I disclaim. Anyways, this took a really long time for me to get around to writing . . . but here we go! A multichapter Bamon/Stelena fic. I hope you like the first chapter!


Elena Gilbert was enjoying the lull.

The lack of drama, the lack of death threats, the peace that had settled over Mystic Falls . . . or she was until on a bright, summer day she walked up to the Salvatore home and could hear Bonnie and Damon arguing without even opening the door.

It was ridiculous.

While life had moved on after the Katherine, Elijah, and Klaus debacle . . . Bonnie and Damon had not. It had been months, and yet Bonnie's hatred of Damon, and Damon's dislike of Bonnie had seemed to increase ten-fold.

It was annoying.

Elena tried to figure out why in the world Bonnie would be visiting Damon at 11 AM, but she honestly couldn't think of a reason. She sighed.

Time to face the crazies.

She opened the door, walking in to see Bonnie practically growl at Damon, and Damon keel over in pain. "That's what happens." Bonnie glared at Damon.

"Bonnie," Elena interrupted. "I don't mean to interrupt this little lover's spat, but stop trying to kill him in his own home."

"I'm not trying to kill him. Just trying to maim him for a little while," but she stopped anyway. "And it's not a lover's spat."

Damon stood back up, holding his head. "I really hate it when you do that, witch."

"Then next time don't call me over here at 10 AM, saying there's an emergency, only to declare that you want me to see if I can break the spell that I set so that you can read your brother's diary."

"It's a journal," Stefan said, smiling as he walked down the stairs into the room. "You two have been arguing for the past forty-five minutes. Almost done?"

Elena stared at her two friends. "Are you?" she asked. "I'm tired of all of this arguing. You two have so much hatred for each other, can't you just have deep-seated resentment you don't talk about until it makes you explode? Like normal people?" Elena rubbed her head, she was getting a bit of a headache herself.

"They aren't normal people," Stefan pointed out, his arms crossed. He smiled at his brother. "Damon is a psychopath, and Bonnie is a witch. Normal doesn't exist."

"Psychopath? I resent that. I do believe that's what Katherine referred to herself as."

"I meant it in the nicest way possible," Stefan shrugged.

Bonnie rolled her eyes, "I think it's accurate. Anyway, I don't even-" she threw her hands up in the air, exasperated. "I don't have time for you, Damon." She turned to Stefan and Elena and smiled, "I hope you guys enjoy your picnic."

Stefan and Elena both smiled. Stefan spoke, "We will. So long as Damon stays away with his Negative Nancy nonsense."

"Negative Nancy? Where do you get this stuff, Stefan? Sometimes I really do wonder if we are related."

Stefan sighed. "Damon," he said warningly.

"Don't worry, Stefan, Damon won't ruin our fun," Elena glared at Damon. "Because he'll regret it if he does."

"True," Bonnie chimed in. "I'll help with the torture session. Anyways, I'm out," she nodded at Stefan and Elena, threw Damon a disgusted look and walked out the front door into the sunny day.

Elena sighed, "Damon, why can't you leave Bonnie alone?"

Damon turned to her. He'd been facing the door, watching as Bonnie left. "Where would the fun in that be?" He smiled. "I don't think it would be fun at all," he snapped his fingers and walked towards the front door.

"Damon, where are you going?" Stefan asked, a little resigned, and hoping desperately that he wasn't going to go annoy Bonnie or something.

"To annoy the little witch," Damon replied matter of factly. "She said not to bother you two, which is practically an invitation to bother her."

Stefan and Elena watched as Damon left. After he shut the door Elena turned to Stefan, "We didn't stop him."

"Didn't even try to stop him, really." Stefan agreed.

Elena smiled and wrapped her arms around the back of Stefan's head, leaning in to kiss him. "Bonnie can handle herself."

"That she can." Stefan smiled, kissing away the rest of her thoughts of anyone except him.


Later, as Elena bit into a chip, she laid her head on Stefan's chest, and his arm came down around her, and she decided it was time to talk about something she'd been thinking about for a while. "I think we have to do something about Damon and Bonnie."

"I think you're right," Stefan agreed. "But what?"

"I think they might just need to have sex."

"You want your best friend and my brother to have sex . . . just so that they'll stop arguing?" Stefan asked incredulously. "I actually might call it genius . . . except that that might make them argue more."

"I wish they could just talk, you know? Get some of the negativity out of the way, clear the air."

"Good luck with that," Stefan replied, fighting his desire to snort with laughter.

"You think I'm crazy." Elena stated.

"No, Elena, I think you care about them both, and you're tired of seeing them argue all of the time."

Elena sighed. "I don't think this as simple as getting them in a room together and telling them to go at it though. There's a lot of pain there."

"There is," Stefan agreed. "They need to be open and honest with each other."

"Exactly," Elena shot straight up. "Which is why we need a witch."

Stefan stared at her, blinking. "You want to matchmake them, okay. But now you need a witch? I'm a little worried that this could get out a hand fairly quickly."

"Stefan, don't you see? There's something there. And now that Damon has finally stopped pining over Katherine," and me she didn't add, even though she knew they were both thinking about the same thing. "It's time."

Stefan stood up, beginning to clean up their picnic.

"What are you doing?" Elena asked, confused. "Were we done?"

"Apparently. You have the matchmaking fever, and I can see the sparkle in your eyes. You want to do this now."

Elena smiled happily. "I really do."

"Then we will," he leaned to kiss her quickly before smiling and saying, "As soon as we're done cleaning up, we'll go find ourselves a witch."

Elena clapped her hands together happily. "I love you, Stefan." She sighed. "Especially for putting up with me when I get these crazy ideas."

