Look over there! Is it a puppy? Is it a kitty? Fu no it's a new chapter! WOOHOO! Buuuuuuut I regret to say that Cas does not make an appearance just yet. Give it time and he will. But I do introduce a new character! WEEEEEE! Enjoy!

This Bitch

Someone please send that demon slut back to hell!

It was just over a month ago when Sam found her. She was crouched down in an alleyway. Breathing heavily, shacking from something other than the cold, and looking sexy covered in blood Sam could not resist himself. Who knew brunettes look so erotic in red? She almost reminded him of Jessica, making her even more desirable. He licked his lips as he approached her. "Are you ok, Miss?" He tried to sound as sincere as possible. The closer he got the more he noticed the blood on her hands didn't belong to her.

"Oh my god, I killed him. I killed him. I didn't mean to. He just… Oh god what do I do?" She muttered frantically to herself as Sam ushered her to follow him. Ruby didn't even notice she was being dragged along to a motel room until she heard a door shut. Looking around, she saw a little boy jumping on the bed and the sound of someone in the shower. "What… What's going on?"

"Who's she Daddy?" Adam had stopped jumping on the bed when he heard the door shut. Sam had gotten on to him many times for jumping on the bed.

"This is… uh… I'm sorry I never got your name?"

"Ruby, it's Ruby. Where the hell am I?"

"You're in trusting heads, I promise. I'm Sam; that's Adam. When Dean gets out of the shower, you can hop in. I hope you don't mind wearing clothes that are big. I don't think either of us have anything that could fit you."

"That's… fine…" This wasn't normal at all. No one is this nice for without a reason. He had something up his sleeves that's for sure. As for what, she didn't know.

As soon as the bathroom door opened, she rushed in locking the door behind her. Dean stood there dumbfounded in nothing but a towel. He looked over at Sam and frowned. Sam was staring in his direction, giving that weird happy look he got when he really liked something. He's often given him that look, but this time it wasn't directed at Dean, but rather behind him on the other side of the door. Regardless of what happened while he was in the shower, Dean did not like it one bit from the start. To top off his rage, Dean had to let this bitch borrow some of his clothes when she finished showering.

"Who the hell are you and what the hell did you do?" Sam kind of gave him a run down while Ruby was away. However, Dean wanted the whole story before any decisions are made.

"My name is Ruby. I'm a… working girl," she introduced, saying the last part quietly.

"Okay, that's nice," Dean said rudely. "So why were you covered in blood. Let me guess, your pimp beat the shit out of you?" Dean had little to no sympathy for this woman. Sure she might have her reason who selling sex, but it's her choice so whatever happens on the 'job' is her fault.

"No," Ruby growled. She could tell Dean wasn't being very pleasant. "This guy… I don't even know his name… he tried to attack him and I reacted. I wasn't even thinking what I pulled out that knife. I never even thought I would use it. It was just as a precaution because a lot of girls have been found dead lately."

Sam coughed at the last part. That was slightly there doing as opposed to some random guy. Dean and Sam were doing the ladies month where they only kill woman for a month. Whoever kills a man, accident or not, loses and can't drive the car for the rest of the year. Of course Dean wasn't going to have that so he was trying really hard not to be attracted to any of the men they came across.

Dean tried not to look at Sam, knowing that Sam would give him that kicked puppy look; begging him to let Ruby come with them. Crap, he looked, so much for that. Groaning, Dean said, "Take us to the dude so we can clean up your mess. If you're gonna come along with us, I will not stand for a sloppy kill." This threw Ruby off guard. What in the world was he talking about? "Would you rather come with us or rot in prison for murder?"

"But it was in self-defense," she protested.

"You really think the cops are gonna see it that way? A hooker killing a man in self-defense? Yeah like they hadn't heard that one before," Dean retorted.

"So then what should I do?"

"Come with us," Sam encouraged. "We can go anywhere you want, get anything you want. We can make you happy." Dean's head was exploding with every word he said. Why was Sam (his Sammy) rolling over for this woman? She's was some random hooker. Unless he has a devious idea on how to toy with her, dean doesn't see any reason to keep her.

