bit at the 'only girls' part.
"Really? Tell me more about those… Girls…"
"Euhm… Hancock?" asked Luffy. Nami nodded softly. She knew Hancock was the shichibukai and she was beautiful. "Hmm… She wants to marry me…"
"What!" yelled Nami.
"Shh!" said Luffy, figuring everyone was already sleeping or in their beds.
"Why does she…?" said Nami soft. Luffy shrugged his shoulders. "How do you know she wants to marry you?" asked Nami
"She asked me and I said: I don't wanna marry you," Nami cocked an eyebrow. How does he know what marrying is? "She first had to explain what marrying was, though…" Nami smiled. He answered her question. "But she explained what it was… Staying with each other for ever, getting children and a house, loving…each… other…" Luffy said the last part really slow. Nami looked confused. What the hell was that? Luffy looked at Nami and grinned. "But I said no." Nami smiled and nodded.
"But she is beautiful…" said Nami.
Luffy pouted and looked at the ceiling
"Could be, but she's not my type…?" Nami gasped
"You have a type!" Luffy laughed and nodded.
"Guess so!" Nami smiled. She was kinda curious.
"Your type… Doesn't have something attached between the legs, right?"
"Good! What's she like?" asked Nami. Luffy thought again.
"Well… Everytime she asked me if I wanted to marry me, I saw someone else…" murmured Luffy. "She looked blurry, though, but I know who she was…" he said scratching his cheek. Nami smiled. She wanted to know it… But also not… What if it's someone else? Why does she care? Nami's expression turned a bit sad… Why?
"Never mind…" said Nami soft. Luffy looked confused when Nam stood. "I don't have to know who your type is. It's your secret…"
"It's no secret…" Nami turned. Luffy looked at the other way with his hand under his chin.
"Yea, well… I don't have to know…" she touched the doorknob
"I don't know how it happened…" said Luffy "Or when…"
"Luffy, I don-" She got cut off
"Maybe since the beginning or since Arlong…" Nami turned with wide expressionless eyes and she let go off the doorknob. "Or later at Drum Island," Nami walked back to Luffy and sat down on hr chair again. She looked confused at him. "Hmm…" he hummed.
"Luffy, what do you mean?" she asked.
She knew she was the only girl in the crew back at Arlong… Luffy looked at her again and Nami made a little gasp.
"Every time Hancock asked me to marry her, I saw someone else…Someone I really missed, someone important to me…" Nami looked with a soft expression
"You missed everyone, right?" Luffy nodded
"But it wasn't like… missing, but more like an empty place…" Luffy sighed. "But I don't even know what it is… My heart always beat fast around her, like she's… My adventure. She's clever, without her, I couldn't survive… I did on Amazon Lily, but I mostly mean on a ship…" Nami cocked an eyebrow. 'About whom is he talking?'
"Have you got an imaginary friend?" asked Nami. Luffy shook his head. 'Really? Who?' Nami still thought.
Luffy looked at her. Nami's eyes widened slowly and looked slowly at Luffy. Luffy's mouth corner rose slowly. Nami's mouth opened a bit but she closed it fast again, like a fish trying to get oxygen on land. Luffy's smile widened. Nami pointed at herself and Luffy nodded softly.
"Me?" she asked. Luffy nodded again. "And you don't know what it it?"
"Nope, can't say I do," Nami blushed a little bit. How could this happen?
"So everytime she asked you to marry her, you thought about me?"
"Yes," Nami smiled slowly.
"That's sweet," chuckled Nami. Luffy grinned with red cheeks. Nami's smile disappeared a bit.
"When…" she began "W…When I heard about Ace, I just couldn't help but feel sorry for you…" Luffy smiled. He was happy to hear this… Somewhere. Nami hugged Luffy out of the blue. Luffy looked with wide eyes
"I know exactly how you feel… Bellemere also died before my eyes and even though it's such a long time ago, I still cry some times…" Luffy's eyes softened a bit. "And I think it's ten times worse for you because you were so close and he died in your arms…So…You can cry every time you want…" Luffy buried his head in the crook of her neck. Nami brushed his back when she felt warm liquid falling in her neck. This was the only thing she can do right now.
"I missed you so much…" murmured Nami trying to soothe him.
"I missed you too…" He murmured with a slight shiver in his voice.
Nami smiled and kissed the top of his head. Luffy looked up and whipped a few tears away.
"What was that?"
"A soft kiss," smiled Nami "To comfort you," Luffy smiled too.
"It helped. Thanks." Nami smiled.
She was happy it helped. That was the whole idea. Luffy looked at Nami again. Nami realised how close he was. They seriously were an inch away from each other. Nami went closer to Luffy but Luffy went back with his head. Nami growled irritated. She grabbed his vest and pulled him to her. Their lips met for a few seconds and they parted fast again. Nami looked with a smile and Luffy looked with a nervous insecure smile.
"Relax." Smiled Nami. Luffy nodded slowly
"I just never done this…"
"Me neither, so were even," Luffy smiled and held her hand, although he still was very nervous.
Nami smiled and kissed him again. Luffy closed his eyes and moved his lips slowly. The kiss turned more passionate. Luffy did something what normally would cost his head… They parted and Nami looked at her breast with a beating vein.
"Why did you put your hand there?" asked Nami irritated and blushing
"I have no idea…" He said honest getting his hand from her breast. Nami scratched her cheek. 'Maybe lust?'
"Sorry for the sudden kiss…" she murmured.
"Sorry for the… Sudden touch…" He murmured too. Nami smiled and looked at Luffy
"One more time…" demanded Luffy more then asking. "I like it," he grinned. Nami smiled too and went closer… closer… clo-
"Oi, shitty capta-" Sanji got cut off by Luffy's yell
"WAAAAH," Luffy fell of his bar chair and Nami almost lost her balance. Sanji blinked a few times in confusion. Nami and Luffy looked at Sanji with a red sweating face. Did he see something?
"What's wrong?" asked Sanji confused.
"N…Nothing, Sanji-kun," laughed Nami un-easy.
"Hai, Nami-swan!" He said with a little blood nose. He finally got used to Nami's appearance since he saw and met the mermaids… And since he had a blood transfusion. Luffy and Nami looked painful at each other. This is just the beginning of getting disturbed!
Yes, next chapter is M-rated, But like I already told once, I don't like the words pussy, dick and those other un-cute words. So I try my best not to include them, just as in 'I'm Sorry'
Sambharie, I hope you already like it, and I have no idea how many chapters this is going to be . Although, you asked for a One-Shot xD
I also have a writers block for One Piece Academy and Behind the scenes! Terrible! I'm going to update as fast as I can, but I don't think it will be this week .