A/N: Thank you again to all that left reviews and/or added Brave New World to their favorites. It was one of my favorite stories to write and thoroughly enjoyed the journey with all of you. Therefore, this story is a continuation containing a series of vignettes of how they spent their summer. It takes place directly where BNW ended.
Description: After graduation, Damon has swept Elena away on an extravagant Italian excursion. With the wish to discover the pleasures of love, laughter, food and wine, and romance which neither one will ever forget.
Disclaimer: I don't own ANYTHING VD related but if I did the love triangle would NOT be going on as long as it did.
The beginning is a slow start or slow burn (if you will), with assurances of steamy, sexy and lightheartedness throughout the remaining chapters. Please enjoy!
Inspirational – Do not follow where the path may lead go instead where there is no path….AND LEAVE A TRAIL
Elena was too excited that she hardly slept, she simply could not contain her enthusiasm.
By the time Damon arrived it was just past noon. Saying her goodbyes, she quickly hugged Jenna and Jeremy.
"Take good care of her," Jenna said.
A huge grin crept onto his face, "Don't worry, I will." There was a hint of mischief behind his promise. He carried her bags as they walked out the door.
Elena gasped. A black stretch limo was waiting for them in her driveway. The driver got out and opened the door for her then Damon handed the bags over and followed her.
She looked at him in awe, smiling. "You don't do anything without flare, do you?" She said as Damon climbed into the car and the driver closed the door behind him.
"Of course, I'm Damon Salvatore." He grabbed her by the waist. "Come here." He nuzzled his face against her neck and she squealed.
He breathed in deeply, savoring the arousal scented energy wafting from her skin. His own desire rose.
"I forgot to mention a change in plans."
"Oh. Tell me."
He smiled and winked. "I'll do one better, here," handing her a brochure. He decided at the last minute that they would stay on the Island of Capri in the Gulf of Naples.
She read the brochure – Capri Island has always been a favorite vacation venue for the rich and famous. It's one of the plushest destinations and at this time of the year it was simply gorgeous. The island with its white beaches, charming villas and garden terraces filled with flowers and spectacular views of the blue water was a definite haven for romance.
"It sounds amazing," she said as sitting it aside. "Honestly, it really doesn't matter as long as we're together." She let a heavy sigh. "And we're away from here and all the drama."
"In that case." He said with a devilish grin. "After a long, insufferable night without you. I intend to have my way with you."
"And the driver?" She asked, her voice several octaves lower than usual.
"Is very discreet and the modesty screen between us is soundproof and one way. We can see him, but he can't see us."
Elena seated herself comfortably on the plush leather seat. A bottle of Cristal sat in a waiting ice bucket with chilled glasses beside it.
"You don't have to get me drunk to have your way with me."
"Oh, I know." He reached for the glasses and the champagne. "But we've officially been an item for a whole six months. And as that's something of a record for me. I thought it was worth a celebration."
"Your eternal stud reputation damaged?"
"Alas, yes. But all it took was the right woman to curb my straying ways." He poured the champagne and handed her a glass, then raised his own. "To the right woman."
She clicked her glass against his and said teasingly, "I'd love to say 'to the right man', but hey, I'm not entirely sure you're him yet."
He made a low sound deep in his throat and pulled her toward him. "I am the right man. In fact, I intend to be the only man in your life." He kissed her hard, leaving her breathless, then added. "And, for the next twelve weeks, you are mine, and only mine."
He kissed her again. After a while his voice was rough and urgent. "I want you," he said.
"But you can't have me. Not yet."
"Then what can I have?"
"Oh, this and that." She slid her butt down his legs until she was kneeling in front of him. Unzipping his pants, she freed his throbbing shaft.
Desire and anticipation swirled around her, so thick, so strong that it sent little droplets of perspiration skittering across her skin. She lightly ran her tongue across the base of his shaft. His moan of pleasure was all the encouragement she needed to continue.
She licked her way up and down, occasionally taking in his balls, enjoying the tremble of pleasure that ran through his body, the way his cock leapt and throbbed with eagerness. She smiled and swirled her lips around the tip of him before taking him fully into her mouth.
