The huge church was filed with dark red roses with white roses in the mix. There was a beautiful archway, and had a handsome man with tears streaming down his face with happiness. The woman was standing with a few tears with a small smile.
Ino had tears in her eyes while Sai just smiled a real genuine smile. Each of them had a high dollar wedding ring on their hands. Beside them were their pokemon friends.
Sai has a Sceptile that apparently wished to be anywhere but here. It has a huge scowl on his face, and had its arms crossed in an annoyed matter.
Heatmor was even angrier about this than Sceptile, and was huffing smoke out of anger. He just glared at the archway and the two people on it.
Fearow wasn't acting himself however, and was actually having a good time. He stood by his little baby Spearow and this preteen girl's Fearow. This four year old girl had to take the Spearow from running away.
Manectric stood loyally and stayed still with dignity. He had a slight smile, and was watching with interest.
Crawdaughnt had anime tears streaming down his face out of happiness, and kept swaying out of excitement. Sai's other pokemon were beyond embarrassed.
Smeargle just kept painting the picture of the two at the archway. He showed no emotion, but you could tell he was enjoying himself because of his eyes.
Sai kept watching with that smile, and was hugging Ino with his arm…..the one he didn't lose in the fight against Deidara. Deidara was blown to bits, and Sai was lucky to have only lost his arm.
Ino was wrapped in Sai's arm, and was crying out of happiness. She just did that basically.
Blaziken was just as annoyed as Sai about the whole wedding as a lot of Sai's pokemon. It no longer cared about being there. It stood with angry eyes.
Roserade helped a little four year old American girl, Christine, walk with the petals. She happily smiled at the little girl and her Chikorita.
Gardevoir watched with a motherly fashion, and saved the little girl from injuring herself by falling.
Nidoking was mumbling about how annoying it was to be there, and stood beside Blaziken with a gruff expression. But in the inside, he loved weddings.
Dewgong kept trying to make sure everything was perfect, and kept being worked up. Gardevoir kept trying to calm her down.
Beautifly was high in the air along with Sakura's Butterfree, and was dropping red ribbons. Then all the pokemon who knew psychic moves let the ribbon sway slowly down.
The little four year old flower girl, stood with a confused expression. Her Chikorita sat beside her, and was also confused. She walked to her mom.
"Mommy. Why dwidn't I get a sucker? I bwought the wing to twem." Christine complained.
"Christine Yamanaka! Shame on you! You'll get cake later!" Ino exclaimed motherly.
"I dwo't want cake mommy! I want a lowipop!" Christine exclaimed.
"Fine! Later! Shh!" Ino exclaimed.
"Okay. Wove you!" Christine exclaimed.
"Love you too." Ino replied.
Sai chuckled at their antics. Chikorita went to Roserade to snuggle.
A nine year old girl with black hair and a blond strand of hair appeared bored at the thought of her first wedding. She sat by her dad, Sai, and had several pokemon with her.
She had Umbreon, Sneasle, Zorua, Riolu, and a Gothorita with her. They each didn't look happy and was rather annoyed.
"How long will this take?" Yuki asked.
"Don't worry, it won't take too long." Sai replied.
"Fine." Yuki replied.
Deidara junior and Jesse
Deidara sat with an emotionless expression with a Jolteon, Baltoy, and a Banette. He sat by his twin, Jesse.
People thought Sai was gay, they didn't meet this kid. He's had seven boyfriends in the last two months. He had a Glameow, Liepard, Delcatty, and a Persian. He kept staring at the groom's butt the whole time, before Deidara smacked him on the head.
"Hey! That hurt!" Jesse exclaimed hurtfully.
"I know. Quit being gay." Deidara ordered annoyed.
"It's harder than you think…." Jesse mumbled.
"What was that?" Deidara asked.
"Nothing!" Jesse exclaimed.
"That's what I thought, UN." Deidara replied.
Iris Sapphire Yamanaka (echo Uchiha's oc)
Iris wasn't like any of her other family members, except Deidara. She didn't act like any of them. She didn't care about being there, like Deidara. But she didn't like art or contest. She didn't like the same version like pokemon. She had a verity. She didn't dislike that Deidara's has a gym. She wanted to make her older brother proud, and decided to be a gym battler. She sat calmly by her Growlithe, Glaceon, Eevee, Leafeon, Cyndaquil, and Pikachu.
'I wonder if I should tell my family today….' Iris thought.
Sasuke sat in boredom as he watched the wedding. He had a smirk on, but this was taking forever. His eyes drifted to his girl friend, Sakura, and then it drifted back to the groom and bride.
Sasuke's Charizard wasn't sulking about the wedding, but he still wasn't having a great time. He sat leisurely beside his trainer, Sasuke.
Dusknoir floated in a angry matter, and seemed to be the most annoyed pokemon there. He kept glaring through the whole thing and apparently was bored to death.
Jolteon sat with a smirk through the whole thing. He tended to like the torture a lot of the other pokemon were feeling.
