Zero and Taka sat, on the cold stone floor for what seemed like an eternity, entangled in each other's arms.

"Akatsuki, Chairman please…can't you take him from this place? This damp cold prison isn't helping! He needs light, warmth and comfort!"

"Child, since Zero's transformation, he is an exceeding danger to not only himself but everyone else…we cannot risk th-"

"Oh please! I BEG OF YOU! Let me take care of him?! His own room would be far better than here and I'll stay there and take care of him…"

"Akatsuki…" Ruka laid a hand on his arm. "Perhaps she is right; this can't be the place for him to recover; if anything it will only deepen his depression and weaken his constitution further…"

"Very well. But Taka you must be vigilant. And be very careful of yourself! He's not well and he's hardly himself; don't put yourself in any unnecessary danger."

She nodded her agreement and that night, Zero was moved from the cold isolation of the dungeon and replaced in his old room at Chairman Cross's home.

# # # #

For the next three weeks, Taka took careful care of Zero as he recovered. She never let anyone else overtake the responsibility of his care-all of it fell to her and she was perfectly happy and satisfied. He was still very weak and for the first week and a half, it was nearly impossible for her to leave his side; he often panicked and flew into a frenzied rage at her absence. As a result, she had to have a house servant bring his food to her in his room so that she was not out of his sight even for a moment. Even when he took long hot baths as part of his healing process, she would sit just on the other side of the curtain and talk to him as he sat in the steaming hot liquid. At night, she would read to him until he fell into a fitful sleep and then she would take a blanket from the closet and curl up on the floor to sleep, in case he needed her in the night.

At the end of these three weeks however, his constitution had greatly improved and he even grew accustomed to her being absent for a few hours at a time. He was still on edge and tense in her absences but it was bearable.

It was early Spring and one morning, Taka decided that it was time for Zero to take some time out of doors. She'd heard that during her long absence over the fall and winter, that he'd hardly been out of doors after he'd given up hope of ever finding her. And even after she'd come back, he'd been too sickly to withstand the outdoors. But today was uncommonly warm for late March; the sun was shining and there wasn't even a breeze which made the air warm and inviting. Taka climbed the stairs to Zero's room and gently knocked. "Zero, it's me; it's a beautiful day outside-why don't we take a bit of a walk."

There was a noise from within; a slight rustling of fabric and shuffling feet and then the turn of the lock. "Taka-come in, sorry I was just napping."

Zero stood in the doorway in black dress pants and a thin grey tunic shirt that showed off his broad muscular shoulders, chest and toned arms. He'd been so weakened before yet his maddened state had at the same time, affected his physique; he was taller, broader and much more muscular than he'd ever been before and there were even lines in his face that marked age-but also wisdom. It was still Zero-but he was different. Even his hair-though it had been somewhat trimmed-still hung down longer than it had even been and a shadow of stubble along his jaw line and chin made him look even older. "Zero-how old are you?"

He glanced at her from across the room where he was placing a few shirts in his wardrobe. "Twenty, Taka."

She gasped ever so slightly. "My-it's been two years, has it, since I met you?"

He thought for a moment and then smiled softly. "Why yes, I guess it has been."

"Hmmm…it seems so long ago."

"You'd be eighteen now then, wouldn't you?"

"In two weeks, yes." She smiled shyly. "Zero I-I'm so sorry. I never should've left you."

He turned his grey-violet eyes on her but her head was bowed and her hands folded in front of her, nervously twisting her fingers. He moved across the room to her and tilted her chin upwards until she looked at him. "Taka…you were doing what you thought was right-to save me. It's not you're fault."

"But-If I had gone to someone; maybe Akatsuki because he surely would've known what to do; I nearly killed you!"

"Taka, enough." He pulled her into his arms and she gasped as she felt the insane heat of his body as his arms enveloped her. "I don't want you blaming yourself for any of this any longer; its in the past and the only thing that matters now is that you're back-you're safe and you're here-with me."

She breathed heavily as she heard the rhythm of his heartbeat-matching the rhythm of her own. Her small hands inched their way up to his chest as she gently pushed back enough to look up into his face. "You don't blame me then?"

His fingers tangled into her hair as he caught the scent of Twilight wood coming off her skin and hair. "No, Darling-I never blamed you. I was angry because I knew from the start that it had to be something that Kaname told you. But my anger was never once directed towards you."

She could barely breathe as she felt his hot breath on her face as he spoke softly to her. She nearly passed out when he bent his head down, pressing a kiss to her forehead and she was thankful for his arm around her waist, supporting her.

"Now, how about that walk?"

