Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Please Read and Review

Chapter 2: Lost

A small tug at his hand made Gaara opened his eyes. He looked at his surrounding, and realized that he was probably miles away from the place he had woken up earlier. Or probably had been in a whole different dimension.

Beside him, Hinata was standing timidly while twiddling with her fingers and looked at a certain spot on the ground.

"A forest?" Gaara lifted one of his hairless eyebrow.

The lavender haired girl nodded weakly and then she raised her head slowly to stare at the red-haired man beside her. Fingers stopped twiddling for a moment.

"Umm, I think there was something wrong with the teleportation..." her voice trailed off and she was back fidgeting her fingers again.

"What do you mean by 'I think'? You don't know what happened to us?" Gaara asked unbelievably.

"Erm erm no... I mean... yes, I think we're somewhere in Vague L-Land, judging by the amount of trees around us..." Blush crept up on her cheeks.

"I thought we're supposed to meet the Judges or something?"

"Y-yes... But..." Before she could finish her sentence, Gaara cut her.

"Then why are we in this Vague Land?"

Hinata began panicked at Gaara's raising tone of voice.

"U-u-um... P-p-please calm down Sabaku-san. Umm, l-listen..." She touched Gaara at his shoulder, hoping by that to calm him down. "I-I'm still n-n-new... with this all g-guide d-duty..."

Gaara didn't slap her hand away, but he was frowning to Hinata. "Are we in trouble now?"

"N-no. I-if we calm down, we-we're not."

Gaara kept frowning at her, daring her to lie to him.

Hinata sighed in defeat. "Alright, we're in trouble." She stepped away from Gaara and sat on a rock nearby. Both her palms were covering her face.

The red-haired soul was sighed outloud and slumped down on the forest floor. "How high is the trouble?"

"P-pretty high." She peeked at Gaara from between her fingers. "V-Vague Land i-is a part of Realm of the Divine, but i-its very far away from the Judges' palace. A-and I'm not really sure where our current position is."

This girl had to be kidding. How come an angel be this clumsy?

"Why don't you do whatever you were doing earlier to transport us from desert to here?"

"The teleportation? W-well, g-guide's power works in e-every realm except in this land. S-so t-teleportation would not be working here."

"Can't you call your friend or something like that?"

The lavender-haired angel shook her head sadly. "Even if I can... I-I don't have any friends here. I-I told you, I'm still new here. Y-You're my first soul."

Gaara ruffled his red hair in frustration. He first had to calm down like that girl said. Now think in positive way. They were only lost. This was nothing compared to hell which later he would face.

But why? Out of the angels that were probably available on that realm, why did God had to assign this newbie to him?

"P-P-Please don't be m-mad at me..." she said weakly and looked like ready to cry.

He took a deep breath and tried to control his anger. The girl might look sexy, but her personality was not even close to that. "What should we do now?"

"We-well, f-first we have to walk, s-so we can find our way out of here." The girl was back twiddling her fingers again, and stared at him with those huge creepy eyes of hers.

"Let's don't waste our time then."

Hinata stood from her position and held out her hand for Gaara. But immediately pulled it again to her side when the red hair ignored her hand and walked pass her.

"What are you doing?" Annoyance was clear in Gaara's voice after he saw Hinata stopped for the countless of times to sniff the air. At first, he decided to just ignore her and stopped a few yards away to wait for her.

But after some times it eventually got on his nerves.

"I'm trying to smell the palace. It has an unique smell, and the wind is probably carrying it to here."

"Did you smell it?"

"N-no, not really."

Which could only mean one thing. They were still miles away from the Judges palace.

"Where are you taking us, really?" Gaara leaned into a tree and crossed his arms in front of his chest. He bored his gaze on to his companion.

Never in his life did he ever dream something like getting lost in the woods with an angel who clearly had an unique trait of a Hyuuga. And not to mention this angel was a stupid one too. Wasn't there anything like a fit and proper test for an angel on duty?

"S-Sabaku-san, p-please be pa-patient. I assure you I'm gonna bring us safely to the Judges palace." Hinata said pleadingly.

Gaara frowned at this. "Safely? You mean we could get hurt here?"

She gasped at his question, "I-I'm sorry for not telling you earlier." She arched her head upward, "God, please help me."

What is wrong with this woman?

"Vague Land was originally created as the border between the heaven and hell," she began. "This is the land of uncertainty, where angels and demons can wander freely."

"And right at the center of the it, stood the Judges' palace. So, whenever angels or demons have any problems which requiring the Judges' assistance, they have to travel pass the Vague Land."

"Therefore, a meeting between angels and demons is... inevitable."

Hinata gave him a serious look, which only produced a confused look from Gaara.


"So we can meet a demon anytime," she whispered those words while looking around her, as if she was afraid somebody could hear them.

"And what if we met them? It's not like they could kill me. I'm already dead."

"Sabaku-san, angels and demons have been in a war ever since they were created. They are competing against each other to get more humans... to their home. The demons probably couldn't kill us, but they certainly could kidnap us and put you in Hell without the Judges' permission."

"Us? I thought you're an angel?"

She was taken aback by his words and then waving her hands furiously in front of her. "No-no-no. I'm not an angel. I'm a guide. Guides cannot be angels. They could always kidnap me and put me in their torture."

He recognized those tones, it was fear. Gaara probably didn't know much about anything in this realm. But Hinata's short explanation made him able to figure something.

Angels and demons were both equal in power. But as a guide, her power was no match to any of them. And as a soul, he was completely powerless.

They were doomed.

"I'm sorry I put us in this trouble," she said more softly this time. "If it wasn't for my foolishness, we won't be here. And you are probably doing your quest now to resurrect back to life."

Gaara sighed heavily. "Stop blaming yourself. You'll have time for that later." He didn't care about the harshness of his words, all he cared about now was the way to save his ass to that palace before he was dragged unfairly to hell.

She bowed her head deeper. "I'm really sorry."

"Look," He now stood beside her, placing his hand on her chin and tilted her head so she would meet his gaze. "Let's get out of here before I really can't forgive you."

Fear was flashed before her eyes for a second, before it was gone, leaving a pair of gentle pale-lavender eyes. "H-hai," she whispered. "L-lets get going then."

He let her go eventually and followed her through the woods once again.

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