Again, he moaned – a sound thick with enjoyment – as she drew him deeper, sucking and tasting and teasing him until his movements became desperate and the taste of him began seeping into her mouth.
She brought him to the edge but pulled back. He groaned deeply.
His hands wrapped around her arms and he was pulling her up and his mouth claimed hers.
"Now it's your turn to ache," he whispered after a while.
And he did as he promised, touching, teasing and making her tremble and ache.
"Enough," she said, not able to take it any longer.
"Then what do you want now?"
"You," she said and thrust down on him.
As bad luck and timing would have it, the limo came to a slow stop. The driver's voice interrupted the heated silence through the intercom. "Mr. Salvatore, we're here."
It was her turn to groan deeply. Damon laughed. He leaned over, pressing the button to speak. "Give us five minutes."
Damon patted Elena softly on the butt, "Come on, kitten, we've got to go."
By all counts she never considered herself spoiled but at this very moment she completely despised not getting her way. Under protest she climbed off Damon and began to straighten her clothing.
Damon glanced at her, amused by her impatience.
As soon they were both presentable, the driver opened the door.
Damon was definitely full of surprises and it absolutely impressed Elena beyond anything she could ever imagine. He was always generous but never this lavish.
There sat on the tarmac was a private jet. Damon placed his hand on the small of her back and started to walk. As they got closer to the plane, the pilot greeted them. "Mr. Salvatore." Then looked at Elena and smiled. "Ms. Gilbert." She nodded her head. "The plane is fueled and ready to go anytime you're ready."
"We can take off immediately," Damon responded.
Heat sizzled through Elena's stomach at his take charge demeanor. An unnerving thought came to mind. What if this was all a ruse? What if he compelled these poor souls to think he was this rich jet-setter? She would have to find out at once. As much as she looked forward to this much needed trip, she would be damned if she was going along with such a farce. Not at the expense of hurting someone else.
As soon as they were settled onto the plane, Elena waited until they were alone. Sitting across from each other they were buckled in their seats. He looked happy that it made her insides melt. She loved seeing this side of him. But she was quite certain that she was the reason. A sense of pride rushed through her veins. And yet she was at war with her conscious.
It was announced that they would be departing within several minutes. She quickly snapped back to reality. It was now or never, she needed to find out now or else it would be too late.
Damon felt her apprehension strongly through their bond, "What's wrong, Elena? You're a thousand miles away."
Her voice a little shaky, "Damon, I love what you've done. But I need to know."
Confused and not completely following her, his eyebrows drew into a knitted scowl. "Know what?"
She leaned over, getting as close as she could and whispered, "Did you compel them?"
Relieved that it wasn't serious and his facial expression became relaxed. "What if I did?"
Not what she wanted to hear. "I can't believe this," she muttered. She quickly unbuckled her seat belt to leave.
He chuckled, then grabbed her by the arm for her to remain seated. "Look at me. Of course not. I have more money than I know what do with."
"Then why did you say that?" She asked, slightly frustrated, easing back into her chair.
"It was a test. I wanted to see if you truly trusted me."
"I..." she stammered. His eyes held her gaze, it was rare but once in a while you could see it. See the hurt, pain or betrayal.
"I'm sorry Damon. I don't know what I was thinking. I didn't get much sleep. And I'm not thinking clearly."
He nodded his head agreeing with her. "You don't have to explain. But I did think you of all people knew me and how much I've changed."
"I do, I have." She gave him her most innocent smile, but it didn't seem to offer him any comfort.
More than anything, she wanted to sit on his lap and wrap his strong arms around her to kiss his gorgeous face. But yet again, her timing was terrible, the plane began to move.
"Please Damon." She pleaded. But he ignored her, staring out the window.
After a while the flight attendant offered them a range of entertainment from books, magazines, an I pod or movies to watch. However, Damon ordered a drink while Elena opted for fashion magazines and I pod.
The moment they'd hit cruising height they had lunch and a few drinks. Damon's mood quickly changed. During lunch they discussed various topics including the 'The Mile High Club'.
"So," she said, walking over to the plane's plush bar grabbing a bottle of water. "Given we have over an eight hour flight ahead of us, what do you suggest we do?" She asked in her most seductive voice.