She smiled as he stood back and took her hand, leading her towards the door. Once they were outside, he inhaled deeply and took in the sight about him. Most of the town was still under construction but a good portion of it had already been restored to even better condition than it had been before the battle. Taka tugged him in the direction of the school and soon they were walking the familiar grounds surrounding the moon dormitories. There were several new faces he didn't recognize but many faces were still those of students who had been there for years. He spotted Akatsuki and Ruka walking along the stone paths that lead through the maze and he raised his hand and waved. They smiled and waved back as they continued on.

"So, has he asked Ruka to marry him yet?"

Taka laughed at his exasperated remark. "I don't think so-not yet but I have a feeling he wants to ask her around Christmas-it being her favorite holiday and all; Ruka's always thought the winter romantic.

"Pssh, romantic. It's colder than the devil. I hate the winter."

"As do I-it's much colder in the mountains though; you wouldn't believe it unless you lived it for yourself."

"You were there for over half a year, Taka-what was it like?"

"It was lonely. Isolated-the orphanage where I was living at was overrun by children who had lost their parents in the war-the resistance is still very much alive in the mountain villages-it feels like a completely different world up there."

"Was there anyone in particular that you became close to?"

She smiled softly to herself, knowing Zero was discreetly searching to see if she'd met someone and therefore, had something to go back to. "No. None of the men in the village really wasted their time in conversing with the women; they were gone most of the time, furthering the resistance…I only had a few friends with some of the other house mothers at the orphanage. One of the men seemed somewhat interested in my daily well-being but-I made it quite obvious that I preferred keeping to myself."

Zero took her hand and helped her over the stepping stones in the river as they came to a small clearing surrounded by cherry blossom trees and the old ruins of a Japanese meditating temple. It was one of the many historical landmarks on the school grounds but only a select few inhabitants of the moon dormitories, knew of its existence. Taka settled on a nearby stone bench as Zero walked a few paces away from her to the small, broken down enclosure where holy monks once meditated, hundreds of years ago. There wasn't much of the temple left but there were still a few portions of the walls that still stood and even a few outcroppings that represented individual rooms where rituals were held. It was a beautiful place and as he turned back to see Taka sitting just a few paces away from him, he couldn't imagine her looking anymore beautiful or being in a more perfect place with her at this moment. He paced back to her and seated himself beside her and the two of them sat in silence, listening to the river as it tumbled over rocks and the sound of the falls cascading down the nearby cliffs. Taka wore a native Japanese tunic dress in a soft peach shade that brought out the fairness of her skin. It flowed down past her petite feet and for a fleeting moment, Zero contemplated moving the hem of it aside to afford him a view of them. Just then, Taka stood to her feet and raised the hem of her dress to allow her to walk easily-her feet peaking out from beneath the folds of fabric. She climbed the few broken steps that lead higher up on the mountainside and turned to Zero.

"Let's walk to the falls. They must be so beautiful this time of year!"

"Taka, be careful, don't move too fast-"

Taka's foot slipped and she went flying backwards, slamming into Zero's chest.

He picked her up, bridal style and looked at her astonished eyes. "I told you-be careful."

With that, He carried her the rest of the climb up the side of the mountain-it was about a fifteen minute climb to the falls and once they'd reached it, He set Taka down gently. It was a small clearing surrounded by giant boulders, cherry blossoms and there was even a small grassy spot near the small pool beneath the falls. This spring was mountain-fed but there was some strange biological affect in the stones that made out the basin; they were constantly radiating heat and therefore, the small pool beneath the falls was like a hot spring, steaming as the icy falls hurled off the cliffs into its depths.

"It's so beautiful here!" Taka breathed as she came to the edge of the pool and dipped her toes beneath its surface. "Mmm, the water's perfect." Just then, a flash of movement to her left caused her head to turn just in time to see Zero discard his shirt and splash into the water. She gasped as he came to the surface.

"You're right, the water's perfect. Taka com'on! Come swim with me."

"Zero I-I can't swim in this-"

He eyed her form for a moment and then took a deep breath before he spoke. "Well-then don't. Just leave it on the rock over there." He gestured towards the large flat rock where he'd left his shirt. She followed his gesturing hand to the rock. Biting her lower lip she looked back at him.

"I suppose I could-" she broke off as Zero walked out of the water towards her. He stood in front of her, watching her eyes as his hands skillfully untied the wrap of her robe as it slid off her shoulders to the ground. She gasped as she felt his arms encircle her bare skin as he picked her up and carried her into the warm water. She sighed as its warm liquid engulfed her up to her shoulders.

Zero never let go of her but held her loosely in his arms so she could enjoy the warm water. "It's amazing isn't it?" He asked her as she closed her eyes and leaned back, floating on the surface.