Ruby agreed to come along. The first week was hell for both Dean and Sam. The stupid bitch would sleep in bed with Sam, leaving Dean to sleep on the floor most of the time because Adam liked to kick in his sleep. And he kicks hard for such a small kid. Sam was finding it exhausting trying to keep Dean from killing Ruby when no one was looking. There had been several occasions with Ruby either pinned to the ground or wall by Dean who tried to stab her. Once Sam pulled them apart, Dean would brush it off claiming to mistake her for some whore or something along that line. It took a lot of negotiation on Sam's part to stop Dean from trying to kill her every chance he got.

Tennessee, she wanted to go to some small town in Tennessee. Apparently, this was her home town and she's missed it since she moved upstate for a better life. Dean laughed when she said that. In turn, she glared at him. What could be worse than being a hooker turned serial killer? There weren't any motels in the town which leaves them to 'house sit' as they like to put it. Ruby told them there was a vacation home that was empty most of the year, making it a perfect place.

There were three bedrooms. Much to Dean's displeasure, he wouldn't be sharing a room with Sam. Adam had his own room even though he didn't like the fact that it was a girl's room. Ruby and Sam vacated the master bedroom leaving Dean to take the teenage girl's room, even more displeasing. He tore up all the Justin Beiber and Twilight posters in the room. He liked Ruby less and less every day that passed by. Dean needed some kind of outlet to not kill her so he went searching for the family that still lived in this dumb of a town. It didn't take long since her mother was the alcoholic of the town. Supposedly, when he husband died, Ruby's mother took up drinking. Ruby's little sister, Becca still lived with her mom in what Dean refers to as a shack. The house was practically falling apart, almost toppling over.

Scoping the house out Dean waited for the night. If that bitch was going to take away someone that he loves, he was going to take everyone away from her. Even if he has to kill everyone in this pathetic excuse of a town, it would be worth it to see that slut crumble. Little Becky was the first to go.

She had crawled into bed to get a good night's rest before going to school. On normal circumstances, Dean would wake Little Becky to enjoy the fear in her eyes. However, he had heard how good a kid she was. Coming straight home after school to take care of her worthless mother when ruby ran off with some guy. Of course Dean had also discovered that Ruby originally left town with some guy she fell in love with. Obviously it didn't turn out like she hoped. Slitting her throat in her slip, Dean moved on to the mother.

Ms. Olivia Deveron, a pure excuse of a mother, worthless wife, and horrible drinker. Dean heard all kinds of stories about her. When Ruby was seven, she was being chased around the yard by her mother, beer bottle in hand. She had to get stitches in her hand and arm for falling on broken glass in the living room. This town had all sorts of things to say about how abuse Olivia could be to her daughters. And yet, not a single one thought to call the cops? Or CPS? Dean's glad he didn't grow up in a place like this. Making is way through the house, Dean found Olivia sitting on the couch watching old homemade videos, back before she became a drunkard.

"She was so scared when he let go of the seat," she commented as a young Ruby rode her bike around in the driveway. Dean wasn't sure who she was talking to so he stopped. "She fell down so many times, but he never gave up on. Wonder if he would have given up on her now if he were alive." She took a swig from the bottle. "Probably, she is a worthless cunt."

Dean was peeved to hear her go on about how useless Ruby is. A part of him was angered to hear someone else say cruel things about her. The other part was confused as to why he cared. Slowly, he crept up behind Olivia as she went to change tapes. He grabbed her by the back of her hair and held a knife to her throat. In turn, she begged for her life. "You know, I don't really care what you have to say. You can thank that bitch of a daughter you have for taking away what's mine." It ended quickly, too quickly for his liking. Feeling slightly distraught, Dean dipped his hand in her blood to write a message on the wall.

It's your fault, bitch.

Sam would probably figure out Dean killed her family, but it didn't bother him. Dean promised not to kill Ruby; nothing was said about her family. The next morning, Dean woke up to the sound of his door being forced open. "You bastard!" Ruby tried forcing herself passed the door, but Sam held her back. "You did this, didn't you? How could you?"

