Author's Note: This is my first fanfic so be gentle! :) Oh and I never mentioned this but this story was originally a oneshot. But my imagination grew... Haha :)
Disclaimer: I do not own Hiromu Arakawa's work or any of her characters.
One Night Stand
The flashing lights were blaring as was the beat of club music. The loud rhythmic thuds echoed throughout the almost bare streets of the city.
Inside the club itself every beat, light, and constant swishing of hips, were more vivid. The strong aroma of hard liquor and other unknown alcoholic drinks were in the air.
It was very, very hot.
Two blondes towards the middle of the dance floor were dancing to the ostentatious beat of the nightlife. She was seductively grinding her hips into
his and their hair swayed with their harmonious movement.
Meanwhile two women in their mid-twenties were eyeing their friend, the blue-eyed beauty, Winry Rockbell.
"I told you we shouldn't have taken her here!" Sheska rasped into the slightly older blonde woman's ear. "Riza come on, she's already had more to drink than she can handle!"
The brunette became more fixated with anger and frustration by the second "Lets just get her now and lea-"
"Sheska, you and I both know that Winry has been overworking herself lately." Riza interrupted. "Just let her have some fun tonight okay? She really needs the release so just let it be." She then took a swig of her fruity tequila as if she was immune to the intoxication the strong drink threatened. "Besides, check out the guy she's grinding on." She said gesturing towards them at the other blonde Winry was with. "He'd certainly give her a fun night wouldn't you agree?"
Riza giggled at her own private joke while looking back at a very horrified Sheska. "FUN TIME? Seriously Riza you don't even know the guy! He could be a date rapist or some crazed serial killer! Aren't you concerned in the least?" Sheska fumed.
Riza became slightly rigid at the accusation she was implying. But it disappeared just as soon as it came. "Sheska, honestly, don't you think you're overreacting-"
"Dont you think you're under-reacting-"
"No I don't." Riza said calmly, trying not to cause a scene. She continued, "All I see is Winry, albeit a little too drunk, dancing with someone attractive to her who appears to feel the same way-"
"YES! Appears!" Sheska once again interjected. Riza took a deep breath of air and firmly stated, "Stop interrupting me or I will use you for target practice at the shooting range." She then waited for a response but to her surprise, she saw Sheska frozen in fear and was waiting for her to continue.
Slightly ashamed yet pleased of her actions, she finally continued. "Now as I was saying. She's finally gotten a chance to let loose and what's a better way than to have a 'good time' with an average dose of male attention. It's just this once so accept it. Winry wouldn't mind, alcohol or no alcohol, and who knows? Maybe it would be awkward at first but she could have more than just a one night stand with this guy. He feels... sort of nostalgic to me, like I can just feel he's right for her. Not to mention they just look good together, what with the blonde hair and all. Damn what am I saying?" Riza started contradicting herself. She wondered for a split second if it was the tequila.
"Well whatever just lay off okay Sheska?"
"R-Right Riza, sorry about that, I'm just worried is all. I also do agree that she needed a break but just not like this. But that's my opinion, not hers and not yours.. so sorry again for freaking out on you, maybe I should stop drinking. I think I'm getting delirious." Sheska explained.
"Well said," Riza approved and then added, "and I'm sorry for threatening to put a bullet through your chest."
Sheska flinched.
The music was deafening to Winry as she continued to dance with her partner.
'Man I really needed this, it just feels so good. Also this guy, his eyes are so amazing. Every time I'm looking at him I just melt into those golden eyes. And he's taller than me too!' Winry thought.
"Hey! I forgot to ask before but what's your name?" She practically yelled.
"Oh right of course! Sorry it's Edward, but I like when people call me Ed instead." He paused. "I think you told me yours but I couldn't hear you then..."
"It's Winry! But you can call me Win I guess." She replied as their eyes captured each other's once again.
'Winry, huh? Kinda weird name but it sounds familiar to me.' He thought to himself.
As they started dancing again Winry began to become more anxious. 'Agh I can't take it any longer, it's okay it'll be just this once!' She thought after she took his hand and yelled, "Come on, this way!" He followed suit as they walked towards her two friends.
Riza and Sheska were in mid-conversation when Winry came upon them with her new friend.
"Hey guys!" She proclaimed a little too loudly. "This is Ed, I just wanted to let you know. Oh and another thing, I'm leaving early, I'll call a cab to get home so don't worry okay?" She continued, "Let's go Ed." and walked off with a surprised yet pleased Edward following directly behind her.
