"You wanted to see me Vince?" Michelle asked.

"Yeah, I did. Can you believe how different Mark has been acting because of that little bitch he's been dating?" Vince exclaimed.

"No, I can't honestly. She probably did a voodoo trick on him or something."

"Well, we can't have that now can us?"

"What do you suggest we do, Mr. McMahon?"

"Okay Michelle, here's the plan."

Vince and Michelle plotted and planned how they were going to get Destiny away from Mark. He even called in Layla, so she could help. After they finished mapping out the plan, they had to wait for the right time to execute. Of course, Layla would have to do her job before Michelle did hers. Vince knew this plan would work. Of course Mark would be angry at first, but he'd soon get over it. All three of them sat in Vince's office waiting for Mark's match against John Cena and Christian. It was promoted as the biggest interpromotional match in history. The Undertaker was the face of Smackdown, John Cena was the face of RAW, and Christian was the face of ECW. The crowd was into the match from the start of it. Just like they planned, Mark chokeslammed Christian outside the ring and onto the announce table. That's when Layla left to do her part in the plan. She went to Mark's locker room and knocked on the door. She knew Ashley or Jayden wouldn't answer the door because Vince had sent Barbie Blank, better known as Kelly Kelly, to take them out for some pizza. They agreed because they wanted Destiny to get her sleep.

Destiny woke up out of her sleep to answer the door. "What do you want?" she said when she saw Layla.

"Just wanted to say congratulations on the baby and sorry for the act of rudeness," she said in a thick British accent.

"Yeah, thanks. Now tell me why you're really here," Destiny replied, unamused.

"To make girl talk. So, how's pregnancy?"

"Tiring. Anything else you wanna know?"

"Why so cold Destiny? I thought we could mend the bridges and become BFF's like me and Michelle. Let's take a walk." For some reason, Destiny agreed to take a walk with Layla. Layla smiled inwardly. Mark's music just played signaling that the match was over. Now Michelle just has to do her part.

Mark came backstage and the first person he saw was Michelle. "Can I help you?" Mark asked, slightly annoyed.

"I wanna congratulate the man who had my heart for a year and a half," Michelle flirted.

"That's nice. Now if you would excuse me-

"Wait!" Michelle exclaimed pulling his arm, "what's the rush?"

"I have a pregnant girlfriend. Does that answer your question?"

"So faithful and loving. I don't know what I was thinking." She now had her fingers rubbing up and down his broad chest. Mark admitted to himself that Michelle's soft fingers felt good against his skin, but he was with Destiny now.

Mark grabbed her hands to push her away, but Michelle kissed him. "I really don't know what I was thinking," Michelle smirked. Mark looked over Michelle's head and saw Destiny standing there with Layla. Before he could even explain, Destiny took off running. She already had on her coat since she felt cold, so she didn't have to make a detour to his locker room. Her hormones were so out of control that she ignored Mark screaming her name. She exited the arena and was happy to find a cab just waiting out there.

"I'll like to go to LaGuardia Airport please," Destiny said to the cab driver.

"Yes, ma'am," he replied.

Destiny didn't even think to go back home and pack some of her things. She rationalized that where she was going, there were clothes already there for her. Destiny knew that whoever she called would probably tell Mark where she was going, except one person. That was the person Destiny dialed.

"Hello?" Charli said as she answered the phone.

"Charli, he's cheating on me," Destiny sobbed into the phone.

"How do you know?"

"I saw him kiss Michelle with my own two eyes. How could he do that after all she's done to him?"

"You probably saw it wrong."

"No I didn't Charli. I need to go away for a while."

"What's a while? And where are you going?"

"I don't know. I guess when I figure things out. And I'm going to my mom's house."

"Mark's not gonna find you there."

"I don't want him to. Charli, promise you won't tell anyone."

"You know I won't, even I don't agree with what you're doing. Just call me when you get there and whenever something is bothering you. And tell Serenity I said hi."

"Thank you, Charli. I love you so much."

"I love you too. Maybe going to your mom's house will help you think better." Charli offered those words of advice before hanging up the phone.

After getting off the phone with Charli, Destiny turned her phone off. She didn't want to talk to anyone else because she needed time to herself. Destiny dozed off until she reached the airport. It was going to be a nice nap since Manhattan to Queens is not a short trip.

Mark was fuming. Destiny was nowhere to be found in the locker arena. He asked everyone backstage and nobody saw here. Mark was starting to worry. Destiny was being irrational and she was carrying his baby. He tried calling her, but it just went straight to voicemail. To make matters worse, he had no idea where Ashley or Jayden was. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw them walking through the arena door.

"Where were you two?" he screamed.

"Calm down. We just went with Barbie to get some pizza," Ashley said and Jayden nodded.

"Don't tell me to calm down! The mother of my unborn baby has gone M.I.A. after misreading what she saw."

"What did she see?" Jayden asked.

"Me kissing Michelle. But she kissed me, I didn't kiss her back," Mark tried to reason.

"Wow, that's something," Ashley said.

"Jayden, do you know anywhere your sister may have gone? She's not answering her phone," Mark wondered.

"Did you try calling Charli?" Jayden said, trying to offer some help.

"Charli! How could I forget? I'm calling her now." Mark dialed Charli's number and she answered soon after.


"Charli, Destiny-

"I already know. She told me everything. I honestly think she's being irrational, but it comes with being pregnant."

"Great, so you know where she's going?" Mark asked sounding hopeful.

"Sadly, no. She didn't tell me where she was heading off to." Charli knew she was lying, but also knew Destiny would do the same for her. In fact, Destiny has done the same for her.

"Ok, fine. You'll tell me if you hear anything right?" Mark asked.

"Yeah, I will. She's such a wreck right now though. It probably won't be a while unfortunately." Lying was becoming a second nature to her. She knew she should tell Mark since he was the father of her godchild, but her friendship with Destiny overpowers her conscience any day.

"Thanks, Charli. I'll talk to you later I guess," Mark said sounding defeated. Charli knew Destiny better than Jayden. If neither one of them knew where she was, he might as well give up. The stubbornness in him prevented this from happening, however. He would just have to think about all the places she would go to.

Destiny arrived at the airport after a 30 minute nap. She paid the cabbie and then exited out. She entered the airport and looked for a clerk. Most of the lines were long, but she found one that wasn't so long. She stood on the line for 15 minutes, waiting for her turn.

"Next!" the airport clerk screamed.

Destiny walked up the booth. "Excuse me, can I get a one-way ticket to San Fernando, Trinidad?"

Author's Note: This is the end of SOS, but not the end of the story. Right now, I'm focusing on another story and when I'm done, I'll write the sequel to SOS