A Royal Meeting- Last Chapter.

Waah~! I have to end it here... that makes me sad. Well, I'll pack in as much writing as I can. I look forward to writing many other BelFran's soon too.

*sigh* Alright. Here goes nothing.
Fran: It is SO not nothing. You really shouldn't use that phrase with fanfictions.
Me: Sorry.
Bel: The prince is waiting.
Me: Sorry. And I'm still seeing twenty-sixes... it's so scary...

7:00 PM, same day I left off.

"Ah, today seemed to just drone on forever," Bel complained, both hands on the back of his head.

"Master and skylark-san have been in their room since lunch. Makes me kind of wonder what they're doing," Fran commented.

"I'll bet if we walk by their room, we'll have a pretty good idea," the prince chuckled, before glancing back at his kouhai. Fran was walking a bit slower than usual, and Bel was wondering why. "Something wrong? You're lagging a bit today."

"If I said that for some unknown reason, my hips are giving me hell today, would you believe me?" Fran deadpanned.

"Oh. Sorry, Froggy," the prince giggled, understanding immediately. "The prince can't help it, he's been trying so hard not to scare off his kouhai for so long... and now that Froggy won't be running away... shishishi~."

"Yeah, well just don't get carried away. I have training to work on still, and, I'm not sure if you know this, but when Master and I are both limping, it's very difficult to get much done," Fran told the prince seriously.

"Fine, should I just save it all for nighttime?" Bel asked.

"That might not work either," his kouhai sighed, "then I'll just be uncomfortable in the morning."

"Well, the prince isn't about to wait until we get back in Italy," Bel growled. Fran sighed again.

"Alright, we can try to make things work as they are. ... But I expect a seme role at least once," he told his senpai.

"No," the prince refused, before suddenly picking up the younger boy in his arms. Fran blinked twice, recognizing the position he was in, and immediately started to complain.

"Senpai, put me down! I'm not a girl!" he said, squirming. The prince just held him closer.

"Doesn't matter. If Froggy's going to walk slow, then the prince will carry him. It's as simple as that," he said with a grin.

"Don't use that 'this is the way things are' tone on me, just put me down, I'll walk faster, I promise!"

"No," Bel told him. With that, the prince started down the hall again, with a protesting Fran in his arms.

"I was just returning the favor."

"What favor? Come on, you can't do all that and not mean it!"

"Stop complaining, shark trash, and be glad I did that at all."

"Yeah, while everyone was watching, and now everyone thinks we're a couple!"

"Do you think we're not?"


Squalo looked at Xanxus, meeting the blood-red gaze. Was he implying that he returned Squalo's feelings? Squalo couldn't help letting slip the whisper, "Xanxus..."

The Varia's boss almost glared, but instead replied in the usual sharp tone, "I love you."

Squalo honestly was worried that this was just another dream, but when the boss started to walk away again, Squalo didn't hesitate to follow. "I... I love you too, boss!" he managed. Xanxus hmph'd and took the shark's hand.

"What do you say to going out for steak?"

A few hours later...

Fran rolled over in the bed. "Aw~, senpai, did you fall on the floor again?"


No response.



Still no response.

Fran sat up and turned on the light. "Senpai?" He looked around the room. "Probably in the kitchen," he sighed, getting out of the bed. He left the room, and looked for signs of Bel. Like an animal, the prince always left something behind. Fran felt against the wall, and soon felt something stuck into it. He pulled out the knife, and looked at it. There was blood on the blade. "It's not Halloween, senpai," he scolded the prince quietly.

He walked further down the hall, his hand brushing against the wall, and decided against pulling out the rest of the knives, insetead just touching them barely to guide himself. Finally, he reached the kitchen. The prince was seated in a chair, eating, as Fran had expected, strawberry ice cream. Fran noticed the cut on the prince's arm and glanced back at the knife. "Senpai," he called, walking in over by the prince. "Why did you cut yourself?"

"Hi, Froggy," the prince replied, "I left a trail of bloody knives so I'd find my way back without making any noise." Fran sighed heavily and took the seat beside the prince.

"Where'd you even find the ice-cream?" he asked.

"The prince's new friend got it for him."


Someone Fran hadn't seen very many times before suddenly walked into the room, this one holding a bowl of chocolate ice-cream. "Yare yare, I don't suppose you came for a midnight snack too?" he asked.

Fran shook his head and pointed at Bel. "I was looking for him," he explained.

"Ah," the other said, taking a seat opposite them. "I was looking for the ice-cream myself when he walked in. He suddenly ordered me to get him food, and, I guess I've gotten into the habit of carrying out people's orders. I'm Lambo, by the way."

"Nice to meet you. You're the Lightning of the Vongola?" Fran asked, taking the other's hand and shaking it.


"I'm Fran. The Varia's Mist. Fake-prince here is the Varia's Storm," Fran introduced.

"I knew about the Storm, I can barely recall him from the ring battles," Lambo said, "But I was sure that someone different was the Mist."

Bel made a whimpering noise and plugged his ears. "Don't talk about Monta."

Fran wrapped an arm around the Storm, trying to comfort him. "Yeah, Mammon was the Mist guardian at that time. But we don't like to talk about him."

