LOST: The Other Survivor

Chapter: 32

"The Three of Us"

That night James, Kate, and myself got the plan into action. James had come up with the simple plan of playing checkers with Locke while I led Kate to Miles. So Kate and I waited around the edge of Locke's house until James was inside with the door closed. I then nodded to Kate and led her to another building like structure which was almost by the docks of what I guessed was the submarine which had been offered to take Jack and me back to civilization.

There was a shed there, big enough to store a decent amount of tools and such, but also a pretty decent size cell. Kate asked me how I allowed this to happen and I didn't exactly respond. I was tired. I needed to rest- and I had no energy to fight anymore.

"You sound… you should really talk to Jack." Kate whispered beside me as we approached the shed.

"Jack isn't a psychiatrist." I denied. Kate shrugged.

"But he's good at making people feel better- in health… " Kate whispered and looked at me with sad eyes. I sighed frustrated.

"Kate… Just give it time. I'm mourning over my… best friend." I said and shook my head so I wouldn't start bawling like the soft marshmallow I'd become. Kate let it drop. I opened the shed and sure enough, Miles was inside. He was tied down to a chair and looked really pissed. He was gagged too. He looked Korean and had black short hair.

"I'm going to take this off you… but don't yell okay?" Kate whispered as I kept watch. Miles was staring at me in horror. I guess he knew who I was.

"D-do you know who she is?" Miles choked and stared at me. Kate shushed him.

"Yes- she's-retired. Now, you have to talk to me okay? I need answers." Kate whispered quickly. Mile's eyes went to Kate and he frowned.

"I want to talk to Ben first." Miles protested. I looked at him with a raised eye brow. I guess I wasn't that scary to him. The shed was dark and I couldn't really make out Kate's face, but I was sure she was frustrated and then silently agreed. We untied Miles but kept his hands bound behind his back. Kate pulled him up and nodded for me to lead the way to Ben. I hesitated.

"It's… a bit of a walk and… We honestly might get caught." I said and frowned. Kate looked at me pleadingly.

"Please, Ceal?" Kate pleaded.

"What is it you want to know?" I asked growing tired of Kate's secrets.

"… I want to know if the people on the boat know who I am and if… people are still looking for me." Kate whispered. Miles didn't give any indication that he knew or didn't know. I sighed.

"Alright, come on." I said and led them out of the shed and into the dark night. I was sure James was wondering why this was going to be taking so long. We walked in silence and I wished they had training in stealth like I did. I didn't want to be caught. I was tired.

We reached the building that previously held Jack and me in a cell but it of course was a larger building. We walked inside and made a few turns down the concrete blue hallways and descended down stairs. We reached a storage like room where inside one, Ben would be sitting. It was pretty cold down here and Miles looked like he was being served a treat.

I opened the door and Ben looked up in surprise. I looked back at Kate.

"I'll keep watch." I said and snuck off to go to the top of the stairs. A few minutes passed and I heard Jame's frantic voice and Locke's angry voice. I raced back down the stairs and found Miles and Ben yelling.

"Shut up! They're coming." I hissed in a tight whisper. Kate almost kicked Ben back into his cell and slammed the door shut while we looked around for a place to hide. I found a small closet with crates inside and decided we could hide there. We smushed inside and waited. The footsteps drew near and then they stopped just outside our closet. I was crammed against the door with Kate crammed next to me and Miles behind us both. We were pretty clausterphobic.

"See? Told ya there was nothin' goin' on down here!" James said exasperated. I smiled.

"Then where is Kate, Ceal, and Miles? Hm James? You want to explain that to me?" Locke asked. I frowned.

"Do I look like a psychic to you, Johnny Boy?" James retorted. I tried not to laugh. There was silence then Locke sighed and I heard the footsteps starting to leave. That's when Ben called out.

"You may want to check the closets!" Ben yelled through his cell door. Kate gasped beside me and I sighed in defeat. Miles shifted which made the rest of us shift uncomfortably. The closet door opened and we all fell out onto the ground. First me, then Kate, and then Miles. Kate rolled off me and pushed Miles off her.

"Goddamn Ben." I growled. Locked aimed his gun at Miles.

"What do you think you were doing?" Locke asked me. I guess he figured I was the scheming devil in all this. I groaned and James looked down at me with a 'sorry' look on his face. He helped me up and then Kate. Miles slowly stood.

"We wanted answers." I said not wanting to throw Kate under the bus.

"Well I hope you got them because you and Kate are now banished from the barracks." Locke said and frowned at us. I glared. Kate stared in shock.

"Now hold up, you can't do that!" James exclaimed and Locke turned to James.

"If you're so against it, you can leave too. I want you both gone by tomorrow morning." Locke with a stressed voice. I grit my teeth.

"And what if we don't? Are you going to shoot us?" I asked. Locke walked up close to my face and held the gun up right in front of me.

"You know I don't want to do that. But for the safety of Claire, Hurley, the others, and the island… I'll do whatever is necessary to protect them." Locke said and stared into my eyes. I immediately grabbed the gun, bending his hand with the gun in a direction that would automatically open his hand, shifted the gun around and aimed it at him.

"Or I could terminate you right here. Rid us all of your stupidity." I whispered harshly. Locke stared at me in shock and held his hands up.

Silence passed.

"Sexy." Was the only response from James.

"Ceal, no. That's- let's just go." Kate said and put a hand on my shoulder. I detached the gun and dropped it to the floor.

"Kate and I are leaving." I said and nodded to Miles. Miles gulped.

"I'm goin' with ya." James said and stepped forward. I smiled.

"I'd be insulted if you weren't." I said and headed up the stairs while Locke bent and picked up his gun. I fingered the firing pin I'd pulled out, making it impossible for him to shoot the gun. I dropped it into my pocket. We reached the outdoors in a few seconds and made a stop by the small house James and I had occupied. We wrapped up our things and headed out. We took two guns and lit torches.

