A/N: Hi! So I thought I would take my first stab at an all human story. I'm still writing my other story so don't worry about if I am abandoning that. I honestly don't know how long this one will be. I haven't written a general outline so I'm taking it chapter by chapter. It's a crappy and no originality title, I stink at coming up with titles LOL I'm sure that there are dozens of more stories with it so here it is.
"Stupid piece of shit lawn mower. Why the hell are you acting up now? Come on, just fucking work already...," I grumble to myself as I attempt to fix my grandmother's thirty year old lawn mower. I'm no mechanic by any means, but my stupid brother didn't show up today to fix it. Probably passed out in some random woman's bed.
I wipe the sweat off my brow and look up into the sky. It's too hot out today. I wish I was out swimming at the lake instead of sitting out here in this tortuous sun trying to fix an ancient lawnmower. I stand back up and try once more to get it going. After several attempts nothing happens.
"You piece of shit!" I yell.
I try to kick it but only end up hurting myself, "Ow, ow, ow!" I say, hopping around on one foot.
Looking at the grass, I let out a sigh and head back into the house.
The house feels like a frickin' oven. I sniff the air and can smell my grandmother's delicious baking. She must be making the desserts for her meeting tonight.
I walk into the kitchen to see her kneading some dough.
"Hi Gran!" I say giving her a quick peck on the cheek.
"Hi honey, did you get the mower working?" she asks.
I sigh again, "No, I'll try again later on this afternoon. I got to head over to the school to get my lessons ready for the substitute tomorrow."
"Honey, don't worry about it," she smiles. "I'm sure Jason will be here soon to fix it."
I loved her optimism. I highly doubted that he was coming today.
I go up stairs and change into a sundress. After combing my hair, I head back downstairs, grab my keys and open the door.
"Bye Gran! I'll see you in a few hours!" I yell.
"Bye honey!" she hollers back.
I jump into the car and drive down the road heading towards the school. I loved my job. I was a grade one teacher and had the best students ever. I went to university in New Orleans when I was 17 and earned my teaching certificate. When I moved back home to Bon Temps, I took a job at the school as a casual substitute teacher. A little less than a year later, one of the senior teachers retired and they hired me to replace her. Now I was a full-time teacher with my own classroom.
For awhile I lived with Tara at an apartment we rented from Sam. But when my Gran got sick, I moved back home again without any hesitation to care for her. She had lived with my parents in the family home. They died a few years earlier in a car accident. Gran won't say, but I think that was one of the reasons why she got so ill. Her heart had broken when her only son, her only child, died.
But now she was on the mend. She smiled a lot more and was more cheerful.
I pull into the parking lot and walk into the school. I spend the next hour preparing lessons for Monday. I had a substitute filling in for me tomorrow because I was taking Gran to her doctor's appointment in Shreveport.
Once finished, I head home. I spend the rest of the evening reading my romance novel that had me addicted. Gran was at her meeting.
His loins ached for her and she could feel a pool of moisture between her thighs... I read the juicy part debating whether or not I should touch myself. A little pathetic, I know, but when you don't have a boyfriend you have to take care of your needs yourself. I rarely dated even when I was in high school. The boys thought I was a stuck up nerd so they never bothered to ask me out. Even when I went to university. I thought I had fully prepared myself to snag a boyfriend but struck out with them too. The guys were immature. They only wanted to party, drink beer and smoke weed. I did meet one guy that I thought was hot and perfect for me. His name was Alcide. We became friends at first, but I wanted more with him. I finally got the courage to ask him out one day. He face fell a little after I had asked him. He explained to me that he didn't want to date anyone and also because he didn't have the time. His father wanted him to focus on his studies because he would be taking over the business when he retired. I was a little upset about it but I still thought it was sweet how he turned me down gently. I didn't he was sweet anymore however, when one day I saw him making out with Debbie Pelt in the hallway at school. Later on that day I found out that they had gotten engaged recently. I went back to my dorm room and cried all day. Needless to say, I never bothered trying to get close to another guy again.
Yes, I was still a virgin and I was 23 years old. It was no secret. Everyone knew, even my Gran. She told me one time at dinner that I would meet a nice man who would 'deflower' and marry me. Jason and Tara were sitting across from me snickering afterwards. I had never been more embarrassed in my entire life.
Gran and I both wake up bright and early the next day. I make us breakfast and a few hours later we drive to Shreveport. She was meeting an eye specialist to check how much her eyesight had improved. Later, she was meeting another specialist for her heart.
She hums along to the radio as I drive down the highway. Some hours later we sit in the waiting room at the clinic waiting for the eye specialist. I help her onto the stool and the nurse and doctor examine her.