"Sorry," the Lightning guardian said, drinking a glass of milk that he'd also gotten.

"Anyway, what is it with you and cows?" Fran asked, assuring the prince that they were done discussing Mammon.

"Nothing. I just like cows," the other said with a faint blush.

"His main weapons are horns," Bel told him. "And the prince thinks his main attack was called 'Eletricco Cornada'." (A/N: Did I misspell it? If so, sorry...)

"Huh," Fran said, "I heard your older self really beat up Levi."

"Yeah... but then the effects of the Ten-Year-Bazooka wore off and I got really hurt as a kid," the young Guardian sighed.

"Levi can get really angry if anyone makes him look bad," Bel explained. "He's not exactly the nicest guy there is."

"That's a given," Fran agreed, before yawning widely. "Hurry and finish up here, senpai, I want to get back to bed."

"Don't order the prince, Froggy."

"Whatever, fake prince-senpai."

Lambo finished his nighttime snack faster than Bel regardless of getting it later than Bel. He yawned and stretched. "I'm going to bed now... you don't need to clean up, I don't mind getting it when I sneak more food later."

Fran laughed a bit at the comment. "Thanks, Lambo."

The other smiled and walked out of the kitchen. Almost as soon as he'd left, Fran felt himself suddenly get attacked by the prince, who just HAD to kiss his Froggy. Fran had closed his eyes out of being startled, but reopened them when he knew what was happening. He kissed back, as he'd promised the prince he would, and moves a hand up to brush those bangs to the side. He was disappointed to find that the prince's eyes were closed anyway. The prince didn't even give him warning before suddenly shoving his tongue past Fran's lips. Fran could taste the strawberry ice cream, and was pursuaded into participating in the deeper part of the kiss.

It wasn't until the taste of strawberry was long faded that the prince pulled back, his grin even wider than usual. "See why the prince likes ice cream?"

"Huh," Fran said. "Senpai, don't waste time, just hurry and finish so we can get back to bed. I'm tired."

Bel pouted at his kouhai's indifference, but obediently returned to his dessert again.

Hibari tried to wriggle out of the illusionist's grip, but failed miserably. He sighed quietly to himself. He hadn't expected the older illusionist to grow so close to him in such little time. It was annoying and nice at the same time. He decided against protesting further, and instead eased into the embrace and rested his head against the other's chest. He wrapped his arms around the other's neck, and smiled when he felt the illusionist's hug tighten slightly. He slowly reached a hand up further, and pulled out the ponytail that kept Mukuro's hair in that pineapple shape, then flicked the band onto the floor. There was going to be a panicing Mukuro in the morning, and Hibari was going to savor every moment.

"How do you plan to get us back again?" Fran quietly asked his senpai.

"You're kidding, right?" the prince laughed, "I can practically see the way!"

"Oh, I get it. I just need to cover my eyes with my bangs. Sorry, but I'll have to take off the hat in order to-"

"That's not it, Froggy!" Bel protested. "Can't you sense it?"

"... The only thing I sense is that you're getting crazier," Fran said. The prince sighed heavily.

"You really can't," he growled, "the prince is very suprised."

"Come on, senpai, stop being mysterious and explain!" Fran protested. Bel suddenly reached up to the wall and pulled something off of it, then moved it right up to Fran's face.

"Smell," he ordered.

"What the hell, senpai- ah... is that blood?" Fran asked, only now detecting the scent.

"Yes!" Bel said, happy that the kouhai finally detected it, even if it was right in front of his face, and that was the only reason.

"How many times did you stab yourself, senpai?"

"I'll show you when we get to the room- don't worry, it was very organized."

The prince started walking down the hall, taking out many knives along the way. Fran followed, getting worried as the number of knives increased. 'How many stab wounds could he take in the first place?'

Finally, the prince paused. "Here," he said. He opened the door, and flinched as the light washed over him. Fran followed the prince inside, and closed the door behind them. The prince walked over the bed and sat down, and Fran suddenly noticed the lack of bloodstains on his clothes. Confused, the kouhai joined the prince on the bed. Bel rolled up his sleeve, and Fran saw that there was only one cut, on a large vein, however. Fran saw as more of the blood seeped out of the wound as soon as Bel had lifted up his sleeve.

"You stupid prince, a cut like that could kill you!" Fran protested, holding the other's arm and looking anxiously at the wound.

"No it couldn't. Stab wounds are too scared to attack the prince," Bel giggled.

"Senpai, stab wounds are not people. They're stab wounds," Fran insisted, looking around for a bandage. Amazinly, he managed to find some gauze, and he was quick to bandage the wound. The prince watched him with intrest and slight suprise until the wound was tended to.

"Froggy," he whispered. Fran looked up at him.

"I'd rather you stab me than yourself, senpai," he said.

Bel blushed deeply. "Okay."

Fran smiled then, and reached for the light. "Come on, let's get to sleep, ne?"

Bel nodded and lied back down, gently touching the bandage on his arm. 'Such a small thing can affect me if it's involved with Froggy...,' he thought. The light was turned off, and Bel was delighted when he felt Fran pull him into an embrace. He didn't hesitate to hug the kouhai back, and sighed when he realized that his kouhai wasn't able to rest his head on the prince's chest because of the hat.