Angered for no reason, Dean stood up from the bed to address her. "Hey! I did you a favor! And your little sister too! That bitch you call mom didn't deserve to live!"

"And what about Becky? She didn't deserve to die!" Ruby was starting to shake like the first night they met. Dean smirks without a reply as he walked out of the room. He could hear Ruby yelling profanity as he went down stairs.

"What's all the yelling for?" Adam asked sleepily still in his pajamas.

"Hey, buddy, wanna go to the park with me?" Dean said as a distraction from all the noise. Adam gleefully agrees running back to his room to change clothes. They leave Sam to deal with a frantic Ruby as Dean enjoys a nice sunny day with his son. Of course he would have to go back eventually to face an angry Sam, but for now he's going to enjoy his victory.

They left town that night before anyone could ask questions. Sam didn't talk to Dean the whole car ride as he sat in back with Ruby. Adam sat happily in the front seat while Dean disagreed with this new seating arrangement. The relationship with Ruby became even more strenuous. She refused to be in the same room as Dean and with Sam pissed at him he had no choice but to sleep in the car for a few days.

It had been a little over a month since Dean slaughtered Ruby's family. They were staying in a motel in Nebraska. Dean showed up one night after having 'fun' with a chick he met at the bar. He was surprised to see Ruby lying in bed reading a book. "I didn't know whores could read," he commented as he walked further into the room, noticing Sam and Adam weren't there. "Where did they go?"

"Sam took Adam to the store with him down the road," Ruby forced out. She was still tense about what he did.

"Oh so they wanted a cunt free night, huh?"

Ruby slammed her book down on the bed. That was the final straw; she could not take one more insult from this man. Letting it all go, Ruby quickly stood up and connected her fist with his jaw. Surprised, Dean reacted, punching her in the face as well. But she was not going down that easily. One by one fists were thrown; some missing while others landed perfectly. After a couple of blows, Ruby tackled him to the ground but Dean quickly turned it around, landing him on top of her. Both were breathing heavily as they stared at each other nose to nose. Reacting on impulse, Ruby began to kiss Dean, who kissed her back.

When Dean sat up to take his shirt off, Ruby took advantage of the moment to kiss along his stomach as she undid his pants. Once they were undone, Dean slammed her back on the ground to forcibly kiss her as his hand roughly went up her shirt. Neither of them could remember how or when all their clothes came off or how Ruby ended up against the wall with Dean holding her up.

Sam was shocked to come home and see the both of them cuddling asleep in bed together. Dean lifted his head long enough to look at Sam who had that obnoxious 'I knew you would like her' grin on his face. "Shut up," Dean grumbled as he pulled the covers completely over himself and Ruby.

The next day at breakfast, the boys stared in confusion as Ruby walked out of the bathroom with blonde hair. She wanted a new look with her new life. Nobody questioned anything as she cooked food. Once they started eating, Adam turned to her with a serious look in his eye. "Does this make you my mommy?" Everyone looked at him in wonder. They never really thought about it that much. "Well Daddy loves you and now Dad loves you too which means I love you. So that makes you Mommy."

He acted as thought his statement was final. Everyone shrugged in agreement. In fact, Adam would go around gloating that he has one mommy and two daddies. Dean would then make a statement saying it seemed more like two mommies with the way that Sam acted which resulted in Sam punching him lovingly and Ruby rolling her eyes. Dean laughed at the thought of his little dysfunctional family: one mom, one son, and two dads. Regardless, it felt nice. He no longer had a grudge against Ruby now that they were all sharing a bed together. Granted he was happy, but there was still something missing from inside. He couldn't quite put his finger on it just yet. Maybe one day he will. Until then, he was gonna enjoy the family he has now.

Sex solves all the worlds problems, don't you think? So what should I do next with this fun filled family? Should I give them a puppy? Have a quest star in it? Or let them roam around for a while? Give me some ideas! The more ideas the quick the update!