Stefan merely shook his head, smiling. "I know. I love you too, Elena." More than she even knew, he thought.

He shook himself free of the intense fear of losing her that suddenly took over him and picked up the blanket, folding it. "Let's go."

"Witch-hunting!" Elena declared. "Wait. That's not what I meant."

"I know, just refrain from telling the witch that. I think I know someone who can help us."

And now it was an us because that's what Elena and Stefan were, even if it meant that sometimes they had to go along with each other's crazy ideas.


"You want magical therapy." The woman stated.

"That's not exactly what I meant, but kind of," Elena said nervously.

"Yes, Leila. We would be incredibly grateful if you could help us out. Think of it as a favor for an old friend." Stefan took a small bag out of the larger bag he'd grabbed before making the two hour drive to Leila's home. He handed it to the elderly woman.

Leila took the bag, looked inside of it and smiled. "Not bad, Salvatore. You always did know how to make a girl happy." She laughed. "I'm not much of a girl anymore, but I appreciate the gesture."

Elena looked back and forth between the two of them. "Am I missing something?"

"Yes," they responded in unison, smiling at each other.

"But it's okay, dear." Leila leaned over to pat Elena's hand across the coffee table. "Drink your tea."

Elena obliged. "I know this is an odd request, but we've all been through a lot, and we need some peace and quiet."

"And magic is the easy route." Leila shook her head. "It's a good thing I've been rather . . . bored lately. I do have to warn you that anytime you mess emotions and magic together, you might be surprised what happens."

Stefan raised an eyebrow, "What does that . . . mean exactly? Should we be worried?"

Leila laughed, and it seemed to twinkle, showing a small sign of what she must have been like in her youth. "You should always be worried. Anyway, who are the two fools in question?"

Stefan smiled. "My brother, and Elena's best friend Bonnie." He reached into his bag again, this time pulling out one of Bonnie's crystals and one of Damon's favorite shot glasses.

"Damon?" Leila sighed. "If I must." She took the objects. "Do you know what the witch used this crystal for?"

"I'm pretty sure it's just ornamental, it just sits on her desk."

"Okay." Leila smiled. She stood up, beginning to grab the necessary elements for her spell.

She pulled out a book, looking for a specific page, then sat the book down. She placed the candles where she needed them and closed her eyes.

As she began to light the candles magically, and as she spoke the words from the text, the air seemed to hum. The crystal and the glass began to glow, then they seemed to meld together, creating a perfectly sphere of crystal/glass.

The air calmed and Leila reopened her eyes. She looked down at the sphere and frowned.

"Is something wrong?" Stefan asked.

"That wasn't supposed to happen. The objects . . . they shouldn't have melded like that. Are you sure she's never used the crystal for anything before? There wasn't a spell on it, but there may have been residual energies that weren't immediately obvious."

"I thought you could check for that." Stefan frowned.

"I can. But most things have energy about them, it's not always the easiest thing to tell with magical objects. Sometimes the mere attachment a witch has to it can color its use. Or the spell could have interacted with another spell. What are the chances that they're in close proximity to one another and working on a spell right now?" Leila asked.

"Fairly high, actually." Stefan groaned.

"It's just a rock though, what does that even mean?" Elena asked, worried.

"I don't know," Leila admitted. "But if I were you . . . I would check on your friends."

Stefan and Elena looked at each other. "Time to go," Stefan said. "Leila, if you can figure out what happened, call us."

Leila simply smiled in response, "It may be fine. But any time a spell doesn't turn out the way you expect it to . . . you need to find out why that is. Trouble is always lurking around, waiting to pounce."


Meanwhile . . .

"What are you even doing here?" Bonnie asked, sounding more than a little disgusted. She'd chosen the place where Emily had destroyed the necklace to trap the tomb vampires in order to tap into any residual power she needed. She'd realized that negativity and evil seemed to be overly attracted to Mystic Falls.

She'd been reading up on spells, and she wanted to strengthen her precognitive powers to see if evil was headed into town anytime soon.

"I came to bother you," he squatted down on the ground near her, right outside of her protection circle.

She sighed. "Bother me later. I need to focus on this spell."

"Was that an invitation? Don't mind if I take you up on it." He smiled. He watched as she continued to settle down, lighting the candles magically and sitting up straight, closing her eyes to focus. "What are you doing anyway?"

Bonnie's eyes flew open, "Communing with the earth." She rolled her eyes, but then realized that that was partially what she was doing. She was drawing the earthy power into herself, using it, and all of the dark energy, to heal this area, and use the positive magic to propel her spell forward. It was complicated . . . but necessary. And she needed total concentration. But Damon was distracting her.

"Is this the part where you get naked?" Damon asked curiously.

"This may be the part where I cut your head off. Go away Damon." She closed her eyes again.

Damon merely watched as Bonnie seemed to almost glow, and the air seemed to create a storm around her.

"Bonnie? Are you okay?" He asked, a little concerned, when ground started to shake.

Her eyes flew open. "Not so great!" she practically screamed. She stood up quickly, looking from side to side. "I don't know what's happening."

"Make it stop," Damon said, stepping forward, right outside of her witchly circle, staring into her eyes.

"I can't," a tear fell from the corner of her left eye.

His hand went forward, through the circle that should have kept him out, and wiped the tear away.

A mess of noise and wind and leaves swirled around them. Suddenly, everything stopped.

The air seemed calm, and a bird started to chirp almost nervously.

And Damon and Bonnie were gone.


Thoughts? Pretty please with Bamon and Stelena on top. Hehe.