Feeling bored at anatomy class.
I don't own them.
Enjoy and review.
A weak spot
There are days when I want to tell him everything,
tell him how much I hate him sometimes,
tell him he drives me crazy with his stupid lectures.
There are days when I want to forget he's my brother,
forget he exist,
forget everything about him!
There are days when I want to forget
we are just training
so I could hit him so hard… without mercy.
I hate his perfection,
I hate his excessive concern for us,
his overprotection,
his extreme focus on whatever he's doing.
I hate when I fail where he succeed,
when I lose where he wins.
I've wished he wasn't my brother,
I've wished he wasn't here anymore.
In fact, I've wished him dead sometimes.
He know all those things already:
My hate and despise,
my anger and frustration towards him.
He knows that already,
I've told them to him so many times.
But he still loves me,
cares about me;
He still calls me brother and friend.
Because he knows I never mean what I say.
Because he knows I still love him, though he drives me crazy with his mothering thing.
Because I know I'll be lost without him.
I don't really hate him,
I would never really ask him to go away,
I could never wish him really dead.
He's my brother, the Fearless Leader;
he's my best friend,
the only one who truly understands me.
There are days when that little part of my stone heart,
that weak spot,
my weak spot,
makes me tell him I love him…
and that's good.