Cacturne had his arms folded and watched without happiness or annoyance. He seemed indifferent to the whole thing and wasn't really caring.
Skarmory watched with dignity and a smirk. He seemed to not mind the wedding, and in fact was trying to show off.
Milotic had a white veil and was having a great time. Tons of pokemon were fawning over her the whole time.
She was wrapped in Sasuke's arms, and was crying also. Sasuke sighed as he held her.
Blastoise seemed happy about the people getting married, and had a warm smile. He seemed proud of them.
Butterfree kept blushing while Beautifly kissed him. He was very happy and was having a great time.
Nidoqueen kept watching with interest, and was smiling. Like Blastoise, she was happy for the bride and groom.
Cherrim just kept dancing with a huge smile on. She was very happy, and was dancing among the flowers.
Espeon stood calmly beside her eggs, and kept glancing at her husband, Jolteon. Jolteon just glared back at her.
Magcargo was just sleeping, and had a snot bubble come out of his nose. Her other pokemon sweat dropped.
Naruto, the groom, stood with tears going down his face as he watched his bride. He just got done saying his vows, and was waiting for his bride.
Venusaur kept staring at the bride's butt, before his other pokemon glared at him. He sighed, and continued to watch without interest.
Gyarados, who was very angry about not being able to train, had become the strongest pokemon of the group. He glared through the whole thing, and was having a horrible time.
Togekiss was having such a good time that she was flying around the room. She seemed so happy that her master was getting married, finally.
Arcanine watched with loyalty and a warm smile. He felt so happy for Naruto that he was almost as happy as his master himself.
Tyranitar wanted to battle so bad, that he wanted this to be done as soon as possible. He needed to get stronger to defeat Gyarados, and just stood impatient, waiting for the kiss.
Magnezone floated indifferently, and didn't seem to care. It just kept glancing to each pokemon trying to find out what the big deal was.
Hinata had tears in her eyes as she kissed Naruto. The two were happy to be married.
Swampert sighed and just sat there. He stared like a happy father, but sad that he's giving Hinata away.
Frosslass just watched with happiness and looked dreamy at the newly married couple.
Bellossom had a huge smile on her face and started to sway. It seemed happy about the couple.
Ninetales came out with orange-white egg. Hinata was shocked to feel chakra in it.
"Narut-o….that egg has the kyubi's chakra!" Hinata exclaimed.
Naruto smiled and told her about her Ninetales and Kyubi's egg. The story was shocking, and Dustox just flew to her shoulder. Gallade came up from behind.
"Well, when the time comes, our baby can have the egg!" Naruto exclaimed with a fox grin, and dragged her along.
"Wait, what?" Hinata asked wide eyed.
At the Yamanka house
"I want to do gym battles!" Iris finally spoke up.
"Kay." The rest of the family replied.
Iris and her pokemon face planted and sweat dropped.
They continued the pokemon league and grand festival. However, only one became a champion. Naruto defeated Sasuke, who defeated Sai. However, he lost to Ash ketchum in the end.
Sakura defeated Ino in the festival. But she was defeated by some other coordinator. Hinata and Sai made it to the finals, which Hinata barely won. Hinata holds the festival position now.
After the battle against Deidara, Sai found out Deidara missed on purpose. He ended up finding out Deidara was also his brother. He found it in the akatsuki base in kanto. He wept afterwards, and that's why they named their son, Deidara.
Sai and Ino ended up getting married seven years after the akatsuki battle. However, they already got Ino pregnant beforehand.
Sasuke and Sakura are still not married.
Hinata and Naruto have gotten Hinata pregnant. One day, they'll have a baby. That baby will obtain a Caterpie egg, Vulpix/biju, and two Eevee.
They never saw the sanin or Trysten ever since that day Madara lost. For twelve whole years. They never found out that Trysten died a year after all the akatsuki died. Now Trysten's older sister stood there.
"Sigh…..time to go on fanfiction." Felicity stated. *a/n stormdragon666's oc
Her Scyther, Beedrill, and Nidorino followed her.
How was that? Good for a last chapter, right?
Sasuke: Charizard, Skarmory, Dusknoir, Milotic, Cacturne, Jolteon
Sakura: Blastoise, Butterfree, Magcargo, Cherrim, Nidoqueen, Espeon
Ino: Blaziken, Roserade, Dewgong, Nidoking, Beautifly, Gardevoir
Sai: Sceptile, Heatmor, Smeargle, Fearow, Manectric, Crawdaughnt
Naruto: Venusaur, Arcanine, Gyarados, Togekiss, Magnezone, Tyranitar
Hinata: Swampert, Gallade, Dustox, Bellossom, Ninetales, Frosslass
Iris: Eevee, Glaceon, Leafeon, Growlithe, Pikachu, Cyndaquil
Christine: Chikorita, Spearow
Deidara: Baltoy, Jolteon, Banette
Jesse: Delcatty, Persian, Glameow, Liepard
Yuki: Umbreon, Sneasle, Riolu, Zorua, Gothorita
Future baby: Eevee x2, Biju Vulpix, and a Caterpie