He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Why Elena, I didn't realize you wanted to join the club." She blushed.
"I can think of one or two things," he said, kissing the side of her neck. His lips were cool against her skin that she shivered.
"Only one or two." She said. "I thought you had a better imagination than that."
"Oh, I have. But given this is only an eight and half hour flight, I don't think we'll have time for the rest of them."
His lips captured hers. When they finally came up for air, the rapid pounding of her heart was a cadence that filled the silence. She opened her eyes, stared into his. She saw the desire burning bright – desire was both sexual and of need. He was controlling both urges, but the second only just.
"Do you want to go in the bedroom?" He whispered, his teeth grazing her earlobe and sending a heated shiver through her entire body.
"I don't care, as long as you promise to ravish me senseless." Her voice was heavy and she was practical out of breath.
"Oh, I don't think that's going to be a problem." He bent down and swept her up in his arms, then carried her into the plane's bedroom suite.
Once there he stripped her. Slowly, seductively, one piece of clothing at a time, exploring. By the time she was naked Elena was quivering with desire. Even so, she took the time to undress him, letting her fingers roam across the strong planes of his body.
Eventually, she kissed him. Whatever vestiges of control they had were totally and irreparably smashed by the force of the kiss.
They fell onto the bed wrapped in each other's arms, his swollen flesh driving deep into hers. He began to move, all she could do was move with him, savoring and enjoying the sensations flowing through her.
But it went far beyond the physical because their minds were joined as intimately as their bodies. That was an even more glorious sensation, filled with warmth, love and intimacy. And it made every physical move sharper, deeper, more resonant and powerful.
Their lovemaking was so incredible that Elena almost wanted to cry. Damon felt it and in that moment without a doubt, that it was time to get real about their relationship. To commit, wholly and fully to them.
Then his lips claimed hers again and the thought fled, lost to the pleasures new and old. His strokes became fierce, hungry thrusts that shook her entire body, and sweet pressure had begun to build low in her body, quickly reaching boiling point.
They came together, his roar echoing across the silence, his body slamming into hers so hard the whole bed shook. His kisses intensified as his body, but as he poured himself into her, his mouth left hers, his teeth grazing her neck. Damon pierced the delicate skin and drank her sweet blood greedily.
When she finally caught her breath, he took her face between his palms and kissed her long and slow. Then rolled onto the bed beside her and gathered her into his arms.
Looking down at her. "You have an extremely serious expression right at this moment," he commented, lightly running a finger across her lips. "Not the result I was looking for."
She kissed his fingertips, then said, "That's because I have a very serious question for you."
"What?" He smiled softly. "So, what's the oh-so-serious question?"
She hesitated. Not because she was uncertain but was relishing in the moment.
"It really just requires a yes or no answer. Nothing too difficult."
He raised an eyebrow. "So ask."
She smiled and placed her hands over his. "Will you move in with me, Damon Salvatore?"
For once, his vampire expression failed him. His response was right there on his face, in full view and easily read. He went from surprise to disbelief then hope and sheer utter joy all within a split second of each other.
Squeezing her tightly. "That is one question I never, ever thought you'd ask." He cupped her face between his hands and kissed her nose, her lips and chin then moved up to her lips again.
"So, do we have a deal?" She asked.
He stared at her outstretched palm. "Shouldn't we shake on it? Or something?" She asked.
He smiled then took her hand kissing it and pulling her on top of him. "Oh, I think we should seal the deal, but I had something a little more binding than a handshake in mind."
After several times of having steamy hot sex, as soon as they were done, Elena's eyes closed as quickly and easily as an exhausted child.
For hours Elena slept like a stone, stretched out on the bed across from him as he sipped on Bourbon, kicking back in his chair watching her.
After a while Damon indulged in a long shower and made a few calls, finalizing arrangements.
It was the movement of the plane beginning its long descent that woke her.
"Hello beautiful." He smiled down at her. "We're getting ready to land."
Elena nodded. He leaned down and gave her a quick kiss, "Come on, we have to buckle up."
As they looked through the windows at the spectacular view, Damon said. "Welcome to Italy."
Fade to black...TBC.