"It's the most amazing feeling ever-and it's so warm!"

"It is."

She came up and wrapped her arms around his neck, resting her head against his shoulder. "I wish we could just stay here-like this."

"So do I, Taka."

She shivered. The thought of how he was holding her so close-and she was naked, drove her mad; she wanted to feel his lips on hers but she was too timid to attempt it. She felt herself being lowered to stand on her feet in the shallows but she kept her hands on Zero's arms to steady herself.

Just then, Zero's hand cupped her cheek and she turned to look up at him. His eyes searched hers for a long moment. "Taka."


He waited at length before he responded. "Do you still love me?"

Her eyes widened slightly as the serious intensity of his question fell on her ears. She wondered how he could doubt her love for him. She moved in closer to him and as best she could, stood up on her tiptoes and kissed his mouth.

That was enough to release the fire that lurked just beneath the surface of Zero's skin. His fingers clawed at her back as he pulled her in closer. She whimpered but she loved the feeling of his desperation as his arms gripped her and held her against him. He moved his right hand to entangle in her hair, pressing her lips more firmly into his. Suddenly, he could feel the burning in his throat as he sensed her blood surging just beneath the surface of her skin. She pulled back and turned her head upwards, gasping for breath. Her throat was bare and accessible to him but he held back-he didn't know what to do. His instincts told him to bite the tender flesh but his human mind held his lust at bay.

Taka sensed his muscles tense and she knew he must be struggling against his bloodlust. But a part of her didn't want him to fight it; she wanted him to give in and taste her blood and her fingers intertwined into his hair, on impulse. She pulled his face closer to her neck, tilting her head back further to expose her throat. "Zero-please."

"Taka no-you-you don't know what you're asking."

"I do know. I want you to-please, Zero-please!"

Her soft voice begged and pleaded with him-he knew he wouldn't be able to refuse now. Wrapping his fingers around the back of her neck with his right hand, he then cradled her back with his left arm as his lips brushed the skin along her shoulder to her neck. His eyes glowed a hint of red as his tongue flicked out, tracing lines along her shoulder and neck.

Taka moaned as her fingers tangled into his hair, pulling him closer to her.

Her scent overwhelmed him and the sounds he effected from her made his blood burn even more with desire. Soon, her pulse point pounded beneath his trembling lips and with one swift but gentle movement, he plunged his fangs beneath the surface of her delicate skin.

Taka inhaled sharply and every muscle in her body tightened-her legs tightened around his waist and her arms tightened around his neck, her fingers gripped his hair fiercely.

He couldn't believe how sweet her blood tasted-so sweet and so right. He knew then that she was always meant for him and he for her. Her blood called his name since the first moment he'd met her but more than that; his heart had ached every moment that they'd been separated and now that he had her with him again, in his arms and he could finally taste her, he finally understood all of her secrets, her hopes and how every fiber of her being wanted him and him alone. From that moment on, they could never be apart and he made a vow to never let her out of his sight or out of his heart. "Taka…" He breathed, finally pulling back for a breath of air as he gazed at her beautiful face which was only flushed from pure excitement.


He hesitated for a split second, reveling in allowing his eyes to just roam over every inch of her perfect beauty; her chest heaved up and down as she panted heavily, catching her breath. Her eyes were sparkling and there was a very evident glow about her face as well-her long ebony black hair flowed carelessly around her shoulders and down her back. He set her down gently but not for a moment did he let go-his arms still held her around the waist very securely and her body was pressed against his as he brought a hand up to cup her cheek. He gazed deeply into her Burgundy eyes and slowly, he leaned his forehead against hers. "I love you-Marry me."

Her eyes widened as tears pooled in their depths and the most radiant of smiles broke out on her crimson lips. Tear drops escaped from beneath her eyelashes and Zero caught each one, brushing them away with his slender fingers. She couldn't speak, but only smiled at him through her tears.

Suddenly, he reached into the inside pocket of his shirt and pulled out a silver circular band with a burgundy diamond set in the center.

She glanced at it then back up at him as fresh tears of joy trailed down her cheeks. He slipped it onto her left ring finger and her eyes caught sight of a delicate inscription that read: My soul, My Love, My Crimson Desire.

She smiled and brought her lips to his as she whispered fervently, "And you are mine, my love."

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Well this is the final chapter for this story. It has been quite a journey and I want to thank all of my Crimson Desire fans for all of your helpful advice, comments, feedback and awesome support! I will be following this chapter up with one more but it will be an epilogue type of thing so I hope all of you have enjoyed this journey just as much as I have! Stay tuned though; I have other stories that you all should check out, I think you'll love them and one of these days, I just might come back with another Fanfic for Japanese Manga! Xoxo