"Adele I can say with one hundred percent certainty that your retinas have become better," the doctor smiles. "You won't have to come to see me again for another year."
Gran and I are both ecstatic. "Thank you doctor," my Gran kindly says.
We leave his office and drive downtown towards another clinic. This doctor is a new one. Gran's other heart doctor moved to Switzerland a few months ago and referred her to this guy.
We walk into lobby and to his office. The receptionist tells us to take a seat. Gran pulls out her yarn and needle from her purse and I grab a magazine from the coffee table.
I skim through the magazine looking at the makeup and clothes ads when a man walks up to us. I take my eyes off the magazine and I first stare at his broad chest, then his legs. He is wearing a sky blue cotton polo shirt and khakis. I could tell that both his chest and long legs were quite muscular underneath his clothes. My heart speeds up and I start to blush.
"Adele Stackhouse?" he says. Oh my god, his voice is beautiful. So manly and strong.
I finally look up at his face and he is absolutely gorgeous. He has the most stunning blue eyes and short blonde hair with a hint of gray on the sides. His smile is equally stunning. Two rows of straight, gorgeous white teeth and full lips. I can see the light wrinkles on the corner of his eyes as he smiles down at us.
"He- hello," my Gran stammers. Even she is taken by him. We both stand up. He must be at least a foot taller than me.
"Hello, I am Dr. Mikael Northman," he says holding out his hand to Gran.
She shakes his hand and starts blushing. The only thing I do is stare at him with my mouth open. I somehow lost the will to speak.
He holds out his hand to me next; however I don't notice it at first.
"Sookie, where are your manners?" my Gran scolds.
I break out of my trance and finally gain some focus.
"Oh Oh, h-h-hi excuse me," I say plastering my nervous smile on my face. I touch his hand and right away I feel a spark. "I I I'm Sookie, Sookie Stackhouse. This is my Gran. I drove her here to support her and also because I love her. She is my gran, I love her because of that," I say stupidly. Nice Sookie, now he must think you're retarded.
"It's nice to meet you Miss Stackhouse," he says politely. I only realize then that I am still holding onto his hand, he gently lets go of my grip on him.
"You can call me Sookie," I say cheerfully.
"Sookie," he says smiling. I take a quick glance at his left hand. No wedding ring! I do a happy dance in my head.
"Ok, so why don't you ladies follow me," he says.
I stare at his ass as he leads us down to the examination room. Yummy! Gran nudges my arm and shakes her head. She must have caught me staring at his rear. Busted!
"Alright, I'll give you a few minutes Mrs. Stackhouse. Please put this dressing gown on, then we may begin the examination," he says.
He leaves and I help Gran out of her clothes. She lies back down on the table and Dr. Northman comes back into the room.
A little while later he finishes his tests, "The results won't be conclusive for at least a few more weeks but I can say in all honesty that you have improved dramatically since your last examination with Dr. Prince."
Gran smiles and I squeal like a little girl.
"You don't have to come back to see me for another six months. You can book another follow-up appointment with my secretary," he says.
"Thank you Dr. Northman," Gran sweetly says. "Sookie, why don't you go with Dr. Northman to book that appointment? I am able to dress myself," she smiles.
He turns towards the door and she winks at me.
He holds the door open for me and we leave the room.
"So Miss Stackhouse, do you mind me asking if you live in Bon Temps as well?" he says as we walk back to the waiting room.
"Yes I do and please call me Sookie. I live with her in my family's home. It's been in the Stackhouse family for generations," I smile.
"What do you do for a living?" he asks.
"I'm a primary school teacher. I teach grade one," I answer.
We stop at his secretary's desk. She is talking on the phone.
"Well Sookie, it was a pleasure to meet both you and your Gran," he says. He holds out his hand to me again and we shake. He quickly rubs my hand with his large thumb.
"I apologize for being so straight-forward but are you seeing anyone?" he asks not letting my hand go.
"Ummmm no, not anybody right now," I say with a huge grin on my face.
"I know that I am a little more older than you but I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me?" he asks. "Say this Friday?"
I take a couple seconds to think it over. "Ummmm yeah, I can do that. I don't have any plans for this weekend. And age difference doesn't really matter to me."
He flashes his brilliant smile. I think my panties are wet. "I'm glad to hear you say that Sookie. Well I need to make a few calls in my office, so I shall see you on Friday then."
"Wait! Don't you need my phone number?" I ask, worried.
"No I already have it. Since you live with your Gran, I have your phone number on file," he winks.
"Oh," I say sounding like a 14 year old girl.
"Have a good day Sookie and you can call me Mikael," he says and walks down the hall.
I wait for Gran and practically float out of the office with a dreamy smile on my face.
Things were starting to look up.