Here's chapter 21! It's Klaine fluff with some Carole-Kurt and Burt-Kurt.

Enjoy! Read and review please!

Chapter 21: Papa, can you hear me?

"So... You and Blaine are really... sexually active?", Burt asked cautiously. He knew that it was happening, he and Kurt had talked about it. But he didn't want to walk in on his son with his boyfriend. Especially when his son was naked and his son's boyfriend was shirtless next to him.

Kurt sighed. "Okay, dad, we talked about it, right? You know that Blaine and I are... doing stuff together. I've been honest about it, but could I have some privacy about that?"

"So you're always telling me that you want some guy talk with me. Well, dads like to talk about their son's... significant others", Burt answered.

Kurt gestured his finger in the air. "Well, that's not what I mean. First of all: I'm glad with the way we talk now. And could I just have some privacy about my sex life?"

Burt chuckled. "Yeah, you can. Uhm, you do know that you have to use condoms for... oral sex as well, right?"

"Yes, I know that," Kurt answered firmly, "But Blaine's never had a boyfriend either, so we don't really need to use that, since there's no chance we might..."

His dad didn't let him finish. "Are you one hundred percent sure about that, Kurt? And even if you are, I'd rather have you being safe. Which means condoms. Or getting tested for STD's. Both of you."

"Yes, I'm sure about that. But okay, I'll talk about it with Blaine."

Burt nodded approvingly. "Well, you do better make sure that there is a box of condoms in the drawer of your night stand. Just until you get tested, if you do that. I'm gonna check that, you can be sure about that."

His son smirked. "Okay. I'm off to bed anyways, dad. Good night."

Burt gave his son a tight hug. "Sleep well, buddy." He let Kurt go, but while his hand were still on the boy's shoulders, he held a tight grip. "You've grown into a great young man, Kurt. You're handsome, you're smart and you're kind. I love you."

Kurt smiled and gave his dad a kiss on his cheek. "I love you too, dad."

The next morning, Burt had to knock three times on Kurt's door before he responded. Burt didn't hear the usual enthusiastic "I'll be down in a minute!', but a small "Yeah, I'm awake.". So he decided to get in. "Are you all right, mate? You really need to get up, it's already 7 o'clock."

"Just a little head ache." Kurt got out of his bed, but from the moment he stood on his two feet, the room started spinning. His dad was just on time to catch him. "Well, you aren't going to school today, Kurt. You're ill. I'll call your school," he laid Kurt back on the bed, "Carole doesn't have to work today, so if you need anything, just give her a yell. Okay?"

"Kay," the boy mumbled, "Can you give me my phone? Have to text Blaine." Burt nodded and handed Kurt his Iphone. With –of course- a picture where they were kssing as his background. To be young and in love...

"Wow, I'm up before Kurt? Cool," Finn exclaimed when he entered the kitchen to see only his mom and his stepdad.

"Kurt's staying home, he's not feeling well, honey," Carole explained.

Finn chuckled. "He's probably just called too late with Blaine yesterday... I heard him whispering 'til like... one o'clock."

Burt frowned. "Kurt practically fell in my arms when he tried to stand up. And about that calling: if you heard him, does that mean that you were still awake? 'Cause you know what we said about your Xbox after 11.30pm."

"Well, I... I have to go. It's late. Say Kurt that I hope he feels better!", Finn grabbed his bag and left the house. He cared for his brother, but he did want to keep his Xbox.

Kurt felt miserable. His head hurt, he couldn't stop coughing and he had to blow his nose every 10 minutes or so. Sinusitis, he hated it. All his friends were at school, his head ache was too bad to even look at his phone and he missed Blaine. If only Blaine was there to rub his back, or to cuddle him. He hated being sick.

Just as he finished blowing his nose again, Carole came in with a knock. Kurt felt that she sat down on his bed. She stroked his hair. "How are you feeling, sweetie? Do you still have a head ache?"

Kurt sighed. "Yeah. I just feel like I have a bad cold combined with a head ache. Being ill sucks."

His stepmom nodded understandingly. "I know," she put her hand on his forehead, like only mothers could do, "You don't have a fever though, so that's good. It's nothing too contagious probably."