"Alright," he finally gave in, "You can take off the hat at night."

Fran smiled up at him. "Thanks, senpai."

"Don't thank me. I might make you put it back on," the prince growled. Fran carefully took off the hat and set it beside him on the ground before embracing Bel again and snuggling up close to him.

"I love you, senpai."

"I love you too, Fran."

"A new type of weapon?" asked Bel, and Fran knew the prince was gripping his knives tightly.

"Yes," said the Vongola boss. "The weapons that the Millefiore are using are called Box Weapons. Believe it or not, we've managed to get some here, and we plan to equip everyone here with at least one Box Weapon."

Xanxus looked actually intrested in this method, so Fran and Bel decided it was probably important. "As long as you can light flames on your rings, this is very much so possible," the boss explained, "because injecting Deathperation flames into a box is what opens it. Xanxus, come here please."

To everyone's suprise, Xanxus actually walked up to the other boss, and looked at him with slight curiosity. "Scum," he acknowleged.

The Vongola boss nodded as though he'd made an important decision, and passed a box to Xanxus. "I have chosen to give you one of the strongest weapons here. The Sky-Storm Liger, Ligre Tempesta di Cielo."

Everyone watched as Xanxus accepted the unusual weapon, and placed it in his jacket. "These are the rest for your Guardians," Tsunayoshi said, holding six more. "The Varia may train alone or along with my own Guardians, either way works."

Somewhere in the crowd Lussuria could be heard, 'Ryohei-chan~! Let's train together!' followed by a shout of 'extreme!'.

Xanxus stepped back to the Varia and handed each member a box weapon the color of their flame. "Shark trash, I expect you in bed with me tonight," he said when he handed Squalo his.

"I know, boss," sighed Squalo.

Unfortunately for Lussuria, Xanxus had decided that the Varia were going to open their boxes at the same time, everyone but himself. So the Varia were circled up in the training room, all holding their boxes in hand and flames lighted.

"Alright, NOW!" Squalo shouted.

"Open box!" everyone said, punching the flames into the box. There was a moment in which flames just flew out of the boxes, but they all ended up materializing into unique forms. Squalo was happy to see that he'd gotten a shark, and a very large shark at that. Levi had gotten some sort of manta ray, it had seemed. (A/N: Sorry, not exactly sure what it was, but it was at least LIKE a manta ray...)

Lussuria squealed and started fussing over his box weapon instantly upon realizing that it was a peacock.

"Pea-chan!" he decided on the name instantly.

Bel looked to his shoulder and saw a mink that was sitting there happily, grinning the same grin as Bel. "Shishi~!" Bel giggled upon seeing the mink. It even had the same haircut as him. The prince was quite content with this.

"Shishi~," the mink echoed in a much higher voice. Fran couldn't tear his eyes off of his own box weapon.

"Senpai," he called. "I think I got a dud."

Bel walked over to the kouhai and burt into laughter at the kouhai's box weapon. It was practically a mini version of Belphagor, only it looked more like a puppet and was built on a spring that was built into the Box.

"Aww~! Lussuria said, seeing the weapon, "That's so cute, Fran-chan!"

Fran sighed heavily, but it wasn't that he hated the box weapon. After all, it DID look like Belphagor. There was suddenly a huge crashing noise, and everyone turned to see that Squalo's shark had decided that Levi was food. "Voi!" Squalo shouted, "I'm going to get along well with this guy!"

Fran sighed as his Box Weapon stayed perfectly still, looking more like a shield than anything else. Maybe that was the point.

Belphagor kept the mink out all day, and it just stood on his shoulders the whole time. He'd decided to name it Mink, obviously. As for Fran, his box weapon had automatically returned. He soon learned that Mink wasn't super fond of him, but Bel scolded the little animal whenever it showed any contempt.

The two may have had little fights, but they still loved each other in the end. Fran always stayed by Bel's side. He cast illusions to help them in battle, while Bel was the center of the attack, the storm. Fran never deceived Bel, regardless of being Mist. Bel was always the one who he relied on.

As for Mukuro, he'd done something to get himself back in prison, so Hibari was planning with Fran, Ken and Chikusa for how to break him out again.

Squalo had taken the official place of Xanxus's right hand, and for that matter, Squalo seemed unusually much quieter now.

-End Chapter.

Belphagor: The author is too busy being upset about ending the story, so the prince will wrap it up.
Me: No... I have the ability to do that much. *takes breath* This is the last of A Royal Meeting. Please Review... and... I will continue writing fanfictions for Bel and Fran... Fran: Didn't your mom say she wanted you off the laptop for a week? Me: Shh! Don't SAY that!
Fran: (She said she didn't want you to fanfiction for a week.)
Me: (Don't think it either, they can still hear you!)
Mukuro: What did I do to get put in Vendicere?
Me: I dunno, but by the NineYL mark, you're there. That's all I know. And then, Fran, Ken and Chikusa help get you out.
Mukuro: *sighs heavily*
Me: Please review~!
Belphagor: Ushishishishi...