So, I have an idea in my head of a house fic, so I think I'll go with it.

Disclaimer: I do not own House, but I do own the story plot, and the extra characters.

On a cold and restless night, Dr Lisa Cuddy was walking through her warm suburban home making sure all the windows and doors were locked. She made her way down the hall and stopped at her daughters room, she stopped at the doorway looking at her little girl, feeling her worries and fears drift slowly away. She was about to head to her bedroom to get herself ready for bed, when she heard a soft timid knock on her front door. She stopped and looked at the door, thinking it was the wind playing tricks, she was about to go into her room when she heard the same soft timid knock again. She made her way over to her front door and turned the lounge room light on and swung the door open, about to scold the person who was knocking on her door so late in the evening. But she stopped when she realised just who was at her front door.

"Ruby?". Asked Lisa shocked at who her visitor was.

"Aunt Lisa!". Whispered Ruby as she dropped her luggage on the porch and launched herself into the safety of her aunts arms.

"Sweetie, what are you doing here? Are you okay?". Asked Lisa as she kept one arm firmly around her niece, and grabbed her suitcase and carried it into the house. Shutting the door behind her.

"I'm sorry for showing up so late Aunt Lisa". Said the girl as Lisa sat them both down on the lounge.

"Hey Rubes, it's okay. A 14year old girl should not be wondering the streets so late at night". Said Lisa as she wiped away the fresh tears on her niece's cheeks.

"It's just, I needed to go somewhere safe, and here was the last place I felt safe". Replied Ruby as she leaned into her aunts embrace. Lisa racked her brain trying to think about the last time her niece was in her house, when she realised it what over three years ago.

"Your mum must be worried about you! I should call her". Said Lisa as she leant forward to grab her land line.

"No, please don't". Said Ruby as she recoiled out of arms couch and sat herself in the corner, hugging her knees to her chest.

"Okay, I won't call your mum". Yet thought Lisa to herself. Lisa stared at her niece, only now seeing the bruises over her arms and face, and the gashes on her legs. Lisa had to stop herself from gasping.

"How about you sleep here tonight?". Asked Lisa, seeing her niece relax, knowing she made the right choice.

"That would be lovely, thank you". Said Ruby as she stood up and grabbed her suitcase and allowed herself to be shown into her aunts spare room.

"Now, the bathroom is across the hall, on the left side of the bathroom is my daughter Rachel's room, and at the end of the hall is my room. Feel free to annoy me, I'll introduce you to Rachel in the morning okay?". Asked Lisa.

"Okay, goodnight Aunt Lisa, thanks again". Said Ruby as she hugged her Aunty.

"No worries, night sweetie". Said Lisa as she kissed Ruby's hair made her way out of the spare room, closing the door behind her. She made her way back down the hall to the lounge room, and flicked the lights off before she made her way into her own room. She slipped her clothes off and slid into her side of the bed.

"I was wondering when you were going to join me". Said a males voice as he spooned up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Lisa relaxed into her partners comforting arms.

"I'm sorry Greg, my niece dropped by unexpected". Said Lisa as she placed her hands over his.

"I know, I heard, everything okay?". Asked Greg.

"I don't know, she doesn't want to me call her mum, she has bruises all over her body, she's hiding something, and I'm worried". Said Lisa. Greg sighed.

"It'll be okay, she will tell you when she wants too, don't fret". Said Greg as he kissed Lisa's head.

"Thanks House". Smiled Lisa as she squeezed Greg's hands.

"Hey! It's Greg at home, and House at work. Do I have to spank you again?". Asked Greg as he lightly smacked her arse. Lisa laughed.

"No Greg, goodnight Greg". Said Lisa as she made sure to emphasize on the Greg. Greg laughed.

"I love you". Said Greg as he kissed her head. Lisa smiled, Greg was usually a maushasinistic pig, but to her and Rachel, he was an amazing man.

"I love you too". Replied Lisa as they both drifted off into sleep, with Greg's arms still around Lisa's waist.

Early the next morning, when Lisa awoke from bliss, she reached across the bed feeling for House, but he wasn't there. She bolted up in her bed and sat there listening, she heard squealing coming from the kitchen. Lisa smiled and got out of bed and grabbed her dressing gown. She walked out of her room, closing the door behind her, and made her way into the kitchen. Where she came face to with Greg, holding Rachel while flipping pancakes. He was shaking his arse while Rachel was giggling her head off. There was music in the kitchen, and Lisa smiled. She turned to look at her niece was standing next to House, laughing, as she tickled her cousin. Lisa smiled again.

"Does anyone have a camera I called use?". Asked Lisa with a laugh as she made her way over to the trio and received her daughter with a slobbery kiss to the cheek from Rachel. Lisa then kissed Greg on the cheek and kissed Ruby on her head.

"And how is everyone this morning?". Asked Lisa as she sat down at the kitchen table with Rachel on her lap.

"Fine thanks Aunt Lisa". Smiled Ruby as she also sat down at the table.

"Are you sure she's not yours? I mean, she's got the politeness down packed, and I woke up this morning and she came into the kitchen, and I was like, wow, mini Cuddy got older over night. But then I realised it was older Cuddy's niece". Smiled Greg as he placed the pancakes on the table. He then took Rachel from her mother and blew raspberries on her stomach, before placing her in her high chair. Lisa smiled for the third time in five minutes. Lisa looked at Ruby and noticed the smile on her face, was also on hers. She looked at Ruby closer and seen her barriers that she had up last night weren't up this morning, but she could still see the pain in her eyes, and the stiffness behind her actions. Lisa knew something wasn't right with her niece, and she was going to find out what.

So, a little something in my head. Tell me what you think and whether or not i should continue.