That made Kurt smile. Because not contagious meant that Blaine could come over. He opened his mouth, but Carole cut him off. "Yes, he can come over after school, if he doesn't stay too long."

"How'd you know what I wanted to ask?", Kurt asked surprised. Because that was indeed what he wanted to ask.

Carole winked. "Because somehow you lighten up every time you think about Blaine, when you talk about him, when someone mentions him. I've told you that already. It's sweet."

Kurt blushed. "It'd just feel better if he was here. I like to cuddle. And me and Blaine, we are a perfect fit. When we are spooning, he alwa-," he stopped talking. He wasn't planning on sharing this much. Off course, it was obvious that Kurt and Blaine did things like that, but he still felt a little ashamed about talking like this.

Carole chuckled. "You don't have to be embarrassed about being intimate with your boyfriend. I'd be worried if you didn't cuddle with Blaine." Carole patted him on the leg and walked to the door.


She turned around. "Yes, honey?"

"I... Uhm... Do you still have to go to the supermarket?"

She frowned, but nodded. Kurt usually didn't hesitate when he asked about... the supermarket. "Do you need something?"

"Uhm... Dad... He talked with me about... Blaine. And uhm... It's not that we really need it yet, but... Could you maybe bring... Could you bring condoms?"

Carole tried to hold back a small grin. From the moment the boy started stuttering about the supermarket, she had known what was coming up. She had another teenage son, she had been a teenager herself, so she knew when to expect these things. Blaine and Kurt had grown closer to each other and they loved each other like they had been together for years rather than months.

"Sure, Kurt. It's better to think about it before it actually happens. So, just basic condoms?"

He nodded, with a tomato-red face. "Thanks."

With a wink, she left the room.

"How's my boyfriend doing?" Blaine's head appeared behind the corner of Kurt's room. Said Kurt was actually sitting up in his bed, going through some old magazines. When he heard Blaine's voice, he looked up smiling. "Better. Definitely now."

Blaine walked over to the bed and sat next to Kurt. He wrapped his arms around the boy and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I missed you at school today. Do you know how boring math is when you actually have to pay attention?"

Kurt grinned. "Yeah, I remember that clearly. And I missed you too, I've been thinking about you the whole day. I'm glad you're here."

"Aha? And about what were you thinking then?"

"Well...," Kurt said, "About how I'd feel better if you were here. About your great massaging skills. And about our three months anniversairy."

The shorter boy started massaging Kurt's graceful neck. "So, our anniversairy... I have plans, but do you want something specific? Like dinner in a French restaurant? Or would you rather have Italian? Because it has to be perfect. For you."

"My parents are out next weekend. And I can ask Finn if he could leave the house. So we'd have the house for ourselves," Kurt hoped Blaine would get the hint, but he didn't. So Kurt just said it, "I want to go further with you. I want us to... to make love."

Blaine's hands froze. He was perfectly fine with what they were doing right now. They had never really talked about anything else than hands and mouths and Blaine thought it would take a little longer for them to get ready for that. They had reached stage 4 pretty fast, so he had expected that it'd take longer for them to go all the way.

"Blaine? Why aren't you saying something?" Kurt turned around. He had hoped for a different reaction. Blaine just looked kind of awe-struck. Or grossed out.

Then Blaine started smiling. "Really? You want us... to make love? Like... go all the way? You? With me?"

Kurt nodded approvingly. "That was my point," he wrapped his arms around Blaine and kissed him in the crook of his neck, "But if you don't want to yet, that's fine for me. I don't want to rush you."

The boy let out a shivering sigh. "Uhm... I do. But," he pushed Kurt a little bit back, "It seems so sudden... And aren't you supposed to be ill actually?"

"You make me feel better. I really want this, Blaine...," he took his boyfriend's hand, "You're my everything and I want to... I want to give you everything of me. You'll be my first and I'll be yours."

"That's kind of very romantic. On our anniversairy... I love you, Kurt."

Kurt put his head on Blaine's chest. His head fitted perfectly under Blaine's chin. They were perfect together. "I love you too, baby."