'I can tell what she's planning but I guess I don't mind. I mean it'll be just this once right?' He thought as they exited the building.
"Wow I hoped it would happen but I didn't actually think Winry could pull this off." Riza said to Sheska as she watched her friend's back disappear through the door.
Sheska couldn't even respond. She was too shocked to see Winry actually go through with this. 'Winry wasn't low enough to do "that" was she? Well I guess I've never gotten in her personal life so why start now?' She reasoned out in her head.
"Hey are you alright Sheska? Riza asked, concerned for a moment. Sheska hadn't spoken since they had been interrupted by Winry. She almost said more but was stopped as she abruptly noticed a taller man with dark hair and deep onyx eyes brush past her with more force than necessary.
"Hey take a cab home tonight okay? I think I'll be leaving early with some company." She said to her friend with a seductive smile.
Riza left her companion and dissolved into the crowd before Sheska could regain her train of thought.
"WAIT! WHAT! Damnit Riza!"
"Come on this way!" Winry exclaimed. They were heading down the empty streets with virtually no street lights.
"Win, it's alright let me just drive us to where you're taking me, it'll be a lot safer and no worries about driving drunk. I'm feeling pretty sober right now." He said honestly with a smile.
'When he called me Win just made me feel all warm inside. Hell! Who am I kidding! The only thing that's warming me up is the amount of crap I drank tonight.' "Alright sure we'll go with your plan." She said confidently.
"Great!" He exclaimed a little too excitedly.
They got over to his car across the street and he revved the engine as she was buckling up into the dark leather seats.
"So where to?" He said, trying to make himself sound curious when he was already positive they were going to some hotel or possibly one of their places.
"Umm right I wanted to leave the club, it was getting way too crowded. So I... uh wanted to go to my place so we could spend more- err time together." She then quietly laughed. Her nervous laughter gave her away as did the emphasis she put on 'time together'. It was quite obvious to her true objectives.
"Okay then... just lead the way." He said with a trademark goofy grin. 'Wow she seems nervous... is this her first one night stand? Damn I'm glad I had the gall to bring a condom with me to the club. But hey! I can't be ashamed for it, work's been a bitch and some "time together" sounds pretty damn good to me right now.'
They sped off into the night.
They made their way up the front steps of a large apartment building amidst the middle of a large complex. Her hands were shaking as she slid the key into the lock while missing a few times and muttering something about 'damn alcohol' under her breath.
"So this is my place, just please take off your shoes first okay?"
"Sure thing." Ed replied. While removing his boots he glanced around her abode. 'Holy shit' He thought while inwardly gasping.
For living in an apartment he figured she didn't have much money to go around, but his mind changed at once as he gazed across the well furnished room in sight. 'Well it makes more sense to live in an apartment when your single.' He thought.
He glided across red plush carpet that consumed his sock-covered feet and took a seat on the black leather loveseat with velvet threads enveloping the armrests. On top of the see-through coffee table there were marble red roses with intricate engravings that were the same to what you would read off a candy heart on Valentine 's Day. He glanced up to gape his mouth at a chandelier towering above him with each individual gem and sparkle gleaming from the light within. There was also a 50" plasma screen television hanging on the wall and directly below it were the common gaming systems along with a collection of many movies that he noticed he liked a lot of. Along with a marble fireplace, matching leather sofa, and the other rooms still unseen, He came to a conclusion. 'Wow this place kicks mine's ass and I've only seen the goddamn living room.' He thought humorously.
"Enjoying the view?" Winry asked through the window into the kitchen that he had failed to notice sooner.
"U-uh yeah..." He barely stammered. He decided to speak his mind "This place beats the shit out of mine," he laughed while smiling.
"I know you're probably wondering how the hell I have all this stuff," Winry paused then continued. "My parents were real famous brain surgeons and therefore made lots of money but... now it belongs to me" She finished lamely while presenting a grim face.
He wisely decided not to press anything and changed the subject quickly. "So can I see your room?"
She immediately brightened and with a sly smile said, "Sure." All previous nervousness vanished.
After passing stairs to the loft and a master bathroom, at the end of the hall on the left was her master bedroom. It was pretty much the same articulate furnishing and topped off with several mini-chandeliers. He pressed his hand into the velvety red and black king sized bed and watched his hand print slowly rise back up. 'Temperpedic, heh nice.'
