

Down town Boston

I sighed , Boston I liked New York better but after winning the wizard competition there was nothing left for me there Max was with me Justin was studying to be a doctor me and max well without Justin to tease and torment why stay Max I guess came along for the hell of it. We walked around "can't we ask for directions?" my brother wined "fine if it will shut you up." I said we walked into a store that was filled with animals. "Hello, any one here?" I called a girl in a black jeans and white tank top with blonde hair. "can I help you?" yeah we need directions too this apartment "hey actually I live right by there there." She said "I'm Julie." "I'm Alex and this is Max." her eyes widened as she looked at her watch "Oh Fuck I have to- "Max!" I slapped his hand that was touching a vase I got in his face "don't touch anything." I warned firmly. I had to play two roles now the role of mom and the role of my self it was hard so to be the evil sister I whispered "and if you try anything stupid I'll pound you so hard you'll be sneezing out of your belly button."



I mad some new friends which was strange no one but my family understands me and sometimes even they don't we were going to hang out at the beach later tonight Alex was some were but I had no idea were. So I decided to explore. I was all the way down town when an angry voice called my name. "Max Russo!" I turned around it was Alex she had a very pissed off look on her face. "oh hey Sis." I said with a sheepish smile. "Don't oh hay sis me I've been looking all over for you!" She grabbed me by the wrist dragging me off. I was in real trouble.



I had spent seven hours looking for my little brother then I flashed my self to his location out of luck. I had worked myself into a frenzy by the time I'd found him I marched over to him grabbing his wrist I dragged him to a back ally. "You are in so much trouble when we get to the apartment." I said flashing us back to the apartment. As soon as we were there I let him go "Ok Alex what you goanna do uh give me a stern talking too, send me to my room without dinner, spank me?" he challenged considering the way he'd been acting maybe I should spank him I cleared that thought from my head he was my brother not my son. I sighed "sit down." I ordered firmly Max did I stood in front of him. "You know max, I know I was cruel to you all the time and I want to make it up to you, I do." Then I sat down next to my brother "oh so now all the sudden you care?" he asked "Of course I care about you, Max. You're my little brother." Placing a comforting arm around him, I continued, "Whether you like it or not." ruffled up his hair and placed a kiss on his forehead. Then saw the scared look in his eyes "So what's wrong Maxi?" I asked worried Max was never like this the whole attitude thing I mean. "Well, I'm scared. I want to tell you but...

Max paused "Max tell me what you're scared of." I waited "promise you won't make fun of me?" I nodded "I…it's just I'm…I'm scared that one day you'll walk out that door and, you'll never come back." Tears were in his eyes I sat down next to him. I lifted his chin up and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then I pulled him into a big hug, and sat him on my lap. "well that's never going to happen. You're big sis isn't going anywhere for along time we'll get through this together." Then I became firm "however you're still grounded." He looked shocked I laughed "I'm just kidding max, but seriously at least call me, or tell me before you wonder off." I said "I was really worried about you." Max smiled and put his head on my chest we talked for a while about the advantages of being on our own and the silly stuff we did in the past. I told Max I'd always be there for him.

Looking down I saw he'd fallen asleep in my lap. I smiled deciding to put him on his bed. He was holding my hand when he's sleeping he seems so normal. I thought shrugged and closed my eyes falling asleep with my head resting on his.

note: I think that I did ok with his chapter