"Gonna be a long walk." James said and smiled down at us. I nodded and Kate sighed.

"Well, we better get going." Kate said and smiled at me.

Flash Forward

Jack and I woke up the next day without any… solid memory of the night before. We knew we'd… slept together, but we couldn't remember anything except… we were happy. Jack woke up horrified that I would kick his ass and never speak to him again, but instead I just smiled.

"Two years." I mused as Jack drank some orange juice I'd brought up.

"I know… Miserable two years." Jack said. He was leaning against the head rest of the bed and I was laying down still. The T.V. hummed with the news in the back ground.

"I know what you mean…" I admitted. Jack looked down at me.

"Have you talked to Kate?" Jack suddenly asked.

"Yeah, all the time. Why?" I asked and as if reminded, I turned to check my phone, and sure enough I had a text from Kate. I opened it quickly and checked. She was asking if I wanted to meet up with her Thursday. I put my phone back on my night stand and turned to Jack.

"Well… I just… I think you should be there when I tell her we have to go back to the island." Jack said and looked at me with those sad eyes. I sighed and sat up, leaning against the head rest.

"Jack, not this again… you know it's impossible…" I said exasperated. Jack hesitated.

"Ceal, we have to. We have to find a way." He whispered. I sighed and glanced at my phone as it went off again. It was Sun this time- I hadn't talked to her for a while. It was just a text however.

"Alright Jack… I'll go back… But… only if you're sure- and I mean positive of us getting back to the island." I said and looked at him seriously. Jack looked away and sighed.

"I knew it'd be easier to get you to go back." Jack said in a half laugh. I frowned.

"What- what do you mean?" I asked watching him carefully.

"I knew you'd go back at any chance to see him again." Jack admitted, but his voice was so small and frail I couldn't possibly get upset with him. I moved closer to him so we were touching and Jack sighed looking at me weakly.

"Jack. I would go back to the island if I had any chance to see you again too. I want… I want us all together. We… we're all just… meant to be together." I said and shrugged at my own stumbling for words and attempt at making myself clear. Jack looked at me and smiled. He leaned in and kissed me.

"I know I can never have you. But I'll always love you." Jack said and smiled peacefully. I smiled back.

"I'll always love you too." I responded feeling happy.

End of Flash Forward

"Smiley." James suddenly said my… nickname and I looked back to look at him in the dark. Kate was in front of me.

"Hm?" I asked.

"When we leave this rock… What happens to us?" James whispered as we walked on. Kate was a little ahead since she was leading, but also trying to remember the way. I was a little surprised at the question but I would be lying if I said I hadn't thought of the same thing.

"I don't know… I guess we'll have to figure something out?" I said and glanced up at him worried. James hesitated and looked uncomfortable. I waited for the question he was trying to ask.

"Well… do ya wanna… live… together?" He asked almost aggressively, but I knew he was just uncomfortable and anxious. I smiled at the thought of living with him… I knew it would be amusing and we'd want to kill each other at times but… It would be nice. But then, where would we live? He was from Tennessee and I was from Denmark- well, moved to California… and I would want my sister around me so I could protect her… and I'm sure he wants to be somewhere familiar… and what if we have weird habits? Like what if he never puts the toilet seat down? Or what if he drinks out of milk cartons directly without considering a cup?

All this flashed through my mind and I frowned.

"Forgit it." James said and started to walk ahead of me. I grabbed his arm.

"Wait- no. I do. I just… I get worried… It's- there are issues." I said quietly. James looked at me exasperated.

"Like what? Do I leave the toilet seat down?" James drawled. I stared at him. I had just thought of that. Kate stopped walking and raised an eyebrow at us, waiting.

"Well… do you put it back down?" I asked.

"If it'll help ya decide then I'll leave the goddamn seat down!" James exclaimed. Kate looked confused and I shook my head laughing. Maybe I was putting too much thought into it.

"Let's make camp here and continue on tomorrow." I said and lay my back pack down. Kate nodded and James lay his things down.

"So?" He asked, not giving up.

"Yes James." I said and looked up at him exasperated.

"Ya sayin' yes to shut me up?" He asked looking at me suspicious.

"No." I said and sighed.

"Good." James smiled and kissed me quickly on the lips. I smiled a little embarrassed then turned to Kate who thankfully hadn't seen and was building a fire. I picked up some strewn wood and helped her out. James did so as well.

The next morning

I woke up to Kate poking me.

"Morning." She greeted. I stretched and sat up slowly. I then remembered Charlie.

"Morning." I said slowly and looked around the dense forest. I saw James sleeping beside me. I poked his side and he grunted in response.

"We gotta go…" I whispered and poked him again. He groaned.

"I am so damn tired." He growled. I chuckled.

"We all are." I admitted. James sat up and looked at me with his serious blue eyes. He was asking me silently if I was alright. I nodded and stood.

Within a few minutes we were packed up and headed back to camp.

It took half the day but we were back. We were greeted with hugs and questions as to what happened. I didn't look at Jack. I knew he took my leaving as a sign of betrayal. I didn't want to deal with anything. I didn't want to talk. So I set my things down, walked further down the beach and sat before the ocean thinking of better times. Better times… what a laugh. My better times was when Charlie was alive.

I looked back at Camp and saw James making a new tent. I watched as he roped the tent around wooden polls and tree branches. A determined look graced his features.

Well maybe Charlie was my best friend… but I could still have good times- a good future. With James. And the friends I had left here…

I would protect them or die trying.

A/N: SOOOO Sorry it took me this long. But here's the newest chapter. And it isn't discontinued, and I will finish it. It's just taking a long time. I will finish it! I WILL!