Winry watched him marvel the bedroom furniture and used that as her chance to ignite the fire.
She took off her jacket revealing a deep V cut magenta blouse and she unclipped her short black skirt so it would be undifficult to remove later. "Alright let's cut to the chase Ed." She said defiantly with as much lust and sultriness as she could muster up, trying to not make it sound so rushed even though she was.
Ed turned around about to say something to seem innocent but was interrupted as her lips crushed into his with so much force they were propelled backwards onto the bed. 'Aw screw innocence.' He thought as he returned the kiss with just enough force to not bruise themselves.
One by one, articles of clothing vanished off their bodies and were discarded to the floor. She ravaged his mouth with her tongue as he was undoing her bra or at least attempting to.
The black lace meshed between his fingers as he finally unclipped it and her mounds of flesh collapsed onto his bare chest. At the sudden sensation she groaned into his mouth while her nipples hardened. 'Finally...' She thought, beginning to feel the release she had been waiting for.
There was no passion. Nothing romantic. There was only animosity along with the hunger for lust. Just pleasures that needed to be satisfied.
Her hands dug into his hair while he was roaming his fingertips tauntingly all over her mid-section. She gasped loudly when he took a generous amount of breast into his mouth and began to nibble, suckle, and lick at the peak.
"..Ed" She whimpered, having had enough torture she decided to take the initiative once again. Her hands began to trail down his broad shoulders and traced his spine tauntingly all the way down to his pants.
She searched the pockets for what she had been hoping for. After throwing a pack of gum, a set of keys and his wallet she finally grasped what she had been searching for. The big X to her treasure map.
"You didn't think I'd go clubbing without a condom did you?" He teased while slipping her skirt off very easily thanks to her previous actions.
"Shut up or I'll make you." She hissed into his ear and slipped her tongue inside it.
"I like the sound of that." He whispered while groaning as she trailed her tongue down his chin, neck, chest, and now, bellybutton.
She practically tore his pants off in the process but managed to finally see a bulge underneath his boxers after cascading his pants to the floor as well.
"It's my turn to torture you.." She rasped. Ed stole one last kiss before the torture began.
She trailed her fingers light and slow along the waistband of his boxers, making him shiver. Both were now only wearing their bottom undergarments, a dainty pair of black lace panties and matching black boxers.
While Winry distracted him with another tongue-twisted kiss, she began to slowly edge the waistband down inch by inch. All until his member tall and hard became exposed. She moved from the kiss and made a path down to his well-toned abs with the tip of her tongue. She slowly edged down further until she gazed at his member face to face.
'She really is going to torture me.' He thought, exasperated.
She kissed at the head several times while groping the rest in her hands into somewhat of a massage, making him groan louder. She finally decided to instead torture him but now pleasure him along with herself and gave in. Taking in his member she began stroking it with her tongue while sucking and fondling with his balls. "Fucking hell..." he barely breathed. She then released his member from her mouth after several antagonizing minutes and began stroking his back.
Another animalistic kiss burst between them as they tangled within the sheets in a ball of sweat and golden hair. It was his turn again. He quickly slid his hands down her slick yet smooth waist and found her panties appetizingly wet. After sliding those off he threw them to the floor right next to his recently thrown off boxers, forgotten to the world.
He found her center dripping and began to move his fingers between her wet folds. She grasped onto his back and began to murmur his name in soft groans when he flicked at her clit with the tip of his finger. Plunging two fingers deep inside her walls made her gasp loudly as she quivered at his mercy. Thrusting them in and out he watched her face contort with many emotions, mostly pleasure while she was moving onto her back and he hovered over her. Sliding his fingers out he began to nibble and suck on her neck while pinching her nipples tightly. He then moved the kiss lower and lower until he met her small patch of darker hairs. Taking in her wet center whole he slipped inside his tongue and tasted every inch of her walls he could reach. She yelped at the quick movement and only shuddered even more.
Interuppting their pleasure, Winry felt the climax arising and forced his head up to hers and they entwined with another kiss. She pushed him down so she was on top with her hard nipples grazing his chest.
Small package still at hand she tore it open careful enough not to tear it's precious cargo. He helped her slide it on from tip to base until they were sure it was secure.
She sat above him, feeling his tip nudge her center and whispered tauntingy, "Let's finish what we started." With that she sat firmly onto him and yelled in delight. He loved the feeling of her wet cave enclosing him as she rolled her hips over his into a rhythm.
Still 'joined' together he pushed her onto her back and began to thrust into her slowly and torturously but quickened his pace as he too felt the climax. Her yells that muffled into his neck were still understandable as pleading him for faster and harder thrusts. He quicky obliged to those requests with pleasure.
She dug her nails into his back harder with each deep thrust. Muscles began aching from the continuous labor so he sped up his labor harder than ever for the climax. The last few thrusts were the deepest, most pleasured, and had fulfilled their purpose.
The climax ended as he slid out from inside her, spilled his seed, and collapsed on top of her. Buried in the thick, and now drying from the sweat they produced, sheets. All previous animosity vanished as they slept in an inseparable embrace as if they had been doing that for years.
Their eyes shut from the heavy sleep consuming them. Then only darkness consumed them.
Bright sunlight streamed onto Edwards face through the windows meaning it was time to get up before someone else did. "Damn I hate it afterwards in the morning." He muttered under his breath as he carefully slid out from under the sheets.
He moved to the pile of clothes and began to dress quickly, "That dipshit Professor Mustang will castrate me if I'm late again today."Hhe hissed. He always hated college classes, just lecture upon lecture coming from the snobbiest of all the teachers in the world who preach like they actually know what they're doing or let alone give a damn.
'Man I had a great time last night... I wish we could still hang out or something. She was kind of different, there was something she had that the others never did. Wait what? It's always too fricken awkward I can't do something like that! But still... Aw shit whatever.' He scribbled something down with some pen and paper from her knight stand and left it on her pillow.
"Better leave before sleeping beauty wakes up." He mumbled to himself quietly. And with that he grabbed his wallet and gum and left her room, proceeding to the living room where he set his car keys on her coffee table. He shut the front door quietly and made his way down briskly towards his car. Buckling in, he sped away down the street and turned onto Main Avenue.
"Time to see that bastard." He reeated as he whisked away to his morning to afternoon class.
Winry awoke with a start as her cell phone alarm went off as loud as could be. She cursed loudly realizing she'd forgotten to terminate the alarm last night. Since she had the first half of the day off that particular Friday morning, she had forgotten about it entirely.
'Heh, last night... ' she thought, smiling to herself.
"Well I'd better wake up anyways, damn I need some Tylenol though. This headaches annoying." She reached her hands up to stretch and stood up, knocking her cell phone to the floor and didn't seem to care. As she was entirely enveloped in the remaining morning sunlight that came from her window, she movd to her dresser and pulled open her drawers, grabbing some simple clothes.
She threw on a plain T-shirt with some sweats, pulled back her hair into a long ponytail, and headed to the kitchen for some 'brunch'.
'God I still can't shake the feeling that I've met him before... Normally I just act like it never happened the next day but I just... I ...ugh.' She sighed into her cup after she finished the last of her milk.
"Relax Win, it's just your nerves." She said confidently. She placed her dishes in the dish washer, then patted her stomach in delicious satisfaction.
Winry strode down the hallway and into her bedroom to retrieve her cell after washing up the rest of the kitchen.
Her soft feet meshed in the thick carpet as she dragged her feet into her room. Trying to think, she noticed a piece of paper folded on her pillow.
"What's this?" She asked aloud and began unfolding the note. The hardly legible scrawl formed the words:
'Call Me'
along with what she assumed was his cell phone number.
Utterly confused and yet delighted by the request she squealed and jumped up and down for a short period of time. 'Wait! Stop it Winry! This is supposed to be weird!' Her conscience told her. She immediately obeyed the little thought in her head and quieted. "It just wouldn't work." she mumbled grimly.
She then realized what she had come into her room to do in the first place.
Remembering when she knocked it over earlier she knelt down to grab it from under her bed.
Expecting the hard surface of her flip-phone she was surprised to find herself grabbing something else. Making a jingling noise she grasped it and brought it up to meet her gaze.
"Holy shit." She said, dumbfounded. There in her hands was a pair of very important-looking keys. House keys to be exact. 'Shit.' She cursed again in her mind.
"Well I guess I have no other choice but to call him now." She said with a mischievous grin and ignored all the comments and orders bellowing from the depths of her mind.
"I mean it was just a one night stand... right?" She asked to no one.
She lurched for her cell phone underneath the bed and hastily dialed the number.
To Be Continued
Officially edited! :) Oh and this was my first lemon... haha. And I know Ed seems kind of OOC but I had to make it that way to get it flowing.